Community Team NINJA Halloween Costume Contest


Well-Known Member
I've actually been wondering that. like if they took my design and the armor from Bayman and mixed the two since mine lacked detail. make it black, add the skirt and mask, and slim it down and you would create one of the most badass Bayman outfit IMO

I'm fine with it, but I know some would be pretty pissed off if their designs got butchered
It would be funky to see a mix of two costumes lol.

Well, everyone who participated has essentially given their design up for TN to manipulate with, so they have no say over how their design is used. But yeah I'm sure they would be annoyed lol


Based on the new TN tweet, there was a total of 123 333 votes and the 10 top winners will be announced 16/07 at 6.00pm (US time? EU time? JP time?)
Team Ninja said:
【SNS担当】#DOA5U ハロウィンコスチュームコンテスト本日より集計しております。全世界からの有効得票数は123,333票。日本、米国からの投票数が多い様です。さて選ばれるのはどのデザインか!上位10作品の発表は各公式ページから、7/16 18:00頃を予定しております!

Team Ninja US version said:
We closed voting. 123,333 votes were posted from the world. We will announce top 10 costumes from each channel on 07.16 around 6pm. #DOACostumes


Well-Known Member
Cool! thanks for the info. So, on Wednesday.
more than 100.000 people voting. Nice!
Wait.. does this mean that one design could have 123.333 votes (if everybody did vote for the same design)? My Rachel got 23.000 votes on FB last time and we all know it was hacked... Isn't 123.333 a very exagerated number?


Well-Known Member
Haha, it´s about the "VOTES" not the fans. So, if one person (for example) voted for over 10 characters, it is easy to get that amount of votes in total.


Well-Known Member
Does 1 person selecting 10 costumes count as 1 vote (since you press "vote" one time) or does it count as 10 votes (since you select 10 costumes)?
Whatever, so be it.


Well-Known Member
Haha, it´s about the "VOTES" not the fans. So, if one person (for example) voted for over 10 characters, it is easy to get that amount of votes in total.

yes, let's make some maths: If everyone voted for 20 costumes, we have approximately 6000 persons. Not THAT big.


Standard Donor
^ Even so, the online communities of DOA are small compared to actual DOA players as a whole; you only have a handful of consistent people with newcomers coming and going. It's easy to get into that linear type of "welp... this is it" mentality, especially with the language barriers. I live in the states and Japan, and can tell you that the offline community is dead in the states in comparison (even before DOA5UA released). The states do have bigger gatherings though, thanks to EVO-- though that accounts for the FGC as a whole and not DOA. Japan is more consistent with DOA tourneys though small, but several times a year and at several locations (locally)-- and 80% of the players I know don't even use social media. "Loud" English fans online typically use social media to get their points across to TN, and they're a very small number so that creates a sort of hourglass thinking that, that's all DOA has. Definitely not the case here. It's also a cultural thing as well. Japanese fans tend not to be as loud as some international fans are. I'm not saying that's bad but y'know-- it is what it is.


Well-Known Member
OR the possibility that desperate people probably voted for themselves multiple times? lol

The way this voting system works is easy for anyone to vote anywhere. Vote for yourself at home, at work, the local library, on your mobile phone's 4G etc. Maybe I'm being a pessimist lol.


Standard Donor
OR the possibility that desperate people probably voted for themselves multiple times? lol

The way this voting system works is easy for anyone to vote anywhere. Vote for yourself at home, at work, the local library, on your mobile phone's 4G etc. Maybe I'm being a pessimist lol.

I'm assuming they're going by IP addresses-- though I didn't test if I was able to vote again. There wasn't some sort of IP lock? That just makes it more work for the organizer to have to sort through every vote, haha. That wouldn't make any sense. And to be fair, maybe there is a system in place that negates subsequent votes from the same IP. No one can really say.


Well-Known Member
Maybe this huge number is just "raw" and includes all the multi-votes made by the same persons from the same computer. After that, TN is going to "wash" this, all these fake votes and we will have a smaller number.