Rate your Main Character


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I'm on mobile so I'm not gonna single out the part I'm replying to but when I read the question about evasiveness I took it to not just be physical moves but all the flips too. So I'd include 7P, 9P, and 9P+K in there which can get you blown up but when used well can be annoying as hell for opponents.

Yes, I had the flips and stuff in mind too when I was writing the answer to this question, however, my current opinion on those is that they aren't usefull when it comes to evading attacks or are not made for this purpose at least.

9P+K shenanigans are the thing that Kasumi players are blown up for almost guaranteed by any half way solid opponent with a brain, 7P and 9P are imo moves that should be only used to get yourself out of danger quickly in wakeup situations. 7P especially to avoid WUK's and both when being back to a wall. For any other situation, these moves won't be of any use, which is like 90% of a fights duration.

They are not helpful in neutral close range, they are not helpful for getting a stun, launch and/or hi-counter damage of a read and they are not helpful for footsie play. Most mids will also hit you out of them. They are nothing compared to Leifangs, Christies, Baymans, Momijis or Gen Fu's stuff. That's why I did not mention them.


Premium Donor

Who is your main?


Why did you choose him/her as your main and since when have you been maining him/her?

Since her reveal trailer, really. It's awfully important for me to land a character whose design, personality and playstyle match my tastes; So it basically came down to loving her personality and voice, and liking her capability to rushdown opponents. Since this is the first DoA entry I'd actually own, I felt right at home with a character as new to the series as I am.

What is the thing you like the most about your main?

Hmmm, where to even start...if I had to choose one single factor, it'd be how fast she can destroy an opponent with good enough pressure.

Is there anything you would like to be different from your main?

I'd like her to stop getting nerfed, to have a little bit better game against zoning, and to be a bit faster too. >.<
What I'm saying is, I wish I was a little bit better with her, without changing the bsic rushdown of my playstyle.

What do you think of your main character's fighting style?

MMA has never looked as great as when it's getting through a ninja's best defenses.

What is your main character's favorite move? Why?

Ground pounds. All day everyday. My most damaging combos usually end with the move, and it's so satisfying to finish a match with it.

What is your main character's least favorite move? Why?

H+K. I don't I've ever successfully used it in a match.

Have you ever considered dropping your main character? Why or why not?

Sometimes I consider dropping the game in itself; the non-FSD community is awful and the balance choices border on the ludicrous. Damnit Christie.

I sub Bass too. ;_;

Did you have other mains in the past?
I liked using Ein, and when he wasn't available, Hitomi in the past.


How would you rate your main character personality wise? Do you like his/her personality?

10/10. She's energetic and cheerful without really going over the top, she has a clear goal and constantly works towards it. In random matches, she's polite and sporty, and yet furious in combat without ever feeling downright cruel. She does it for the sport, and does it with passion and sportsmanship. Lovely girl.

What do you think of your main character's apperance?

This is part of the reason I chose her. Short hair with a bit of flair in the highlights. Practical outfits that fit her personality---other than the bikinis. I mean have you seen the girl wearing a black biker's outfit? She's very attractive in all the ways a healthy person is attractive, without excessive fanservice (As far as DoA5 does, anyway) and honest to goodness good looks and unique style. No one else would have brought a simple plaid shirt and jeans, or even sweatpants and made it work. The bee motif is fantastic as well, anytime it pops up.

...and well, quite frankly, people are right.. she -does- have a great rear....

What do you think of your main character's voice? Note: Please state if you are referring to the Japanese or English voice.

Her English voice is an essential part of her charm. Great enthusiastic victory lines. Energetic, fierce grunts on her most powerful strikes and throws, and a fearless, determined declaration on her regular chain throws. I love her voice and I die a little everytime I remember we don't know who provides it. I pray she's back for DoA6 and beyond.

What is your opinion of your main character's music theme(s)?
Ok, this, this was a disappointment. Absolute meh.

What do you think of your main character's fashion sense?

It's unique and for the most part nonpandering. It's usually not flashy (except the halloween ones), but it works.

What is your main's favorite costume? Why?

The Biker outfit. Pays homage to her personal idol, shows off her badass side. Looks amazing.
Honorable mention for last halloween's bee outfit. Shut up, she looked great.

What is your main's least favorite costume? Why?

Casual wear: "plaid fur-lined coat over white turtleneck, white leggings and shoes". What is that? We already know what Mila wears when she dresses casually: She actually dresses casually in a plaid shirt, tank top, jeans and sneakers. No way she's gonna wear those heels and that furcoat.


How would you rate your main character's moveset in general? (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
4 - This is due to the fact I'm not remotely close to mastering her, but ugh, spacing tools.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to capitalize on mistakes of the opponent (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5 - Screw up, your health goes kaput.

How would you rate your main character in terms of offensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4 - Frames and Feints are good, most of the time.

How would you rate your main character in terms of defensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2 - Fast-attacking shenanigans without much of away to get through... Christie, Ein, basically.

How would you rate your main character in terms of speed (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
4 - Some glaring issues but otherwise a great package.

How would you rate your main character in terms of safety (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4 - It's hard to punish most of my screwups.

How would you rate your main character in terms of damage output (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5 - Highest damage in the game, I hear? If I can land it, that is.

How would you rate your main character in terms of evasiveness (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4 - I believe you'd best ask a better player than me, but I'm counting her ability to dodge and counterattack effectively in a single manuever, not quite spacing alone.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to apply pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4 - She does great if the opponent isn't a teleporting, superfast powerhouse. ...so she can stay on half the cast, maybe.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to deal with pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3 - bleh.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at close quarters combat (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

5 - The issues she has with speed are overtaken byt he absurd damage and stups she can get off one or two good reads.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at long range (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

1 - Haha, fudge me, this is part of why I don't play as much anymore.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to take advantage of the environment (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4 - Ground throws help a lot, especially the aforementioned pounds.
I love her English voice. Whenever she says "That was a great fight", I blush a little.


Premium Donor
I use JP voices so I'm used to non Kansai Asuka speaking to me. (for reference, Milas JP Seiyuu is the same as Asuka Kazama in Tekken)
I like Mila's JP voice actress too, It's kind of neat that a Tekken VA worked with DOA. Kinda how Kasumi's JP VA was Kunimitsu in TTT2


Well-Known Member
COME ON !!! Where are those Jacky and Raidou Mains at ?

Come on down and represent your babies........ or I will do it for you.... :mad:


Well-Known Member
i like snapping necks so i prefer mila, bayman, leon, marie-chan ,ein

Wouldn't a neck snap be illegal in mma? I always thought those moves where mila wraps her arms around her opponents neck were chokeholds

Also, ein has neck snap moves? It's been so long since I used him that I totally forgot


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't a neck snap be illegal in mma? I always thought those moves where mila wraps her arms around her opponents neck were chokeholds

Also, ein has neck snap moves? It's been so long since I used him that I totally forgot

of course it's illegal, that move is lethal..if real chokeholds in a game the move will take a long time till you opponent pass out so it's not applicable in a fighting game.

btw ein got this karate chop move at the neck, kasumi got one too


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure there are some Rai-Dudes out there somewhere.

I am Familar with One Jacky Main but he hasn't been here In so long.


Who is your main?


Why did you choose him/her as your main and since when have you been maining him/her?

He's not my Main..... he never was. I just figured I would play with him alil as a Courtesy to his Sister. :sarah:

What is the thing you like the most about your main?


Is there anything you would like to be different from your main?

Yeah..... I'd like his moves to have the exact same leniency they did in Virtua Fighter 5.

What do you think of your main character's fighting style?

Jeet Kune Do...... Tekken has Law, Street Fighter has Fei Long and DoA has Jan Lee..... all those dudes are Asian. Jacky is white..... I thought it was weird. Its funny because Jacky doesn't have the same Raw Power as those Three. But just as Bruce Lee would have wanted.... Jacky took this style and made it his own, he expresses it the way he thinks it best suits him.

What is your main character's favorite move? Why?

Spin Heel Sword :4::H+K:...... Its by far the most Unique move in the Game...... exclusive only to Jacky.

Special Mention Jacky's Pak Sao (no input). People think Leifang has the longest parry in the game but its actually Jacky...... he can Counter almost any High Punch. But its a double edged sword.... if he gets caught by a throw when he's doing nothing then he automatically takes Hi Counter damage.

What is your main character's least favorite move? Why?

BT:4::P:. I have no idea what to do with this move.

Have you ever considered dropping your main character? Why or why not?

Yeah I always want to drop Jacky. Its hard because I put alot of effort into him so one way or another I keep finding myself using him in Training mode.

Did you have other mains in the past?

Tina, Mila and Sarah.


How would you rate your main character personality wise? Do you like his/her personality?

I have no idea who Jacky is..... as far as I am concerned he's just a guy who loves Hollering Yeah !!!

What do you think of your main character's apperance?

Tall, Blonde and Handsome..... whats not to love..... unfortunately Jacky isn't really my type. He lacks Hayate's Soft Features and Adorable Eyes. That and he's got Truckasaurus Hands.... they're Gigantic. I wouldn't want you to get corned by him in the showers.

What do you think of your main character's voice? Note: Please state if you are referring to the Japanese or English voice.

Jacky is one of the most Charismatic Characters in both the VF and DoA Roster and its mostly because of his..... "War Cry". And with that said.... I sort of like his voice.

What is your opinion of your main character's music theme(s)?

I wonder what Jacky's theme is. I also wonder what theme Emperor Cow would use if he were to make a Jacky Combo video.

What do you think of your main character's fashion sense?

Its absolutely Horribal..... this guy should be on Extreme Makeover.

What is your main's favorite costume? Why?

Brown Overalls rolled down and tied around his waist and a white vest.... with Red Gloves. I love this outfit..... and only this outfit.

What is your main's least favorite costume? Why?

His default Costume...... I get that he's a Racer but come on !!!! Leave it on the track buddy !!!


How would you rate your main character's moveset in general? (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4.2 Just like Sarah..... he doesn't have really hard hitting moves but he can access most of all the good ones without having to Dance around.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to capitalize on mistakes of the opponent (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3.0 Jacky's Slide Shuffle is an excellent way to whiff punish and he's got all sorts of good moves out of it..... which he is forced to use. Beyond that he's got terribal throw damage. And his ability to score Counter Hits is average.

How would you rate your main character in terms of offensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3.9. Jacky's fast but the Hit Boxes on his fastest moves seem to be abit Tiny. He's got no Big Guard Breaks or Lethal Options from his Guaranteed Setups.... but he's still pretty good.

How would you rate your main character in terms of defensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3.5 His Pak Sao should help keep him out of trouble versus Akira and Kasumi players who have been known to Jab Alot..... and he can Space Back and parry Mids with his Slide Shuffle. Its not much better its bettet than nothing.

How would you rate your main character in terms of speed (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4.0 with his fastest moves being 10-12-12 I'd say that makes him pretty Fast. He's got a pretty quick i15 launcher too which is nice for Stun Launching with.

How would you rate your main character in terms of safety (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3.3 Jacky's got all Kinds of Safe Moves the problem is they aren't his Fastest Moves so he kinda has to make a choice.

How would you rate your main character in terms of damage output (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3.0 His Stun Launch Damage is good but his full juggle damage isn't as high as I would like it to be.

How would you rate your main character in terms of evasiveness (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3.0 He's got a very Slick Back Dash and he's got all kinds of Hi and Low Crushes. So I'd say he's pretty average.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to apply pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3.0 His abilty to apply Pressure is pretty Situational..... in Open Space its pretty Average but with the help of a wall he can become a Free Cancelling Nightmare.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to deal with pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2.2 He's got no special way of dealling with Pressure.... best he can do is wait for the right moment and try to poke his way out of Trouble.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at close quarters combat (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3.0 Being so easy to crush Jacky needs to choose his moves carefully when he is up close.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at long range (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2.0 Jacky's got nice Long Legs so his medium range game is lovely..... but his long range suffers alil bit. Jacky's better off if he's constantly moving.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to take advantage of the environment (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

4.9 Jacky's Environmental Game can go toe to toe with Any of the Ninjas and thats all thanks to his universal Dangerzone Followup :4::H+K:.
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Well-Known Member
Since DB and I share a good deal of opinions on Akira and I'm sure someone else will touch on Hayate, I'll go with my long standing main. I like formulas so I'll go with what was given in the first post. :ein:

Who is your main?
The Original Karate Master. Ein.

Why did you choose him/her as your main and since when have you been maining him/her?
Most characters gel with me after first seeing/playing them. Playstyle, cool factor and apperance, all gel'd together when I saw him on the DOA2 demo on the Sega Generator. I've been maining him since I first got DOA2 on DreamCast. It's been at least 10 years.

What is the thing you like the most about your main?
Hard to pin any one thing down. Everything about him comes together rather perfectly. I guess you could say the fun factor. It's so satisfying playing him and it never really gets old.

Is there anything you would like to be different from your main?

His fashion sense for one, in DOA5. it's as he lost a bet and a thirsty Hitomi took him shopping and bought him everything out of her most perverted fantasies. As for gameplay, I literally started an entire campaign with the sole purpose of improving him.

What do you think of your main character's fighting style?

A version of Karate. Some of the moves have a sense of practicality but most of them don't realistically. They are still pretty awesome to look at though. You can't super punch people across an entire room in real life.

What is your main character's favorite move? Why?

He's got a lot of iconic moves but my personal favorite barring usefulness would have to be :236::K:. It's just undeniably awesome looking and landing it is probably one of the most satisfying things you can do next to his throw and of course his :236::P:.

What is your main character's least favorite move? Why?
:3::H+K:. Slow, telegraphed, useless, ugly. This character has gotten better and worse as DOA has evolved but this is probably the most consistently useless move in his arsenal. It's at it's best in DOA5 but it's biggest use is really just to throw it out once and a blue moon to make your opponent raise an eyebrow and ask "...why?".

Have you ever considered dropping your main character? Why or why not?

Quite a few times purely because of how disappointing he is in DOA5. I always somehow come back to him though. I'm a character loyalist at heart and my favorite character is my favorite character.

Did you have other mains in the past?

:kasumi:(DOA2) :hitomi::hayate::jannlee: (DOA3 & 4)

How would you rate your main character personality wise? Do you like his/her personality?
6/10 - There isn't much there, but what is there is awesome. Shades of Ein's personality reflected that of an amnesiac but instead of the typical goody-goody type walking around asking "why?" over and over again, he gave the impression of someone who was confident in what he had to work with and gave no you-know-whats.

He talked very little, loved a good fight but never let anything stand in the way of his goal of figuring out who the heck he was. Unfortunately his cool factor went down a few notches after he did. Wouldn't have minded having Ein for another DOA or two story wise.

What do you think of your main character's appearance?

Pretty awesome. Actually like the look better without the shades. He just looks beast, like he's ready for a good brawl. The black outfit with the jacket and the metallic boots scream awesome and he's one of the few that actually managed to pulloff fishnet without getting strange looks.

What do you think of your main character's voice? Note: Please state if you are referring to the Japanese or English voice.

Japanese voice is great. English voice is meh, as are most in 5.

What is your opinion of your main character's music theme(s)?
Beast, was my favorite DOA theme at one point and personifies the character. I wish he had gotten new ones like the rest of the cast though. Leon was no longer relevant in the DOA world after 3, but still managed to get a new theme in 4. Ein's been stuck with the same one for a decade now.

What do you think of your main character's fashion sense?

Previously: Awesome. Now: Horrific. In the old DOA games he had a pretty great wardrobe with some very basic but effective outfits. In DOA5 however Ein's unfortunately been selected as the male to be sexualized and most to all of his outfits are utter garbage. I really have to wonder what goes on in Team Ninja's heads when selecting outfits for that character.

What is your main's favorite costume? Why?

DOA2HC C7 .In a world of iconic but glamorized costumes, you have a basic but stylish and to the point outfit that is just plain awesome. This outfit manages to be awesome without trying to be super iconic or memorable and what I love about it is that it's... regular. It's not trying to be anything spectacular, it's just an awesome outfit and one I'd never stop playing if it was in DOA5. If we're talking DOA5 alone, then C1 of course. But sadly it's one if his few good costumes so that's not saying much.

What is your main's least favorite costume? Why?

The majority of his wardrobe in DOA5 to be frank. But if I have to pick one I'd have to say his most recent Halloween outfit. I didn't think you could beat an incubus stripper but the "barbarian" outfit is an insult to my eyes. He may as well be naked.

How would you rate your main character's moveset in general? (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
5. - The effectiveness of it has changed, but his moveset is just as awesome as it was back in DOA2.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to capitalize on mistakes of the opponent (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3. - While his whiff punishes may seem like ZA WARUDO, there's only so much you can do with a single knockback even if it's a step closer to a wall. Overrated really.

How would you rate your main character in terms of offensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2.5. - Guard breaks are forgettable, can't pressure worth crap, no vortexes and everything can be held after a stun. He gets the extra 1 from his pressuring potential after a wall splat. Otherwise he would get a 1.5.

How would you rate your main character in terms of defensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2. - No parries, sabakis or safe keepout to really make you fear going in. His best whiff punishers are only half safe and even if he gets one off, it just resets the situation.

How would you rate your main character in terms of speed (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3. - 10/13/13 - Average. He can give slower characters a hard time but faster characters give him the flux up close. Guess you could say he's middle of the road but without any of the specialties that those particular characters may get.

How would you rate your main character in terms of safety (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3. - Most of the important stuff is safe.

How would you rate your main character in terms of damage output (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2.5. - Underwhelming. He's not getting any big numbers without pushing the stun threshold and his options are limited making him easily holdable. Stun launch damage is meh but he can't take matches with it alone. Best thing he can do is grab you, get you near a wall or both.

How would you rate your main character in terms of guaranteed setups (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
1. - He has literally none. Up until Eliot got nerfed Ein was probably the only character in the entire game with no guaranteed setups to speak of. It's his biggest issue by far. Only reason I didn't give him a 0 here is because it looks like 1 is the lowest you can go.

How would you rate your main character in terms of evasiveness (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

1.5. - 1P and 2P. The .5 is pretty much there because of 1P alone. 9P is unreliable and 2P gives virtually no reward. Outside of that any evading you're doing is purely manual and can be done with any character.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to apply pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2. - 1P, 2P, a couple of +1's and his wall game make up the extra point. Otherwise none, really.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to deal with pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2.5. - 1P is a game changer and CH 3P is life. It can be difficult dealing with faster characters though, especially when one blocked move usually gives the offense right back to them. He has to make a lot of hard reads.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at close quarters combat (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

2. - It's really not his arena. You're conditioning and making reads with limited options..

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at long range (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3.5. - He's pretty comfortable here. He's got a good few mid-long range pokes and punishers and a couple of them are safe even. You never really feel in charge here though, it always feels like you're just prolonging the inevitable: close quarters combat.

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to take advantage of the environment (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

3. - He can launch after a partition but any character can do that, he can slam you into it with a whiff punisher but he gets nothing from it. He gets a 3 here purely because the tide of the battle is completely turned if he can slam you into a wall, which is part of the environment.

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Active Member
Standard Donor

Who is your main?

Why did you choose him/her as your main and since when have you been maining him/her?
I like her gamestyle, just pressure. I started using Christie seriously ~2 months ago.

What is the thing you like the most about your main?
Speed obviously, and so many variations to and from Jakeiho.

Is there anything you would like to be different from your main?
I wish she could go into Jakeiho after 3P+K.... That is too much to ask, I know

What is your main character's favorite move? Why?
2PP, useful in every situation

Have you ever considered dropping your main character? Why or why not?
Never, unless they take away her hairstyle B.

Did you have other mains in the past?
Phase-4, Leifang


How would you rate your main character personality wise? Do you like his/her personality?
She's tough, I like her

What do you think of your main character's apperance?
Most attractive women in the game (with hairdo B)

What do you think of your main character's voice? Note: Please state if you are referring to the Japanese or English voice.
English, godlike.

What do you think of your main character's fashion sense?
Default? not so good. Showstopper encore? OMG!

What is your main's favorite costume? Why?
Showstopper encore

What is your main's least favorite costume? Why?
bikini, no effort of design...


How would you rate your main character's moveset in general? (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
4, she can be held a lot if they know what she is doing, or maybe it's just me.

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to capitalize on mistakes of the opponent (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
5, she has many launchers, solid damage every time when foe in air.

How would you rate your main character in terms of offensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

How would you rate your main character in terms of defensive options (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
4, roll and JAK are both quite evasive. Low P hold can lead into juggle.

How would you rate your main character in terms of speed (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?
5. Meh...

How would you rate your main character in terms of damage output (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

How would you rate your main character in terms of evasiveness (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to apply pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

How would you rate your main character in terms being able to deal with pressure (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at close quarters combat (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to fight at long range (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?

How would you rate your main character in terms of being able to take advantage of the environment (scale 1-5; 1 = poor, 5 = excellent)? Why did you choose this number?