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Premium Donor
But again, we got so little characterization of Mila, that makes it hard that Mila IS a Tomboy and rough and tough honestly.
Sure, one or two defaults make it that way but again she barely showed any personality that makes it obvious what she actually wears or dresses like.
I think the Koei company is to blame, I mean the majority of their games that do sell costume DLC sell them in sets and fetish type ones at that. I think they're forced to adopt that DLC module so they can easily make the DLC and "maximize" profit. The times they did get creative like in the Casual Pack and legacy packs, they sold poorly and it probably swayed them from individualized DLC. They have so much potential, but Koei ultimately holds the whip over TN's wares.
As far as her personality, it does seem genkai and girlish, but her hair and style of non DLC clothes was enough to give me tomboy vibes from when I first played her in my Core Fighters character trial days.


Well-Known Member
But again, we got so little characterization of Mila, that makes it hard that Mila IS a Tomboy and rough and tough honestly.
Sure, one or two defaults make it that way but again she barely showed any personality that makes it obvious what she actually wears or dresses like.
Are you shitting me

All of her defaults not one or two
Has probably the least feminine fighting style for any girl in the game barring maybe Rachel
Story mode pins her as a blue collar girl who dresses casual sporty or boyish outfits etc.

I mean Jesus just look at her entry on TV tropes

Action Girl
Animal Motifs: Bees — probably a reference to Muhammad Ali's catchphrase "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee."
Ascended Fangirl
Bare Your Midriff: In her default costume.
Boyish Short Hair
Brown Eyes: Apart from her Squee moments and despite being quite enthusiastic, she's actually more level-headed than most of the other female characters... More on the physical side, she's curiously the first Caucasian (or European Hispanic) female character in the series that has them.
Captain Ersatz: Of Gina Carano.
Cute Bruiser
Gendered Outfit: One of her DLC outfits is a gendered version of Bass' first outfit from his appearance in 5 (with the American flag bandanna around her left bicep) as seen on his folder, elevating her Ascended Fangirl status.
Genki Girl: An uncommon Western version.
Greasy Spoon: Her place of work.
Hetero Sexual Life Partner: Quickly became a best friend of Tina, due to her being a daughter of Bass.
The Knights Who Say Squee: She may be a talented martial artist, but she's still a fangirl of Bass and Tina Armstrong
Meaningful Name: Suitably for a martial artist, "Mila" is a diminutive of the Spanish female name "Milagros", which means "miracles".
Mixed Martial Arts: Her stock in trade: rather than go crazy with the types of moves and holds that could have and had been used in competition (triangle headlocks, rear mounted sleepers, ect) Mila favors quick, powerful strikes and rather accurate throws and takedowns, with more exotic arm bars and leg locks reserved for counter moves, and a proper, though slow, take down to ground & pound and transition body slam.
Multicolored Hair: Dark red and black.
Nice Girl
Not Even Bothering with the Accent: She doesn't have a Spanish accent in the English dub (her voice actress plays her with an American accent), even though fellow Europeans Christie and Helena are voiced according to the their nationalities (English and French).
Subverted She may be from Spain, but she has been living a long time, maybe even most of her life, in New York City, so it is entirely possible that her original accent was supplanted.
Not So Different: Like Tina both lost on quarter finals.
Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Tina's red. Well, at least by comparison.
She-Fu: Completely averted, unlike much of the rest of the female cast. Her moveset is very obviously tailored around MMA and uses fairly correct implementation, Acceptable Breaks from Reality notwithstanding
Squee: Mila finds herself reduced to being starstruck when Tina Armstrong walks into the diner where she works.note After gushing for awhile the two ladies agree to do a little sparring.
Spirited Competitor: She would make a great addition to the UFC, enjoying fighting, the competition, the training and demonstrates respect towards her opponent.
Stripperiffic: Mostly AVERTED. With the exception of the DLC bikinis, Mila is the most modestly dressed female character in the entire series so far (at least by its standards). Her most revealing costume is a sport bra that doesn't go much further than Bare Your Midriff, and even then it makes sense that she wears it being an MMA practitioner.
Tomboy: Her look — especially her alternate costume, which is jeans, t-shirt and a plaid shirt.
Youthful Freckles


Well-Known Member
Anyways when is this for download i see its up for Xbox but what about ps4?

Already got it from my Asian account. Not sure about west

I think the Koei company is to blame, I mean the majority of their games that do sell costume DLC sell them in sets and fetish type ones at that. I think they're forced to adopt that DLC module so they can easily make the DLC and "maximize" profit.

Can't really blame KT.
W-Omega produced a bunch of costumes for DW7 and 8. But keep in mind, they were cheaper and in affordable make-sense price. The designs were also based on normal themes. Not swimsuits or borrowing someone else's design. There were collaborations (7up, Lawson, Dengeki, etc), but only minor.

On the other hand, DOA, developed by TN, has..... Well, I don't need to write it here again.

So probably it's just TN who gave the idea of selling more explicit costume designs and charge it more expensive, seeing that the market are drooling over DOA characters. KT as a publisher, saw this profitable, so they approved and it turned out to be successful despite of the hatred around. Now KT and their investors are happy and they can keep W-Omega and TN workers well-fed.
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Well-Known Member
ok , just downloaded from U.S account..

the girls only wear shoes on their one side and bare feet on the other..awkward..but that's ok since it's free

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Are you shitting me

Don't get spanked by me Argentus...seriously don't.

I think the Koei company is to blame, I mean the majority of their games that do sell costume DLC sell them in sets and fetish type ones at that. I think they're forced to adopt that DLC module so they can easily make the DLC and "maximize" profit. The times they did get creative like in the Casual Pack and legacy packs, they sold poorly and it probably swayed them from individualized DLC. They have so much potential, but Koei ultimately holds the whip over TN's wares.
As far as her personality, it does seem genkai and girlish, but her hair and style of non DLC clothes was enough to give me tomboy vibes from when I first played her in my Core Fighters character trial days.

I can see that as a double issue from what you and @SoftCabbage state. But in truth, Omega Force does more of differences and males and females getting one but their DLC costume selection is all over the place BUT there are times when they go full more on the females in the sexy areas even in DW or SW and the males have to wait for another pack.

In Dead or Alive's case, we KNOW that TN tried to make more varied sets but they didn't sell well and Koei Tecmo decided to go more explicit despite that there is people who want more casual outfits.

Again, that's mainly what I was talking about. Mila is more of a clash between both types. She isn't exactly Tomboy-ish because her attitude at times completely toss that out of the window(how she acted when she seen Tina Armstrong in the diner) and even her intro gives off the impression that she isn't fully that either.
Of course Argentus is going wild like no one else but that's how I've seen it and always how I've seen it. It's like saying we know Rig's personality through and through when we barely know a damn thing about him to make that judgement call.


Well-Known Member
People complain about bikinis and demand normal clothing and sexy male set, but then most only window shopping at it when it happens. LOL.
Then complain again when the themes were discontinued. Oh well.

If I were a part of KT, I definitely would focus on what's worth more, of course. Why would I approve ideas that's demanded by fans but it never reached minimum target based on past experience?

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
People complain about bikinis and demand normal clothing and sexy male set, but then most only window shopping at it when it happens. LOL.
Then complain again when the themes were discontinued. Oh well.

If I were a part of KT, I definitely would focus on what's worth more, of course. Why would I approve ideas that's demanded by fans but it never reached minimum target based on past experience?

I honestly have to agree. The issue that most people don't get and continuously don't that KT is a business.
You guys want to know why the males don't get costumes? Because they don't sell well enough to bother. We can bring up other game's DLC having costumes for both sexes on a daily basis but not all businesses work the same way to get the same profit.

It's the same thing with the costumes. People gotta not only suggest more casual costumes but actually buy them as well. You aren't proving your case when all you do is ramble.

Number 13

Well-Known Member
^ To be fair they might occasionally throw a bone with maybe two or three whole costumes [lol] in average dedicated for random males in a pack for the sake of minimum quota with the rest for nearly all the females and the rare packs in the year that you can safely count with one hand for everyone.

Honestly this is nothing new even in the Itagaki era since the females always had special treatment in terms of wardrobe size. Only difference is DoA 5 was the first that took that aspect into the DLC market which makes sense considering how much bigger it gotten since the several years that has passed since DoA 4.

Only real question is when is the costume train gonna end? It's not gonna end at least with DoAX3 apparently since they said two different groups are primarily involved with the respective projects. I mean "Last Round" gives the impression we are nearing the end, but that can simply be the end of making another expansion subtitle and dlc is still free game considering we are getting another character soon not to mention the patch stuff. It's easy money with low investment high return relatively speaking. I mean the Bleach manga is in the final arc, but that has been years in progress lol to put things into perspective.

Honestly don't blame them considering there should be plenty of people by now from their more passionate fanbase that probably spent more on the costume dlc then the actual game. Actually that is easy to accomplish now since one season pass alone costs more [nearly double for standard full retail] then the actual game lol. I mean just the NA branch store for PSN alone already has at least triple digit confirmed purchases for just one of the season passes [got three now so far] and that is just going off the ratings count that isn't even the total DLs and is usually only a certain fraction. Not to mention it doesn't count the individual purchases within a season pass. Core Fighters being F2P is a non issue when it literally draws in way more people since it's "free" and makes itself back and then some from people buying costumes for their favorite character/s in the long run. This relatively recent and relevant statement confirms it even more and it's not just from obvious Japan/Asia support.

"DoA DLC sales have [been] met with great success in Europe and US, predominantly because the fan base has expanded significantly on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One."

S2 was made because S1 sold well and now it's happening with S3 because history repeats. This is gonna definitely bleed over with DoA X3 and DoA 6 whenever they do decide to move on. I mean they figured out a way to make cheaply produced themes that were overpriced sell relatively well by attaching them to a contest which you can at least say they are efficient at making a quick buck.

I am legitimately impressed though they are still supporting this game considering how long ago DoA 5 vanilla came out. I mean I think only SFIV rivals how much a fighter game was supported past release. Also can't help, but be left in awe of the sheer amount of dlc items they spit out just for the sole reason of it making this one of the top dlc supported games on console that I can recall. Lastly have to respect anyone that has enough dedication and money to support their hobby such as buying every dlc and promotional collectables since DoA 5 dropped.
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Premium Donor
Don't get spanked by me Argentus...seriously don't.

I can see that as a double issue from what you and @SoftCabbage state. But in truth, Omega Force does more of differences and males and females getting one but their DLC costume selection is all over the place BUT there are times when they go full more on the females in the sexy areas even in DW or SW and the males have to wait for another pack.

In Dead or Alive's case, we KNOW that TN tried to make more varied sets but they didn't sell well and Koei Tecmo decided to go more explicit despite that there is people who want more casual outfits.

Again, that's mainly what I was talking about. Mila is more of a clash between both types. She isn't exactly Tomboy-ish because her attitude at times completely toss that out of the window(how she acted when she seen Tina Armstrong in the diner) and even her intro gives off the impression that she isn't fully that either.
Of course Argentus is going wild like no one else but that's how I've seen it and always how I've seen it. It's like saying we know Rig's personality through and through when we barely know a damn thing about him to make that judgement call.
Tomboys don't have to be full rough and tough. My sister is a mega tomboy who loves a anime and video games and wears jeans and vintage shirts, but she acts really perky and genkai and prefers to wear bows and colorful headbands. In Mila's defense, she just seems have a cute and energetic side, but her winposes and intros physically show her tomboyish ways, more specifically the way she carries herself and the way she speaks even shows it. The girliest winpose I've seen from her honestly is the "That was a great fight" one where she winks at the camera/player.

The bikinis and cute DLC stuff just takes away the personality of the girls since you wouldn't expect Kasumi to be bold enough to wear the Violet bikini, and you wouldn't think Leifang would be so comfortable wearing hot pants and suspenders barely covering her boobs. But like SoftCabbage said, it's a business and they want as much easy money as they can take.


Well-Known Member
Why did you have to go and get @Argentus started?
Well seriously its stupid.

"Makes it hard that mila IS a tomboy, and rough and tough honestly"




I could literally just list all her vanilla outfits and dlc to prove that wrong XD plus point to story mode. And her play style. And her win posws
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Number 13

Well-Known Member
Mila is gonna change inevitably anyway and call it character development. I remember reading a certain Japanese message board that was translated where general consensus considered Mila "too plain" and "lacks grace" for one. Look at how much Hitomi changed to get an idea. Look forward to DoA 6 Mila being the clumsy, but good natured kohai of Tina that quits her job at the diner and works at a maid cafe instead. Her training at the gym will make the camera tease scene look tame.

Pink Nitro

Well-Known Member
I must be the only person who only finds Marie Rose and Honoka to be moe blobs. Everyone else save Lisa, Christie, Helena and Rachel seem like your average, preppy teen girl.

Not to be "that guy", but I don't really see why everyone is so hung up on it.


Well-Known Member
I know and I'm terrified for doa6.

The defaults are always better anyway and the outfits with actual personality so maybe she'll get good outfits before dlc destroys her and every other female characters personality.

PS: At least none of your favorite characters got crushed by a roof!


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I actually do have a glimpse of hope for DOA6. I can imagine it starting off on a more serious note again...until the first DLC hits that is. When the inevitable DOA6 Ultimate comes around the sell-out of the girls, with no concern to their characters whatsoever, will have reached a new height.

Pink Nitro

Well-Known Member
The defaults are always better anyway and the outfits with actual personality so maybe she'll get good outfits before dlc destroys her and every other female characters personality.

PS: At least none of your favorite characters got crushed by a roof!
She better be alive by the time DoA 6 rolls around.
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