Weirdest Online Moments


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Standard Donor
People seem to join my lobbies alot so it piles up, because of that I spectate. I don't kick people though unless they are disrespectful, lag and complaining, or what the picture has....

Some random person making a copy cat account.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I don't understand. People making false accounts. This is the 3rd account I've seen.
I make fake accounts to fit in with or play people in the community who would otherwise treat me like shit or laugh at me because I'm either:

a) Not good enough for them

b) Because I'm too "weird" or perverted for them

c) Because I'm myself

You have no idea what it's like to be me. In my case, fake accounts are justified. But I wouldn't make a replica of an existing player if it can be helped.

Intelligent Alpha

Well-Known Member
I make fake accounts to fit in with or play people in the community who would otherwise treat me like shit or laugh at me because I'm either:

a) Not good enough for them

b) Because I'm too "weird" or perverted for them

c) Because I'm myself

You have no idea what it's like to be me. In my case, fake accounts are justified. But I wouldn't make a replica of an existing player if it can be helped.

Wouldn't they still do these hings once they figured out who you were? *shrugs* haha!

Pictured Mind

Well-Known Member
I have seen it all....


I don't understand. People making false accounts. This is the 3rd account I've seen.

I would be so proud.


Well-Known Member
@Step You're step_live right? I joined your lobby and you immediately kicked me after telling someone else they disgust you
I didn't know you or if u mashed and at that moment after dealing with chuthlu"s mash I didn't want to find out. nothing personal


Well-Known Member
Fighting him later on he said he was pretty drunk (he is every time I see him lol) but he's usually a nice guy. To me at least.

I came in to fight a competent Hitomi for some MU exp since I struggle against her. So I guess don't assume the worst of people.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Tonight was an interesting night... and kind of a sad night.

I'm sure you heard it all before, people calling foul over spamming, juggling, and the like. But what made this interesting for me personally was that one individual who was in MY lobby chose to stay, keep whining about how he lost, and then berate me with the usual "you suck"s and "you don't deserve"s. The name of this player is not important at this time, but for cryin' out loud, this guy went on for nearly two hours doing this shit. Didn't matter if it was tag or singles, he would not let up with the shittalk. Of course, I didn't say anything throughout the session, hoping he would calm down and realize he's just getting outplayed... it never happened.

So I was at the limits of my patience and kicked him out of a lobby I hosted. This is the first time I've ever been pushed to do it deliberately, as I'm normally used to people seeing themselves out. It's a weird feeling, almost like getting your hands dirty for the first time.

Anyway, that's my weird online moment.

Intelligent Alpha

Well-Known Member
^There you are punishing yourself again! If that player was such a nuisance. Hell, I get kicked for simply using who I'm best with! Sometimes, I don't even get a match! I shouldn't be surprised though; however, you lost out on seeing how free she is - aka easy wins! *facepalm*

What you've describe though isn't weird, it's usual or as Tom Jones put it: "It's Not Unusual!" XD

AMMOF. this thread should pretain to weird online moments! I'm seeing alot of only "bad ones." However, I could see how quickly the good game/bad game thread would fill up, too!



Well-Known Member
A weird online moment- someone whose ID was literally DOGSHIIT came into a lobby I inherited. Most hilarious ID I've seen besides MAULSANTA, a Hayabusa player that only uses his santa outfit. Was a nice Mila, unfortunately the lag was like trying to swim through maple syrup.

Intelligent Alpha

Well-Known Member
A weird online moment- someone whose ID was literally DOGSHIIT came into a lobby I inherited. Most hilarious ID I've seen besides MAULSANTA, a Hayabusa player that only uses his santa outfit. Was a nice Mila, unfortunately the lag was like trying to swim through maple syrup.

Now, weird tags - that is something I think everyone can jump in on! One user asked me too report him as his username was this:TheHornyBear! He said because he wanted to come up with something more offensive! Or, "Troll" tags! Those are hilarious as fuck! XD


Well-Known Member
Hmm I think I finally have a weird moment to share with you guys lol.

I accepted a throwdown to a Brad Wong player and responded with my Tina. However, I lost. Soon after, I sent a throwdown to that said player just to get my revenge lolol. Still using his Brad, I won with Nyotengu.

Then, he messaged me with the conversation as follows:

IAmTheGame80: damn you make me hard i let you win, pls more
*he sent a friend request*
IAmTheGame80: you can punish me?
Me: punish? what?
IAmTheGame80: take girls and beat me
Me: ok!
IAmThe Game80: I can be your slave?
Me: no ;)
IAmTheGame80: *blah blah he has to leave*
*he goes offline*

.... cya later bitch insta-delete ciao


Well-Known Member
Once again. Join a lobby of people who are all As, S, Us, and up.

They spend entire time trying to spam the same long ass juggle. Same setup, same combo, over and over.

Then talk shit and call me a spammer for going into Mila's mount from every possible situation.