Community Team NINJA Halloween Costume Contest


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That mafia costume is badass but Hitomi can't pull it off

If Hitomi get that hairstyle she'd pull off anything. Not to mention she'd finally get a costume worth buying.

*Will spam "Rawrrr"s with it!*

What we talk about:

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That's their problem not mine

That problem is shared, "You" voted for it. Technically speaking, the vote you made didn't count. If TN started over they can pin point the sad little idiots that were making the costume a fraud. How would TN know the vote you made was legit? Oh right... they can't because they did it off of FB/Twitter. Nothing makes me sick to see an artist costume get shambled down because they couldn't find the idiots that ruined it. Best believe that Rachel costume would of still won if TN did it the proper way with a legit voting system with an actual tracking IP.


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That problem is shared, "You" voted for it. Technically speaking, the vote you made didn't count. If TN started over they can pin point the sad little idiots that were making the costume a fraud. How would TN know the vote you made was legit? Oh right... they can't because they did it off of FB/Twitter. Nothing makes me sick to see an artist costume get shambled down because they couldn't find the idiots that ruined it. Best believe that Rachel costume would of still won if TN did it the proper way with a legit voting system with an actual tracking IP.

Speaking of which, any idea about the procedure this time around? When does the voting start?

Making a top 10 would be so hard. With 280+ costumes to pick from I'd be hard to say before you get to see everything at once and measure them up against each other.


Well-Known Member
You are right @DestructionBomb to leave it the vote in the end was a wasted one, meaningless from a purpose point.. but even so I disliked the idea to have to change my preference just because some people decided to hack the entry: I really wished to show my appreciation for it (even if didn't count more for the contest).

Speaking of which, any idea about the procedure this time around? When does the voting start?

TN will say the date of the votes later, very likely will be the next week just as happened in the previous contest (where one week passed from the ending of the submission to the starting of the votes).

About the system used, I can only think that maybe they will do something similar to what happened for the pop idols outfits: seems to me to remember - but I could be wrong - that you had to select the favourite outfits giving them a checkmark and later confirming definitely the vote with a click in an area at the end of the page (in this way losing the chance to vote again returning to the pool, something similar to what happened with the feedback survey for the games).
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Disliking it solves nothing and keeping the like solves nothing one just is less effort on my part.

if we had a legit vote they would have won a little goodie bag...awesome.


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You are right @DestructionBomb to leave it the vote in the end was a wasted one, meaningless from a purpose point.. but even so I disliked the idea to have to change my preference because just some people decided to hack the entry: I really wished to show my appreciation for it (even if didn't count more for the contest)

It is honorable that you will leave a like there because you give respect for the costume. Perhaps I should take that back on what I said..but me on the other hand, I am far too competitive to deal with that. I like proper competition.

*Here is my idea on a simple way.*

1) Upload your costume with FB/Twitter. (Don't start the voting there.)

2) TN uploads those pics to their main site with a icon that says vote+plus tracking IP incase those sad little idiots try to take away minutes of their own life to make a fraud account because they are so in love with their own characters.

3) Day of result. Loser: "Sniff sniff. my costume didn't make it!" Sorry to hear that, a loss is a loss...I pray for you though. Winner: "Yay!" Congratulations! you legitimately won!

4) You are welcome.


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I know, it's beautiful.

Disliking it solves nothing and keeping the like solves nothing one just is less effort on my part.

if we had a legit vote they would have won a little goodie bag...awesome.

Also from your last post, fix it. It's not "Dislike"....It's "Unlike". Big difference. That Rachel costume was actually good.
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Well-Known Member
@DestructionBomb I thought that in your posts you were talking to abandoning the hacked entry for showing appreciation toward other ones where your vote could end to make the difference. Under this point of view there is nothing to say, your reasoning is logical and valid.


Putting aside that signed artbooks from Team NINJA or real-life outfits from the franchise appear to me cool gifts (surely pretty far from being on the same plan of the mouse pads), I think that the feeling of pride and satisfaction for the winner is something that definitely could make glad many people, indipendently from their wish to enter in the contest mainly for getting as DLC their submitted design.


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For the record guys, you don't have to apologize to me if you happen to like the Queen costume for Nyotengu. xD

Everyone has their personal preference. I myself would like to see Nyotengu as an other-worldly villain, rather than just another cocky/arrogant, "refined" and "regal" woman (who I feel like we have quite a few of already). I think there are quite a few people who feel the same way, so I went with something that caters to those folk, since as usual, I like to make my costume submissions unique things that service fans who have wanted to see a certain type of thing, but haven't had much fortune when relying solely on TN's design choices.

Brute's costume is an actual halloween costume though. I also like the Queen of Hearts from Nyotengu (No offense brute) but his costume makes more sense since it's a "Halloween" thing. It's just that the nicely detail editing draws people. If Brute had that same posture with the nice coloring+adobe, it would of been hard to choose.
Like I said before, the Queen costume is very well drawn. I would never take that away from it. Are there bound to be people who vote on a costume because it's drawn better? Of course. But that's kinda to be expected. It happened in the last contest and it will happen here.

But I think that there are also quite a few people who share my desire for a "crazier" Tengu, and (not to sound egotistical) I'm actually quite proud of my design. It's quite detailed and I was very calculated in designing something that would fit with the character, but also portray her in unique fashion, and would translate well if actually made into an in-game costume. So all I can hope is that the people who share that opinion make sure to vote for it if they want to see it.

I don't have a top 9 yet but definitely my favorite is Necrotengu. The cool thing about new characters is that because they don't really have a story yet (at least to the general public), entries can actually provide that background. That's why I really enjoyed Synce's P4 entry in the last contest which looked like the clone just broke out of the lab. Since Nyotengu is a creature who has been dwelling in some unknown mountain for over a thousand years (clearly very in tune with nature) I could buy her being able to communicate/manipulate the dead. Also even if she's haughty from the previews she also appears to have a sadistic side so the more primitive outfit suits her.


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I don't have a top 9 yet but definitely my favorite is Necrotengu. The cool thing about new characters is that because they don't really have a story yet (at least to the general public), entries can actually provide that background.

this is possible even with older characters. for example Bayman's bear symbol
tank bayman.jpg

by including previous elements from other costumes you further ingrain them into that character. you see the same happening with Mila and the Bee a lot, its going from just a cute design to her spirit animal practically


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It looks as though there is a Yokai/Oni theme going on with the NG characters I'm gonna vote for all of these, they all look great.


Yokai Slayer FTW
Rache ed-2.jpg


Well-Known Member
It looks as though there is a Yokai/Oni theme going on with the NG characters I'm gonna vote for all of these, they all look great.


Yokai Slayer FTW
View attachment 6455

Never seen before that Rachel's outfit: I don't like to much the lower part of the outfit (or better the missing of it XD), but in the end I find the outfit pretty original.