Halloween DLC 2014

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Well-Known Member

Stand back, there's a Jann Lee comin' through!

My Babenapes

Active Member
wow... I mean some of the costumes are good, but there are so many costumes that are unoriginal that its like they just re-released last years halloween pack.

I like Eliot's, Tina's, Rachel's costume, but to be honest Rachel's could have been original and not a remake of the entry for P4...


Well-Known Member
I'm more talking how his vest looks painted on

Yes I know, I was just assuming that the difference in the quality of the cloak and of the vest wasn't so different between them XD

I like Eliot's, Tina's, Rachel's costume, but to be honest Rachel's could have been original and not a remake of the entry for P4...

Personally I believe that Rachel has more similarities with the entries of Rig and Zack for the last year (that are again very different) than with Phase-4... Phase-4 has neither a full skeleton painted on and represent a Grim Reaper, while Rachel make use of concrete bones placed over her body (not a painting) as for representing a sort of living dead.

My Babenapes

Active Member
anyone notice how TN has long nails on more of the male outfits than the female outfits? XD. Apparently Halloween costumes turn men into girls...


Well-Known Member
RIP amazon princess, rip. -.-

Although her superhero outfit is pretty nice as well

I agree: Viking or Amazon Tina was a great idea and personally I voted for that outfit; knowing the general outcome of the DLC pack, I would have been sure that TN would have chosen that design for pairing it with Viking Bass.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Gah I miss so much. :/ Looking at the outfits I have to say some of them look great but some of them are very disappointing.

Brad looks incredible (congrats @Squizzo :D)
Gen Fu: I wanted Pig Fu to win but Gen Fu looks alright (still never gonna use him).
Ein: looks cool...for once! :O
Pai: it looks dumb
P4 and Rig as reapers are pretty sweet.
Nyo - well it's no Necrotengu but it was my 2nd favorite and it does look nice.
Eliot - are you serious? There were 2 amazing designs and they make this half-@ssed outfit? I thought for sure they would have used this one the design is incredible:
Rachel - got Kasumi's skeleton design I see. Well at least they stayed true to the original design. XD
Hitomi - dumb...
Leifang - better than the winning design but still pretty generic looking
Akira - I want a banana! :mad:
Bass - YEEESSS!!!! Incredible. That's all... XD
Jacky+Jann - I've been wanting super heroes so if it couldn't be Eliot I'm glad at least these 2 got them
Tina + Lisa - really great design and I'm actually okay w/ them giving Lisa a recolor
Sarah - really TN? :(
Helena - very nice. It fits her well.
Hayabusa/Hayate - not bad
Bayman - yikes...
Christie - no egyptian? :(
Leon - wow so no astronaut? Very surprised I thought being a staff favorite was almost a guarantee.
Mila - well @Argentus at least they used part of your costume (and well..nothing else. DX)
Kasumi - you know what...again like Ayane there are a lot of parts of this outfit I like it's just not enough clothing.
Kokoro - I can't see all of the outfit but it looks nice
MR - so-so
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Well-Known Member
Here's my thoughts:

:ein: 7.5/10 Pretty cool, as cool as a pirate costume can be I suppose, maybe hat is removable(?)
:bradwong:4/10 Looks way too generic to me, +1 for diffirent hair though.
:genfu:6/10 Not as good as Ein's
:pai:6/10 Same as Leifang's?
:rig: 9/10 Really cool design for Rig, I like it.
:phase4:7/10 Something about this costume looks abit off to me, dem stockings though ^^
:eliot:3/10 Not loving it, at all
:nyotengu:9/10 One of the best costumes in the pack definately.
:rachel:9/10 Expected something completely diffirent, positively suprised I guess :)
:hitomi:8/10 Would have prefered the mafia costume aswell, this is ok though.
:leifang:6/10 Meh, ok
:akira:7/10 Something completely diffirent, always a good thing I guess.
:bass:8/10 Pretty good
:jacky:5/10 Smells like copy pasterino
:jannlee:5/10 Generic copy pasterino
:sarah:3/10 Sigh, nurse costume with color swap
:helena:8.5/10 Looks awesome, many details.
:hayabusa:7.5/10 Pretty cool
:hayate:6/10 Nope, not digging it...
:bayman:2/10 What in gods name.. the thing around his neck kills the costume for me, its something he would never wear. Not saying the design is bad, but its something that I will not buy.
:zack:5/10 Didn't I say it was Zack yesterday.. joke costume as usual, why cant they give him a normal cool costume for once.
:christie:8/10 Can't really give the score without seeing the whole costume, but it it's something Christie would wear.
:leon:6.5/10 Okish
:mila:1/10 I was afraid something like this would happen
:tina:8/10 Not the costume I voted for, but it was in my favorites out of the candidates
:lisa:8/10 Same as Tina's, not going to downgrade since the costume aint as generic as the other copy/pastas
:kasumi:7/10 Only some of the costume is revealed
:kokoro:6/10 Cute ears, again cant really give score since we cant see the whole costume.
:marierose:6/10 Costume is ok, I'm glad they decide to keep her clothes on...
:ayane:8/10 I must be a terrible person to like this xD

Momiji: 7/10 pretty ok

Overall score ends up being:

197/310, and I will buy the costume pack for sure :)

Best costumes in my opinion were: Nyotengu, Helena, Tina/Lisa, Ayane, Ryu, Bass, Rig, Rachel, Ein & Hitomi

Hopefully we will see trailer soon with full coverage of the costumes that were only partly shown.


Well-Known Member
@David Gregg You talked two times of Rachel, I believe that the second time you meant Sarah and you made an association for her similar look.

But seriously you don't like Akira? Seemed to me that is one of the few outfits that everyone love unanimously (I'm joking of course, no problem if your opinion is different XD).

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
@David Gregg You talked two times of Rachel, I believe that the second time you meant Sarah and you made an association for her similar look.

But seriously you don't like Akira? Seemed to me that is one of the few outfits that everyone love unanimously (I'm joking of course, no problem if your opinion is different XD).

lol yeah I meant Sarah (for some reason these 2 are interchangeable to me. XD) But to me Bananakira is so much better than that design. I hate how they have to give Akira the most stereotypical Japanese outfits every time. They can't do something fun for once (like they do with every girl).


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
As long as I get to take off that pumpkin, the costume is decent. Looking like and X-Man.

Number 13

Well-Known Member

lol after seeing the rest of the costumes the Ein pirate outfit (after seeing a better angle) doesn't look so bad now in comparison. Still not gonna get it though, but shame about leak since instead of a slow torture in despair we got bum rushed with all this at once lol. Some of these outfits though are pretty cool not gonna lie.
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His Reverence

Papa Reverence, the Ayane Enthusiast.
Premium Donor
I suppose I'll chime in.

Ayane: Win (*hyperventilates*)
Bass:Win (Best male costume in the game.)
Rachel:Win (That ASS)
Ein/Brad/Fu: Win
Nyo: Classy win.
Kokoro and Momiji: both actually look rather lovely. Very nice!
Kasumi: Eh, would have preferred the bodypaint. Still nice, though.
Rig/P4: Pretty cool, for sure.
Akira: Dope
Lisa and Tina: Pretty cool duo.
Pai/Eliot/Sarah/Hitomi/LeiFang: Eh
Jacky and Jann Lee: Not bad but not great.
Helena: Looks nice but it looks somewhat plain.
Busa/Hayate: That mask should have been on Hayabusa.
Leon: Ok
Marie: Don't care.
Zack: Ok.
Mila: ....
Sarah: ....
Bayman: *walks away.*

So it's safe to say that Eliot is a Vampire Prince and Ayane is HIS succubus. Very clever TN. ;)

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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Everyone's flipping out over the Bayman costume I'm just like "meh" guess it's because I don't really expect him to get anything good anyhow.
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