Trailer for Falcom costumes collab is out!
Either way, I am more interested in seeing the Halloween costumes. So if we could just hurry that up. Haha
More fucking hot pants short shorts. I'll pass.Trailer for Falcom costumes collab is out!
I like that costume, I hope to see the others
Couldn't agree more. Haven't bought anything since the Ninja packs and on the one hand I'm thankful to Team Ninja for saving my money but on the other hand I still like to see costumes for the males which would give me a reason to buy costumes again.*sighs*
More generic anime/jrpg stuff...of course only for the girls. They probably thought, as the Halloween costumes next month will have to include all males, why not at least have the DLC before and after be exclusive to the females. (What DLC pack is planned after Halloween again?)
I haven't felt the incentive to buy DLC for months (man, and I bought so much for DOA5 and Ultimate...), but that's actually a good thing. So, thanks, TN, for saving me a lot of money.
RIght?! Tina was kinda.... idk.. bleh. ahaSome of the costumes are okay but I think they could have picked better ones. Especially for rachel and tina
I couldn't agree more.Alternate color are always welcome. But this kind of hair color is what I would expect to come from amateur modders, not the actual developer. Color + hair model just don't match imo.