Kotaku "Dead Or Alive Is More Than Breasts"


Well-Known Member
Kotaku and friends appear xenophobic and racist to me. Them and a few other american sites produce never ending stream of articles attacking Japanese games and media. I don't fully understand their motivation, I suspect they are financial rather than political, however the end result is the same they keep making hit pieces filled with puritanical angst targeting Japanese games, while similar content in western games does not get the same reaction.

I wish news aggregators would consider banning them as sources until they learn to behave or disappear. They ultimately have no interest in games, politics or anything besides writing divisive articles in the hope it will generate traffic for their site.
I have to agree with this. Most american "game review" sites care next to nothing for fighting games other than SF. DOA honestly isn't any worse in the fan service area than SC or Tekken given their customization modes. But Japanese games always get a hard time from these kind of sites.
Ehhhh, my hyperbole and cognitive bias detectors are going off. I kind of want to actually look into it, but I don't think I can be assed. lol
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Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Didn't read all the comments here. I'm just going to say that I do find it uncomfortable to play in front of people. If someone comes into my room and I'm spectating or playing a game mode you can pause, I will pause it and/or click the guide button, look through my friends list etc, until they leave. The sexuality is 0% of the reason I became interested in DOA. It makes me want to play the game less, not more.

Well as I said before, this is more of a person by person thing rather than an issue of the game itself. For pete sake I can play Onechanbara without a hint of fear anymore nor give even the slightest of shits going ham on the dressup options in Soul Calibur, Tekken and Dragon's Dogma and someone walks into the room.

While sexuality is ALSO 0% of the reason I got into the game, it really doesn't effect me period whether they add more or less, but I find removing it to be basically a stupid and overall worthless option.

I guess it's weird I have zero issues with sexuality but I have ALOT of issues of violence(for goodness sake I can't handle a throat slit without wincing or covering my neck let alone more gruesome deaths...and I'm an American).


Well-Known Member
I need to get away from MH4U... I'm playing it way too much.

I have talked to people I know. Only 1 person I know doesn't like it, but that person hates video games anyway. And I noticed that people in my circle think this game is good looking despite never have played or heard of DOA. As a first impression, I think so too. But then again, most of the people I know are over the age of 25 and can easily see past these things and look at things with a mature opinion in mind. So with that said, it's safe to assume that everyone is going to have their own different opinions and experiences concerning this game.. or any video game, really. For us in the FGC, I think we deserve TN's attention over the concern over the DLC for sure, but as a game at it's core, it's a very good looking and fun game. That's why we're here. If you think games like SF4, BB, P4 etc aren't getting egged on by other people, then you are highly mistaken. Look at the smash community. Probably the most resilient community in the FGC. If they can do it, we can too.
Your circle of friends must be fun. I'm having a hard time finding people that aren't bothered by it. It's funny, now that i mentioned that i tried SCV, conversations are starting to gravitate towards Ivy (I don't even think she's the worst, but i guess that's the one that works on the most people).
If you know Japan. Then you should know fan service. I don't see the problem in looking at fictional eye candy. I mean Japan loves fan service, and they aren't going to stop just because you're bitching about it. Either get with the culture or GTFO.

But they're also trying to sell outside of Japan, as well. Also, fanservice isn't the same as softporn. Nintendo is notorious for fanservice, but it is pretty tame even for american standards (for the most part).

Also ((Beaches)) ((Bikinis)) all public fan service. A lot of women don't have to wear two pieces, but many do, and you can find a nice one piece. Also look at TV, movies and other forms of media ((Fan service)) all day. We as humans love sex...What is the actually problem? Working as intended.

No, this is not fanservice. Humans also love money, taking things they want without paying for them (especially software piracy), or just about anything that they can benefit from without any sort of pain (it takes special people who can enjoy things like exercise and things like that). But if i have to explain the negative effects of over-indulgence of anything, especially related to sex, then you might not be old enough to be having this conversation.

Kotaku and friends appear xenophobic and racist to me. Them and a few other american sites produce never ending stream of articles attacking Japanese games and media. I don't fully understand their motivation, I suspect they are financial rather than political, however the end result is the same they keep making hit pieces filled with puritanical angst targeting Japanese games, while similar content in western games does not get the same reaction.
I wish news aggregators would consider banning them as sources until they learn to behave or disappear. They ultimately have no interest in games, politics or anything besides writing divisive articles in the hope it will generate traffic for their site.

Or, could it possibly, just possibly, be that they're judging things from the point of view of their own cultures? If you're part of an outcast subculture, you just may actually end up hearing bad things about your outcast subculture. Do the opinions fom people outside of your subculture on why they refuse to join your subculture bothering you? You know, if your mind is open enough, if you are more accepting of ideas different from your own, you could enjoy Call of Duty and Minecraft just as much.

I have to agree with this. Most american "game review" sites care next to nothing for fighting games other than SF. DOA honestly isn't any worse in the fan service area than SC or Tekken given their customization modes. But Japanese games always get a hard time from these kind of sites.

See response to quote above.

Well as I said before, this is more of a person by person thing rather than an issue of the game itself. For pete sake I can play Onechanbara without a hint of fear anymore nor give even the slightest of shits going ham on the dressup options in Soul Calibur, Tekken and Dragon's Dogma and someone walks into the room.
While sexuality is ALSO 0% of the reason I got into the game, it really doesn't effect me period whether they add more or less, but I find removing it to be basically a stupid and overall worthless option.
I guess it's weird I have zero issues with sexuality but I have ALOT of issues of violence(for goodness sake I can't handle a throat slit without wincing or covering my neck let alone more gruesome deaths...and I'm an American).

Most people I know have problems with both, really. Fortunately, since i'm less likely to be a murderer than a shallow pervert, I don't have to hide Metal Gear (except for certain scenes). Though, to be fair, it could also have alot to do with perceptions. I know many people who could play this game with their family, but they're also people who are known for being hardcore perverts. Them playing anything less perverse would be more shocking and damaging to their character (note: success rate not included).


Active Member
I need to get away from MH4U... I'm playing it way too much.

But they're also trying to sell outside of Japan, as well. Also, fanservice isn't the same as softporn. Nintendo is notorious for fanservice, but it is pretty tame even for american standards (for the most part).

No, this is not fanservice. Humans also love money, taking things they want without paying for them (especially software piracy), or just about anything that they can benefit from without any sort of pain (it takes special people who can enjoy things like exercise and things like that). But if i have to explain the negative effects of over-indulgence of anything, especially related to sex, then you might not be old enough to be having this conversation.

They aren't trying to sell outside there country. They are selling outside there country.

Bikinis. It's all opinions at the end of the day. From what women wear at the beach now, to what women did wearing at the beach years ago. Feminist groups against today's bikinis and the like. It's stupid I know, but you'll find stupid stuff like that on the internet. Just like blogs complaining about DOA for the 9,99999999995th time.

Anyway the point of that was sex sells. Over time clothes/ movies and TV have gotten more sexual, and now video games. So what?

If its about not being over-indulged with sex then the world is failing, but that's not what it's about. It's simple. People like to complain, and sex is easy to complain about. Since Last round just came out lets talk about DOA again, and talk about the same thing we did when DOA5U was making a seen. Just to make some news. If you're a fan you know how DOA is. A Sexy fighter. It's been that way for awhile. Oopse spoilers?

Warning to much DOA may cause you to be over indulged with sexual thoughts, and could be harmful to the Vagina or Prostate. (Vagina) because shirtless men are fan service too.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
This was a good read. While I agree with most of the points made in the article. I want to love this game and share it with my friends and family, but it seems too embarrassing sometimes. Every person I know understand Dead or Alive as 'that game with the boobs' and not that 'great fighter with enormous fun and depth.

Basically, your game has a problem if you feel embarrassed while playing it while your mom/wife/kids are in the room. SO CONFLICTED . . .

I played it in front of my wife, my kids, my parents, everyone. If I get embarrassed it's actually not about me getting conflicted about playing the game specifically, but more about me playing games in general during the funeral (kapa).
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I completely agree with the fact that some of the DoA DLC content goes far, but the issue isn't there. DoA's biggest issue is that a game with fun and unique mechanics that is accessible to casual players WHILE being deep enough to be played competitively have never seen some promotion on its gameplay subtleties. Because of this, the game has been shunned by casuals as "boobie game" and pros as "sucky game" and it has been stuck in this rut ever since.

While Team Ninja's promotion had some importance in this matter, I really think we should stop being embarassed playing our games because let's face it, somebody will always have qualms about you or another playing x or y games cause x or y reason (too sexy, too easy,too short, too long, too "anime" ,*insert anything you want here*). Just ignore all this, you like or a game for your own reasons and if you feel okay with them, just roll with it. some people play it for the steamy contents, others for fun, others for game mechanics, others because they have their crush on such or such character, but at the end of the day we're all playing the same game and we're all loving it !
Call me stupid or idealistic, but I think our game will be recognized for what it is the day we stop shunning the own members of our communities for their tastes, and stop caring about whatever crap people are throwing at the game, because no matter what stance Team Ninja takes, this will always be a thing.


Well-Known Member
They aren't trying to sell outside there country. They are selling outside there country.


Bikinis. It's all opinions at the end of the day. From what women wear at the beach now, to what women did wearing at the beach years ago. Feminist groups against today's bikinis and the like. It's stupid I know, but you'll find stupid stuff like that on the internet. Just like blogs complaining about DOA for the 9,99999999995th time.

Anyway the point of that was sex sells. Over time clothes/ movies and TV have gotten more sexual, and now video games. So what?

Video games today seem to be making it a point to go a step further than TV and movies. The music industry seems to be trying to 1-up video games.

If its about not being over-indulged with sex then the world is failing, but that's not what it's about. It's simple. People like to complain, and sex is easy to complain about. Since Last round just came out lets talk about DOA again, and talk about the same thing we did when DOA5U was making a seen. Just to make some news. If you're a fan you know how DOA is. A Sexy fighter. It's been that way for awhile. Oopse spoilers?

That's the thing though. TN wants to reach more people, but said more people are not willing to change what they want and like when there are things out there already for them. The powers that be (community and TN) need to decide whether it's more important to broaden the game or retain what it is. This is where the issue lies. You got, on one hand, people who don't want change. Then you got people on the other hand who think the community needs to get larger. These 2 sides are going to clash, because they're incompatible when it comes to DoA. It's like if you own a restaurant that prides itself in usage of profanity when serving food. I'm sure there's a niche that would be supported by it. However, no matter how good the food is, it's not going to ever become a family frequented establishment. If they want families there, they need to be family friendly. Any customers who try to invite families with young children to that restaurant will be promptly informed that their decision is offensive. DoA is like this restaurant, only it's sex not profanity. The awesome food that is the true reason the restaurant appeals to the customers (the hook: the food) isn't as important as the gimmick (the bait: the profanity). The biggest difference is, that this figurative restaurant's customers understand that the excessive profanity is offensive, and that just because one might hear "shit" at another restaurant once a year is no reason to believe that the excessive profanity is suddenly family friendly.

Warning to much DOA may cause you to be over indulged with sexual thoughts, and could be harmful to the Vagina or Prostate. (Vagina) because shirtless men are fan service too.

It's more or less that they're trying to appeal too hard to a crowd they're not even allowed to appeal to (teens and tweens).
Well, it's uncomfortable for me to play any game in presense of non-gaming people, whether game has fan service or not. Also, mostly agree with @DeadlyChase about beaches, tv advertisments, print ads. All of that stuff is everywhere, but for some reason people start complaining when it appears in some videogame. I also should note that while i appreciaty DoA's cast being "some fine ladies", mostly no one fits my taste (Hitomi did, but in DoA 3 version). What really emberass, it's huge amount of all these disputes about "look, tits" or "we are so ashamed of this".