Well-Known Member
Added La Mariposa.
Thanks! By the way I noticed that seems to be included already a link for the picture of Kasumi Alpha Phase-4, but opening it the forum say "page not found"...
Added La Mariposa.
Right, it'll be working when/if i get the still.
FreeStepDodge has much of the DOA5 assets available in their highest resolutions at:
Which one is the official render? The left one is on the first page but I see the right one more
Wow, this was fast!
Sorry for the late bump, do we have a high res version of the right version?.
They sent it to me this morning before the announcement.
The only one they had to give me was the one that I already have. The original still I received was from a different source, but Team NINJA provided me the same still so I don't think we'll get it.