Dead or Alive 5: Remaining Issues


I'm honestly more upset that Shimbori-san specifically said on twitter he would not nerf the critical burst, and then he nerfed it very openly and deliberately.

Don't really know what to say about that, but I'm not happy. I'm not happy at all.

I would like an opportunity to meet some of the Japanese players who are giving feedback on the game right now, because I honestly do not believe they even know how to play DOA properly and thats why they struggled so much with 3.1.

It wasn't just 3.1 either, those players couldn't seem to understand how to play DOA 4 either.

Then I'd like to be able to get into the developers heads and figure out why they are so determined to make poor design decisions based on feedback from players that are talking about games they don't even know how to play.

The same exact thing happened with SCV and it killed that game too. And DOA 4.

Japanese seem to have no problem taking western feedback, but its like as soon as a Japanese player contradicts it we are automatically shut out. Doesn't matter that we are vastly better players, doesn't matter that we are the majority of the sales. If a Japanese player contradicts us, we are wrong. Always. It's depressing to deal with and I'm really at my wits end.


Well-Known Member
I'm honestly more upset that Shimbori-san specifically said on twitter he would not nerf the critical burst, and then he nerfed it very openly and deliberately.

Don't really know what to say about that, but I'm not happy. I'm not happy at all.

I would like an opportunity to meet some of the Japanese players who are giving feedback on the game right now, because I honestly do not believe they even know how to play DOA properly and thats why they struggled so much with 3.1.

It wasn't just 3.1 either, those players couldn't seem to understand how to play DOA 4 either.

Then I'd like to be able to get into the developers heads and figure out why they are so determined to make poor design decisions based on feedback from players that are talking about games they don't even know how to play.

The same exact thing happened with SCV and it killed that game too. And DOA 4.

Japanese seem to have no problem taking western feedback, but its like as soon as a Japanese player contradicts it we are automatically shut out. Doesn't matter that we are vastly better players, doesn't matter that we are the majority of the sales. If a Japanese player contradicts us, we are wrong. Always. It's depressing to deal with and I'm really at my wits end.

I brought up the SC5 thing in another thread recently, and was my concern as well. They may not know the game well enough to know what to fix, but since they're already in Japan and easier to talk to, the developer is more likely to listen to them. I hope not, but I fear it's too late already to make said changes.


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
I'm honestly more upset that Shimbori-san specifically said on twitter he would not nerf the critical burst, and then he nerfed it very openly and deliberately.

Don't really know what to say about that, but I'm not happy. I'm not happy at all.
-The Critical burst is a reward for having your opponent being able to guess out of the stun so many times. 1-2 hits in stun to reach a CB should be its max, otherwise it is useless. If its going to stay that way, might as well return the normal hit launch, stun launch, counter and high counter strike launch back to their Doa2-3 statuses. No one wants to play the stun game, and not be rewarded.

I would like an opportunity to meet some of the Japanese players who are giving feedback on the game right now, because I honestly do not believe they even know how to play DOA properly and thats why they struggled so much with 3.1.

It wasn't just 3.1 either, those players couldn't seem to understand how to play DOA 4 either.
-Of course they don't. didn't they lose to Manny and crew when they flew over to Japan. And those were not the best players from America. This goes to show you how far from our level they are.

Then I'd like to be able to get into the developers heads and figure out why they are so determined to make poor design decisions based on feedback from players that are talking about games they don't even know how to play.

The same exact thing happened with SCV and it killed that game too.
-Exactly. If Your best lost to America's advanced Doa players, than why would you not listen to them. It clearly show we have a better understanding of competitive play. You don't listen to the lower denominator, when you have advanced players readily available at your disposal.


I brought up the SC5 thing in another thread recently, and was my concern as well. They may not know the game well enough to know what to fix, but since they're already in Japan and easier to talk to, the developer is more likely to listen to them. I hope not, but I fear it's too late already to make said changes.

I don't think Japanese game developers fully comprehend how damaging it is to take second-rate feedback, especially when it comes to fighting games.

Lower level players aren't looking for solutions to the games problems, they are looking to solutions for their personal problems and demanding the developer gives it to them. This ends up destroying any semblance of a solid game.

SCV is fine. I don't see how its dead at all. I personally feel it's very good as it is.

The backstep nerf was based on Japanese lower level players feedback, this was already admitted to by Daishi. It alienated more than half of the community within a month. More and more quit every week, and every tournament has fewer players than the last.

That isn't exactly what I would call "good as it is", and I actually like(d) the game.


Well-Known Member
SCV is fine. I don't see how its dead at all. I personally feel it's very good as it is.

To my knowledge a recent patch for SCV destroyed a good chunk of what originally made it good. That was the overall vibe I got from it at least reading forums about it.


Well-Known Member
Lower level players aren't looking for solutions to the games problems, they are looking to solutions for their personal problems and demanding the developer gives it to them.

Which is precisely the problem with nowadays fighting games. They cater too much to new and casual players, and the game suffers because of it.


You talking about the patch that fixed the step g and fuzzy guard? Nah that patch made the game better.

Step g and fuzzy guard fixes are fine.

Backstep G nerf was unnecessary and killed the game. If you think its better now, ask yourself where your entire community went after the patch was released.


Well-Known Member
To my knowledge a recent patch for SCV destroyed a good chunk of what originally made it good. That was the overall vibe I got from it at least reading forums about it.

Not to mention that it fucked up a lot of characters as well. I still don't get how they thought Tira needed nerfing.

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
There's still time for them to revert back to the E3 critical burst right? It seemed so useful when Kayane used them with Kasumi.


Not to mention that it fucked up a lot of characters as well. I still don't get how they thought Tira needed nerfing.

Because some worthless low level player with a big mouth that happened to be friends with the development team had a personal problem with Tira that he didn't feel like trying to overcome.

Seems to be how fighting game developers solve most of their "issues". It's pretty deplorable.


Well-Known Member
I dont really know what happened to the community or anything, 8 way run is still pretty active. I personally agree with the backstep g nerf, it encouraged you to commit more to movement. Maybe Im a bit baised cause it helped out my main so much.


I dont really know what happened to the community or anything, 8 way run is still pretty active. I personally agree with the backstep g nerf, it encouraged you to commit more to movement. Maybe Im a bit baised cause it helped out my main so much.

Committing to movement is a bullshit excuse. There is a science to playing the spacing meta-game in a good fighter and "committing to movement" completely destroys that meta-game. The game already has guard breaks that can lead straight to death and ringouts. It shouldn't matter if your opponent is over turtling.

It has frame advantage, it has high/low mixups, it has throws, and it has very very good whiff punishment. All things that can deal with backstep G.

All the backstep G nerf did was make everything in every situation a mixup from every range. It's little more than a real-time trading card game now. Everything at every range is a high stakes guess and thats stupid gameplay.

And before you ask, yes. It helped out my main too. I still refuse to play it.


Well-Known Member
Because some worthless low level player with a big mouth that happened to be friends with the development team had a personal problem with Tira that he didn't feel like trying to overcome.

Seems to be how fighting game developers solve most of their "issues". It's pretty deplorable.

Seriously!? >_>