I get Argentus' point! Let me use an analogy:
A female feeding her baby (pretty much every female mammal not just humans). We are so traumatized by Breasts, teats, areolas (sp), obviously of the portrayal in media and real life.
But go back to that woman feeding her baby. How else is the baby going to consume if the she is wearing a bra? Makes no sense! But most never think of their intended use, unless it's seen and have a problem with it. ("All these people are staring!" And? "My baby's hungry! I'm going to feed it! Pervs present and all!")
See? Most would back off.
Or the attraction! How many players used Mila before they whored her up? (Sorry, Argentus). I guess I'd be head over heels for Alpha (her sexy naked colorful ass! She has clothes, but she's still naked, really). Ironically, I guess they saw how popular the nude Kasumi mod was because that was the excuse. However, do you see what she doesn't have? If she had those things - DOA4 may not have shelved let alone 5.
Sure, we understand it's a cultural thing, doesn't make the "obsession" lawful. Some of the sick shit that goes on in America and you wonder why we're the most hated nation.
I think the issue is presume constant euphoria. No one likes everything, but keep shoving something they do like in their face, they won't like it! I can't tell you how many times I've heard: "Pick somebody else! I'm sick of Alpha!" But if I say something like: "She gets me wet!" You bet the barrage of comments coming. (Unless I'm among friends who get my tone - especially if they joke like that, too!)
Yes, something my sell, but if done excessively, eventually it'll become a shell of its former self and a joke and none here want DOA to continue to be the ass of alot of jokes, do we? That bland outfit Mila, but all of her outfits before the slutty ones fit her personality!
Helena: She is absolutely gorgeous, elegant, full of grace and dignity. She has costumes that reflect that.
The ninjas: It's obvious with them.
The guys look so handsome in their tuxedos!
Alpha: Being naked - Granted, the paragraph before, but I see something beyond her being nude, just to be nude. Despite the universe's "justification" of the actual reason (and there's no hiding it):
Notice how she's too easy too beat, made to be vulnerable which is the flipside to all that raw, brutal power that people complain about, still. They stay people with the toughest exteriors (look at me. I can kill you with one throw!) have the softest interiors. (but I can get fucked up easily) aka "I act tough, but I'm gentle!" Despite her having (uninspiring) costumes, this won't change. As I said, she's still naked (vulnerable) even with clothes. So, maybe they didn't introduce Alpha just to have a "naked" Kasumi. Sadly, I can't say this with the other girls! And what ironically, I wrote more regarding a naked character than any of the clothed or barely there girls! Somehhow I can't feel proud here.