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Well-Known Member
It costs them time, effort and money to make the Legacy and Casual sets, I give them that. But the profit obtained from these sets is understandably less than what you would get from an all girls pack. I reckon that's why those along with the sports pack were included for free in the LR disc.
Of course if another legacy pack is released, it won't be free. That's just some wishful thinking

although, hoping for another legacy pack is wishful thinking by itself :rolleyes:

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor

If it had to be another outfit of Sarah's from VF5 games, this is the last remaining aside from her S costume (swimsuit). But i would really want more is this:
I also with they would put her Kimono (including the hair bun hairstyle) outfit in.




Well-Known Member
I got it during a special deal $15 with the game and all the dlc bundled together. The amount of customization's insane, I think I read somewhere there were over 10k customization pieces altogether
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Well-Known Member
I thought it was $15 for the entire bundle of everyone's DLC? Which is an even better deal.

This is right.

I got it during a special deal $15 with the game and all the dlc bundled together. The amount of customization insane, I think I read somewhere there were over 10k customization pieces altogether

Indeed, the only bad thing is that the customization is not fair for everyone, some characters - aka the most popular as Akira - get definitely much more customization options compared to others; in the end another shape of the same vestiary problem from DoA5 (even if much more limited).


Well-Known Member
Why bother design new and unique costumes, when you can get somebody else to do it for you? - Team NINJA logic.

Pretty much all of Last Rounds DLC so far have been borrowed from other KT games, other developers/designers and inspired by fan designs.
Well outside of rig and mila, NONE of the 5 content showed any creativity. And even then Rig is arguable since he design is the generic western style shaved action guy. His costume was cool at least.

Everything in and about 5 beyond those two characters was imitative, with nothing being innovative or well designed.


Well-Known Member
So, basically only Mila showed any creativity? What a surprise, Argentus. ;D
Well aesthetically she DOES stand out. Obviously like Rig she was patterned after western tastes though.

I just really don't like how Rig is a dead ringer for Jake Muller from Re6 lol. Who in turn was a generic western action hero in design


Not a big fan of this outfit but more throwback costumes the better.
These are some of the outfits that I wish would make a comeback.


My wishlist for Helena costumes is so long xD
That's the first one which i really want. But i want this verison from PS2/Dreamcast - like the shirt more than form DoA2U form Xbox. So this version plus neckle from Ultimate ^^
Also really like this one. Was a little better than current one.
Just perfect for her! Fit her very well.
Next cool, sexy costume for my lady ^^
For me, the VF 5 DLC stuff was split into two packs of 15 dollars each.... so 30 for the game + 30 for dlc... D:

also I love those helena outfits
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