DOA5 and Sexualization: Too Much?

Has Team Ninja gone too far with DOA5 in regards to sexualization?

  • Yes, completely. They really need to back off.

    Votes: 59 33.7%
  • Well, borderline. They should be careful.

    Votes: 42 24.0%
  • I dunno. Whatever.

    Votes: 18 10.3%
  • Not really, no. They're good at the rate they're going.

    Votes: 36 20.6%
  • Not far enough, I say! Full speed ahead!!!

    Votes: 20 11.4%

  • Total voters

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
You're playing off your own feelings on the matter as how everyone feels. You may not find it appealing, obviously somebody thought that outfit posted was sexy because they made it and someone wore it. And it could be said that the only reason some people would find it "off-putting" to look at is because it's so outlandish and uncommon.

The same would go for your problems with the Hawkeye initiative. While I suppose you could say that there are areas where men and women are sexy (or look completely ridiculous) for different reasons (biology maybe but socialization probably more), you seem to be claiming that there can be no overlap when that's not objectively true.

1. That easily could be not true. That could simply be a fashion statement of the point Si3ma made, unless we can contact that person, it's just speculation and that's the best I can give you. And as for that second part, are you honestly gonna tell me that most people would find it good-looking then? Because your use of words is saying only some people would find it disgusting rather than the other way around.

2. I do believe that there is overlap...but not between the point of it being made in the least. Men and Women cannot act and look the same way without one side looking ridiculous as a whole while the other side can slide clean. That is how society has painted the whole thing so if you have a problem there you go.

Not true, so whatever.

Personal opinion then.


I don't mind the sexualization as it is part of the game but I am concerned with the type costumes used (bikinis, bunnysuits, nurses, maids, cops, leis covering tits, etc.) Those types of costumes are too bland and derail the sense of an awesome 3d fighter out of it.

If they want to maintain the hawt, badass women factor in it, TN ought to focus on giving them costumes like these.



I'd certainly like to see more dresses on Helena. She rocks them like nobody's business.


Well-Known Member
1. That easily could be not true. That could simply be a fashion statement of the point Si3ma made, unless we can contact that person, it's just speculation and that's the best I can give you. And as for that second part, are you honestly gonna tell me that most people would find it good-looking then? Because your use of words is saying only some people would find it disgusting rather than the other way around.
I'm not trying to quantify it really. Some might like it. Some might not. There'd be an amount worthy of consideration either way. But, even if one "side" would have a majority, that doesn't mean that their opinions would be "correct" as it'd be personal taste on what they think is sexy. But, even if someone wouldn't find it sexy, that doesn't mean that they would find it disgusting as you put it. That's projection. What about it makes it disgusting exactly?

The point of the outfit may have indeed been to be ridiculous. But, you're insinuating that a woman wearing a similar outfit would then not be as ridiculous (since men and women are "sexy for different reasons") when the point of the message is (a nondescript amount of) people find it very ridiculous and only women are usually subjected to that treatment.

You shouldn't be projecting and using absolute words like "no one" and "everybody" is my main point.

2. I do believe that there is overlap...but not between the point of it being made in the least. Men and Women cannot act and look the same way without one side looking ridiculous as a whole while the other side can slide clean. That is how society has painted the whole thing so if you have a problem there you go.
But, the point of the Hawkeye Initiative is that the women already look ridiculous as is regardless of if men are acting that way or not (though I have seen a couple of "ridiculous" Nightwing poses, for example). It would be possible for everyone to just look ridiculous all the time across the board, but I don't think anyone wants that to a large extent.

The problem is women are always targeted for, let's say, "misguided" attempts at pandering and the script is almost never flipped. But, some people may have become numb to it just through overuse and thus switching it up allows it to click a little more that something may be off. As Brute would say, there a lack of ironic justice raining down from the heavens to make people see how stupid it is to always be portrayed that way.

And, I actually wanted to know if you meant something different by "to be my French". I don't know every single idiom that exists. Could've been a new one.
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Well-Known Member
So, he's going through a slideshow with images of the first-print outfits, and then the new ninja outfits come up. And Hayashi was like "Oh, yeah, I forgot about these costumes."


Whelp. It's official. DOA has given up any attempt to be a serious fighter. Their own head has forgotten that he's not making a hentai game. That, or since he announced DOA5 he's been replaced by a space alien, a robot duplicate, an evil clone, or just has serious brain damage. Anyway, this isn't enough to abandon ship, but it sure as hell makes me want to mutiny.

And speaking of Mutiny...

"I am Tobuno Itagaki, creator of all I see. You have failed to complete the mission assigned to you. I will now resume command. I strip you of the powers that you have squandered. You are now, and forevermore banished from this company and from my sight." And then Hayashi got put in a dumpster and hurled into deep space. Or better yet, thrown to the moon where he can have fun with the Playboy Moon Bunnies... before Piccolo, Doctor Robotnik, and Chairface Chippendale blow up the moon together.



"I am Tobuno Itagaki, creator of all I see. You have failed to complete the mission assigned to you. I will now resume command. I strip you of the powers that you have squandered. You are now, and forevermore banished from this company and from my sight." And then Hayashi got put in a dumpster and hurled into deep space. Or better yet, thrown to the moon where he can have fun with the Playboy Moon Bunnies... before Piccolo, Doctor Robotnik, and Chairface Chippendale blow up the moon together.
I may not like Hayashi, but I don't want Itagaki either. The franchise would never move forward with him back at the helm, and I'll make my final decision on Hayashi with DoA6.


Well-Known Member
I may not like Hayashi, but I don't want Itagaki either. The franchise would never move forward with him back at the helm, and I'll make my final decision on Hayashi with DoA6.
Depends on what direction you are wanting DOA to go in. They both brought it forward, just in different directions.

Itagaki focused on it being a game, while Hayashi.....ORIGINALLY focused on it being a tournament fighter. Now he focuses it on being a peep show.

So honestly I'd rather have Itagaki back at this point.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Perfect exxample of what most people think about DOA.

You could have posted all the other recent video previews and streams as well. :( Not in one single preview was the game taken seriously. Not one! Back in DOA's heyday from DOA2-DOA3 it was also sexy, but still regarded as a serious and very good fighter. Nowadays the majority thinks, it's just pervy trash. Well, that's 90% of the guys that even know about DOA. Conversations regarding DOA go mostly like this for me:

Guy: "So, what's your favorite game?"
Me: "Dead or Alive! :D"
Guy: "Ah..." *nods*
Me: "It's a fighter, comparable to Tekken or Virtua Fighter."
Guy: "Oh, I know Tekken and Virtua Fighter! My brother/cousin/best friend/room mate plays it." :D

It's actually kinda sad... And now I mostly just say Zelda (my second most favorite gaming series) to avoid long explanation or the ridicule, if someone indeed knows DOA. ;).


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Itagaki focused on it being a game, while Hayashi.....ORIGINALLY focused on it being a tournament fighter. Now he focuses it on being a peep show.
The main focus of DOA is still that it's a tournament fighter. That's why the community is pushing the game to be at tournaments, especially a side tournament at EVO. While you may not agree with EVERY aspect of gameplay, DOA5 from a gameplay standpoint is still the best one in the series. It's accessible enough to newcomers, yet deep enough for veterans of the genre. As people here say countless times, the costumes do not take away from the gameplay. They are a bonus and most of the costumes are OPTIONAL to purchase. Who cares if someone uses a bikini or fetish costume? How does that take away from the core gameplay? Fact is, it doesn't. The game is always a fighting game first with some sexual aspects thrown in as bonuses that you do not have to purchase or partake in.


Depends on what direction you are wanting DOA to go in. They both brought it forward, just in different directions.

Itagaki focused on it being a game, while Hayashi.....ORIGINALLY focused on it being a tournament fighter. Now he focuses it on being a peep show.

So honestly I'd rather have Itagaki back at this point.
DoA5 is still a competent tournament fighter though. It just needs less bikinis.


Well-Known Member
You know, people say the costumes are optional and stuff and that's true. But, you still kind of have to deal with them and partake in them, especially online, because of compatibility patches and such. And Last Round is probably going to come with all previously DLC at least pre-loaded onto the disc with unlock keys being sold. Call people oversensitive or whatever, but I think that it'd be beneficial to "disable" seeing some DLC just like you can flag people who have terrible customization outfits in SC5.

Part of me is kind of meh on whether it actually happens or not. But, even if it's not bikinis, it just feels dumb sometimes to end up fighting a dude in a Santa outfit on Haunted Lorelei.


Well-Known Member
can't blame them if doa ain't popular, when the last time doa4 is publish , 2005?

meanwhile tekken publish many version throughout those years


Well-Known Member
The main focus of DOA is still that it's a tournament fighter. That's why the community is pushing the game to be at tournaments, especially a side tournament at EVO. While you may not agree with EVERY aspect of gameplay, DOA5 from a gameplay standpoint is still the best one in the series. It's accessible enough to newcomers, yet deep enough for veterans of the genre. As people here say countless times, the costumes do not take away from the gameplay. They are a bonus and most of the costumes are OPTIONAL to purchase. Who cares if someone uses a bikini or fetish costume? How does that take away from the core gameplay? Fact is, it doesn't. The game is always a fighting game first with some sexual aspects thrown in as bonuses that you do not have to purchase or partake in.
It matters because the aesthetic is actually important, or else we'd be fine with just wireframes and no backgrounds. It matters what people SEE, both when playing, and when seeing others play the game.

can't blame them if doa ain't popular, when the last time doa4 is publish , 2005?

meanwhile tekken publish many version throughout those years
.....actually a good point lol. Plus as I've said before, internet (Online gaming and communication) wasn't as ubiquitous as it is now.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
You know, people say the costumes are optional and stuff and that's true. But, you still kind of have to deal with them and partake in them, especially online, because of compatibility patches and such. And Last Round is probably going to come with all previously DLC at least pre-loaded onto the disc with unlock keys being sold. Call people oversensitive or whatever, but I think that it'd be beneficial to "disable" seeing some DLC just like you can flag people who have terrible customization outfits in SC5.

Part of me is kind of meh on whether it actually happens or not. But, even if it's not bikinis, it just feels dumb sometimes to end up fighting a dude in a Santa outfit on Haunted Lorelei.

I really don't see the point of this at all and I feel that it's just being ridiculous.
And this topic still has life in it...huh...


Well-Known Member
You know, people say the costumes are optional and stuff and that's true. But, you still kind of have to deal with them and partake in them, especially online, because of compatibility patches and such. And Last Round is probably going to come with all previously DLC at least pre-loaded onto the disc with unlock keys being sold. Call people oversensitive or whatever, but I think that it'd be beneficial to "disable" seeing some DLC just like you can flag people who have terrible customization outfits in SC5.

Part of me is kind of meh on whether it actually happens or not. But, even if it's not bikinis, it just feels dumb sometimes to end up fighting a dude in a Santa outfit on Haunted Lorelei.
I really don't see the point of this at all and I feel that it's just being ridiculous.
And this topic still has life in it...huh...
I want the option to not partake in it. It's awkward to watch it especially when I have my friends playing the game. I live in JP and stuff so it's not like I'm culturally ignorant. I think that people think we don't raise an eyebrow or something - that we all see this as kawaii and totally awesome. This is not so. I don't even want to get into that sort of thing. This is just a personal opinion of mine. I would enjoy the game more if I could disable whichever costumes I want on my PS4.

The rest of this text is not directed to anyone in specific.
Of course this topic still has life and I appreciate that so many players discuss the sexualization of the female characters of DOA because it's important. Some people need to vent, regardless of which side they are for. It's unfortunate that people say "sex sells" when referring to DOA.
"Sex" is not a vaginal-centered term. Computer generated images of hypersexualized proportioned women are not sex, yet we equate these images as sex. There are so many assumptions and terms and ideologies surrounding men and women in the media that we should all look at with a critical thinking lens. You can agree or disagree with me but I'm really happy that FSD is letting everyone discuss their feelings of the sexualization in DOA because there aren't many outlets to have a more sophisticated discussion outside of a Women's Studies classroom. We should engage with what the media is saying about images of women (even if they are computer generated or cartoons). I'm not saying you can't enjoy this game. I'm saying that by discussing and listening to people who might object to the games portrayal of female characters we could make a stronger, more appealing game. At the very least we are having a discussion about it. I hope this thread is open a really long time because I like to read it.


Well-Known Member
Also of note, there are people like me, who actually find costumes like Mila's C2, Hitomi's jeans and tanktop, Leon's marauder outfit, etc, etc, to be far hotter than the bikinis and bare skin.

For me, the less clothes is less sexy. It sounds weird, but keep in mind, I grew up on classical art, greek statues, etc. So when I see a naked body, I don't think "Sexy", I think "anatomy".

Its also why I find, say, Mila's bedtime DLC to be the only "sexy" dlc. Bikinis with bare skin does little for me, but the CONTEXT of just a shirt and panties, does get my attention. Its why I prefer the "Volleyball shirt" Swimsuits, and one piece bathing suits over bikinis.

Also the response of "They aren't real how can you find them attractive" or "I'm not attracted to pixels" never made sense to me. Because you imagine they ARE real when you see pictures of them, its as simple as that. In the same vein as imagining having sex with a celebrity you'll never meet in real life, so to you, she's as good as fictional as well. Imagery fuels fantasies.