[Aug 18, 2012] I’m a Fighter World Championship: Round 2 (San Mateo, CA)

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Active Member
Unless I was just seeing things, did they bring back the high wake up kick?It looks like Silent Legend did it a few times in his Zack vs. Rig match.
No, they're not back. I too made the mistake of thinking some get-up attacks were high but they're not, they just look like it. An optical illusion if you will.


Active Member
LMAO... how many years have passed and Mystik has still no clue at all... this takes me back to the cgs days where swoozie layed down with brad and she hept trying to hit him with mids and highs. Lol, youd think she would have gotten more knowledgable... but nope, she wants to place hitomi at high tier before the game is relased ^_^


Well-Known Member
One thing is for sure. Do not sleep on those VF characters. VF5 is a great training tool in getting to understand them.

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
LMAO... how many years have passed and Mystik has still no clue at all... this takes me back to the cgs days where swoozie layed down with brad and she hept trying to hit him with mids and highs. Lol, youd think she would have gotten more knowledgable... but nope, she wants to place hitomi at high tier before the game is relased ^_^
Shes actually pretty good. She places really well among many tournaments and won lots of money. She probably gets nervous commentating and sometimes says things she doesnt mean maybe. Its especially hard since people have been judging her and been so brutal about her commentary.


Active Member
Wow JannLee is a monster. Not OP but pretty goddamn good! How comes his launcher launches so high? He gets higher launchers on normal hit than hitomi after a CB!?


Active Member
Shes actually pretty good. She places really well among many tournaments and won lots of money. She probably gets nervous commentating and sometimes says things she doesnt mean maybe. Its especially hard since people have been judging her and been so brutal about her commentary.

She had no clue about the game at all, and got selected to play at an invitational with 8 players and top 8 payouts. She hasnt won a single community tournament, which are the only tournaments that count. And people are pretty brutal with her commentating because... well... its hard to forget the BS that went on at the time. BUT its been 7 years i believe and theres no reason for me to keep bringing it up, so ill leave it at that.

I still think they should get someone more knowledgable about the game to commentate with Rikuto, would be more insightful imo.

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
She had no clue about the game at all, and got selected to play at an invitational with 8 players and top 8 payouts. She hasnt won a single community tournament, which are the only tournaments that count. And people are pretty brutal with her commentating because... well... its hard to forget the BS that went on at the time. BUT its been 7 years i believe and theres no reason for me to keep bringing it up, so ill leave it at that.

I still think they should get someone more knowledgable about the game to commentate with Rikuto, would be more insightful imo.
Yeah i dont know much about her i just know she does a good job with commentating. I guess she may not know as much as Rikuto but she has a good voice and she does a good job with keeping the game exciting even when not much is going on. So i guess they make a good team in a way. Jedi Robb is pretty good at commentating too, but he doesnt know much about DOA either. I read somewhere Kat won 100,000 grand somewhere, i think it was her bio.

Darth Lotonic X

Active Member
Mystic is much better at commentating than she was at E3, but she really needs to work on her volume. She gets super loud when she gets "excited" about a match. It's not so bad when a man does it, but when someone with a high pitched voice gets hype it can destroy eardrums. She could also work on her knowledge a bit.

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
Mystic is much better at commentating than she was at E3, but she really needs to work on her volume. She gets super loud when she gets "excited" about a match. It's not so bad when a man does it, but when someone with a high pitched voice gets hype it can destroy eardrums. She could also work on her knowledge a bit.
Yeah she has gotten much better with interacting with Rikuto, less awkward moments right? She was also more careful about the things she said. I read somewhere that she was disappointed with her commentary back at e3, and she wanted to learn more about DOA5 this time.


Active Member
Lol guys, according to her, every character is top tier... for crying out loud :p. Shouldnt we leave the tier talk aside until at least 2 or 3 majors have been played and the character tools have been disected? Discussing tiers on a prerelease build of a game which wasnt in arcades is a bit stupid imo.

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
Lol guys, according to her, every character is top tier... for crying out loud :p. Shouldnt we leave the tier talk aside until at least 2 or 3 majors have been played and the character tools have been disected? Discussing tiers on a prerelease build of a game which wasnt in arcades is a bit stupid imo.
I wish all characters were top tier. That would be perfect. Better than nerfing characters.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
The slower gameplay makes me worried, but it look so damn awesome. :) As long the d-pad & the buttons timing isnt clunky, THIS WILL BE REMEMBERED AS A OLD SCHOOL CLASSIC ONE DAY!!!!!!!!!! AND GET MUCH LOVE FROM NEW COMERS & FROM DOA FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not to be mean, but you really need to stop posting like that.


Active Member
The event was a total blast. I was really hoping I could have picked everything up faster though. If I was smarter I would have picked somebody who was closer to Doa 4. Was counting on fundamentals and mindset to do at least decent.

Being somebody wanting to enter the offline scene, I would have liked to have made a much better appearance then that. In fact my performance there will bother me for a while. Guess I can only live and learn. Remembering there is always a next time. Being insanely driven has its down sides as well it seems.

Got some neat freebies. Met some cool people. Hopfully made some new friends. The event itself was great!


Active Member
The event was a total blast. I was really hoping I could have picked everything up faster though. If I was smarter I would have picked somebody who was closer to Doa 4. Was counting on fundamentals and mindset to do at least decent.

Being somebody wanting to enter the offline scene, I would have liked to have made a much better appearance then that. In fact my performance there will bother me for a while. Guess I can only live and learn. Remembering there is always a next time. Being insanely driven has its down sides as well it seems.

Got some neat freebies. Met some cool people. Hopfully made some new friends. The event itself was great!

Glad to see you had fun, keep at it and keep showing up. All bout those offline numbers

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
Ok so I only watched the first two hours and many good things happened there. The Kayane match was incredible, Bass and Eliot are looking extremely solid, just like Tina and Rig. I'm very happy with how the game is shaping up. We only need for TN to tweak the CB and we'll be good to go.

Also, I'm actually very annoyed because they seem to have taken out Tina's new idle animation, she looked very sexy doing that ):


Well-Known Member
Also, I'm actually very annoyed because they seem to have taken out Tina's new idle animation, she looked very sexy doing that ):

They didn't take it out, she just only goes into that stance when she is idle. When moving around she is in her old stance.


Well-Known Member
I can't get over how amazing this game felt. Every character feels fresh and repurposed. Controls feel responsive and not out of control/loose.Stuns and counters seem to be treated fairly; yes, the defender has opportunities to escape an offense but it never seemed to completely undermine the control of the attacker as is the case with DOA4. Sept 25th can't get here soon enough.
Well.. If you count how many times that winning Jann Lee player (Ryujin was it?) got back into advantage by holding just after being stunned, and then beating the crap out of the attacking player, it does look like it can definitely undermine the attacker if done correctly, which sucks... Tons of people did it with the low hold too.


Well-Known Member
Not to be mean, but you really need to stop posting like that.
I knew somebody was going 2 say that, my bad if my hypeness gotting too out of hand. I need 2 tone it down, I dont want 2 get crazy hype & all of sudden TN pulled the DOA4 on us and be disappointed. Thank You for not being a asshole about it :) Hey, atleast im not as bad as LeonHayateKennedy. ;)
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