Texture Editing (PC)


Well-Known Member
Uhhhh. I think I may have gone overboard. I've been putting together my own dlc swaps and didn't realize quite how many I had done. I had planned to share it here but I fear it may be too big for most
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Well-Known Member
Anyone think they can add the hair from Sarah's 1st Halloween costume to some of her other costumes? I can't figure it out.


Well-Known Member
No Honoka or Marie...

I've tried Marie and Honoka with every female in the game. Sadly their heights are unique to them so they don't mesh with anyone.
Thanks for working on that man. And like the other poster has said, Unleashed the Beast
I'll let it rip. I thought I was done but discovered there were hairstyles beyond 12 so now I'm going back through them all to discover as many as I can. Even if I don't personally like a style I'll try to provide the option for others. It'll be just a little longer. Hopefully tomorrow or Tuesday. It's a lot of work getting some of the hairstyles to stay active. i.e. if I type 21 it defaults to 2 but when I type 789 it gives me 21....


Well-Known Member
I've tried Marie and Honoka with every female in the game. Sadly their heights are unique to them so they don't mesh with anyone.

Oh right, thanks for trying anyway :) I look forward to the release

It's pretty awesome how suddenly there's a bunch of DOA DLC


Well-Known Member

I think Helena's loose hair would suit her better than Rachel's, but finding a specific hairstyle on the DLC Tool is like looking for a needle in a haystack. :confused:
I did a bit of searching last night before sleep and found the following corresponding numbers for hairstyles:
789=21 567=55 678=166 456=200
Will update with more if I find them. Here's a few I found for Tina that I'll be including as an option in all my DLC options


Well-Known Member
In a page, I find this list of compatibles hair:

hitomi - 1,2,4,5,(2 is bonus bandana)
kokoro - 1,2,3,4,5
helena - 1,2,4
lisa - 1,4
tina - 1,4
rachel - 1,2
momiji - 1,2
kasumi - 1,3,4,5,6
ayane - 1,3,4,5
mila - 1,4 (faces - 1 = normal, 2 = bandaid)
lei fang - 1,2,4,5,(6 is bonus red ribbon pigtails)
christie - 1,3,6
marie rose - 1,2,3
honoka - 1
phase 4 - 1,2,3
alpha 152 - 1,2
Nyotengu - 1,2,3,4,5
pai - 1,2
sarah 1

for hair swaps, here is a list (incomplete)

hitomi - (7 bayman - bad / 23 momiji short / 34 kasumi long)
kokoro - (8 ein - bad)
helena - (6,7 leon - bad / 9 bass - bad)
lisa - (9 brad - almost perfect / 6,7 kasumi - no texture)
tina - (8 ein / 6 jan - almost perfect)
rachel - (4 jacky / 6 marie- bad / 7 marie - bad / 8 marie - bad)
momiji - (4 rachel - bad / 5 rachel - bad / 7 jacky - bad / 9 - marie bad)
kasumi - (9 gen fu - bad / 12 helena / 34 leifang / 67 christie / 89 pai)
ayane - (9 eliot / 7,8 eliot - bad)
mila - (6 jann - almost perfect / 8 sarah - almost perfect)
lei fang - (8 ayane - almost perfect / 9 ayane - bad)
christie - (8 hitomi - bad / 9 hitomi - bad)
marie rose - (5 kasumi / 6 kasumi / 7 kasumi)
honoka - (4 zack head - bad / 6,7 christie head - bad / 9 jann head - bad)
phase 4 - (6 Nyotengu / 7 Nyotengu / 8 Nyotengu / 9 Nyotengu)
alpha 152 - (4,5 ein - crash / 6 helena - crash / 8,9 christie - crash)
Nyotengu - (8 honaka - bad)
pai - (4 momiji / 5 momiji / 7 rachel - bad / 8 rachel - almost perfect)

sarah - (3 pai / 4 pai / 6 momiji / 7 momiji / 9 rachel - bad)