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Active Member
-When submitting a design of it, do u have to add your name to the image to show proof it is yours?
-Is it okay to use stock photos from search engines

I redid my Sarah's Cowgirl design using stock photos. It's a little crude if that's the right word but it's a lot better to imagine the idea than the drawing I did for last year. I will upload it to here as soon as i can figure out how without using URL.

EDIT: Here's my design (above)
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Well-Known Member
Ein never gets anything good and if there's something good to choose from TN will just pick the worst outfit and give it to him so eh. Don't care about this one, pass.

I'm sure most of the characters will have some pretty cool designs. Weather or not they get picked is up to TN but they are moderately competent ("mummy" costumes aside) at it so I'm sure mostly everyone will have something good. Best of luck to all entries.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I'm sure most of the characters will have some pretty cool designs. Weather or not they get picked is up to TN but they are moderately competent ("mummy" costumes aside) at it so I'm sure mostly everyone will have something good.
Hayabusa's Halloween designs are all of his worst ones, with only the pitifully low-rez Tatsunoko costume rivaling them in irritability.

They are his only costumes I have not purchased to this day.


Well-Known Member
Hayabusa's Halloween designs are all of his worst ones, with only the pitifully low-rez Tatsunoko costume rivaling them in irritability.

They are his only costumes I have not purchased to this day.
Hey, I said most characters. Sarah, Momiji, Mila are probably among the worst for girls. Ein by a landslide for the guys. Busa's not far behind, the Mummy costume was abysmal, but at least they kinda tried with the oni costume.

Um... what is Kasumi wearing? It doesn't make any sense... the design is cool though.
I'm gonna go with body paint.

Oh, I resubmitted my design cause why not.

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Well-Known Member
I don't really like the Kasumi one, it's doesn't seem tasteful to me.

So it's going to be the winning entry then.

View attachment 21183 Questions:
-When submitting a design of it, do u have to add your name to the image to show proof it is yours?
-Is it okay to use stock photos from search engines

I redid my Sarah's Cowgirl design using stock photos. It's a little crude if that's the right word but it's a lot better to imagine the idea than the drawing I did for last year. I will upload it to here as soon as i can figure out how without using URL.

EDIT: Here's my design (above)

Tina already has a costume of similar design, I honestly think it would be redundant to have Sarah get a cowgirl suit as well.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I said most characters. Sarah, Momiji, Mila are probably among the worst for girls. Ein by a landslide for the guys. Busa's not far behind, the Mummy costume was abysmal, but at least they kinda tried with the oni costume.

You forgot Zack.


Well-Known Member
I like just about all of Ein's DLC outfits.

I'm also gay so idk, hype for what he'll get.
Here's the thing, some people dress like that and like that flamboyant style. If that's your thing that's your thing. The problem is attaching that style to a character that never had it and in no way represented it in any other DOA. He wore a fishnet shirt, that's all. The "gay bondage" theme people attached to his red pants and chains because that's all they are, red pants and chains. A slave? Prisoner? Sure. Bondage? No.

Anything related to homosexual or flamboyancy was purely player interpretation until DOA5U where suddenly TN decided Ein was gay and decided to dress him in the most sexualized outfits of any male in the series. If he dressed like this from his conception nobody would care. But this was a character from the start that exuded a "cool" factor, one they seemingly brought back with his initial 3 outfits and shades, then they took a completely left turn. If you're going to dress a character a certain way, do it in a way that suits that character's persona or style.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I like the theory it's TN poking fun at Itagaki since Ein was apparently his self-insert

And despite liking Ein better than Hitomi for unrelated reasons, I believe this to be the case and am more tolerant of the attitude in respect to it.
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