The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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A lot of fighting game communities are full of entitled dicks anyway, so who cares what they think? Honestly, when I look back at past DOA games and their costumes, none of them stood out as being too fan service-y anyway. If people don't want to give DOA a chance just because of fan service, something EVERY fighting game has, then it's their loss. Those are the kind of people whom we shouldn't want playing in our community anyway. At the end of the day, these are GAMES and they are meant to be played for fun (or competitively, which is still seen as fun to the pros).

Speaking of Sega, why is Virtua Fighter on life support then? VF is known as one of the best 3D fighters, yet, it gets ZERO recognition and ZERO support. The community is small, but dedicated, yet the community is all but dead. The only people left playing VF at this point are those who have been playing VF since the beginning and know the game inside and out. VF is harder to get into because, unless you know people who play the game, nobody new is getting into the game.

You are missing the point. It isn't just about overall community from different fighting genres. It's a fighting game as a whole from Game Reviews, interviews etc. How do you feel if a random interviewer asking a developer "Why is it that the breasts are quite big? Is it a thing of the game?" No one wants to hear that, and it's a question that usually pops up in certain areas. Especially when they try to make it a joke on every damn thing that DOA has to offer. Don't even get me started with DOAX.

You say who cares what they think but the actual goal is to draw in more audience to appreciate the game. Saying stuff like that is the reason why people seem to downplay DOA into "Your liking." It's not always what you want.

It does have fan service. Some people just refuse to admit it. Where are you looking at?

Life support? They are still thinking of ways to improve the fighting game build as well as focusing other games that isn't just VF. Same with NG and DOA. 2 completely different games.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
I agree with @DestructionBomb . Take that vid we were just talking about for example. Any other game when a new character is introduced they talk almost entirely about the gameplay, pros and cons of the fighter, etc... That Nyotengu reveal was 99% breast and panty shot talk and I doubt anyone was even paying attention towards the end and were just simply amused by her ground taunt.


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I still think it's ridiculous that DOA gets shitted on for fan service and sex appeal, when it's not the only game that has it. When I first played the original DOA on the PS1, I didn't even notice the breast physics in the game. What drew me into DOA was the counter system and the danger zones, because it was completely different from Tekken and Soul Blade at the time. What I also liked about DOA was the myriad of costumes you could unlock for the characters, especially when 3D fighters at the time really only had like 2 or 3 costumes for their characters. I try my hardest to advertise DOA to people and explain to them why I like it, but if they can't look pass the fan service, that's not on me. The fan service is a bonus, but that's not why I play.


Well-Known Member
Nah, Argentus does have a point. The issue really is now that people can stop me from combo'ing, game is broken.

I come across that complaint so much.even in other fighters because DOA has trained me to counter and punish. Using Taskmaster, Hakumen, Sheeva, etc , bait counter punish and then people send me hate mail. Usually something like "stop spamming/mashing counters!" Which is a bit of a paradox since it can't happen unless they are mashing the attack that ibam countering.... but other times I get hat email with people getting mad at me for not using combos and saying I suck for not using them. My response is "combos would have obviously been overkill against you"

But yeah. People rage because they can't face roll a combo to win so they claim counters are cheap/broken/for scrubs/what have you. That's the main complaint against DOA that I come across.


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I come across that complaint so much.even in other fighters because DOA has trained me to counter and punish. Using Taskmaster, Hakumen, Sheeva, etc , bait counter punish and then people send me hate mail. Usually something like "stop spamming/mashing counters!" Which is a bit of a paradox since it can't happen unless they are mashing the attack that ibam countering.... but other times I get hat email with people getting mad at me for not using combos and saying I suck for not using them. My response is "combos would have obviously been overkill against you"

But yeah. People rage because they can't face roll a combo to win so they claim counters are cheap/broken/for scrubs/what have you. That's the main complaint against DOA that I come across.

That is "Not" the main complaint of DOA. That is an "Online" complaint.


Well-Known Member
overall and phase 4 is out in JP

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
That is "Not" the main complaint of DOA. That is an "Online" complaint.

No, you can easily get that complaint offline too just like much other BS online.

On TvTropes, they do list that as one of the issues of this game's reasons for why people barely give it a chance and considering that we've long since past the fanservice issue, the "easiness" of counters in an age where UMvC3 pretty much hands people wins for hitting a person...


Well-Known Member
This is hearsay but, IIRC, the FGC was warming up to DOA 3.1. It's just that it was hard to get a hold of so no one really played it. Then came along DOA4 and shat over everything so hard people are still traumatized even now. That is where DOA's stigma comes from. The FGC doesn't give a shit about tits or no tits.


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Except I'm not trying to justify it or anything, I'm just saying that SC DOES have it worse and that DOA isn't really the queen anymore.

Defending it as saying it doesn't have it as bad is just laughable.
It's all in the marketing and presentation. Lots of fighting games have some amount of fanservice (usually limited to a few characters). But, outside of the flat-out character design of some characters, it's not really played up or talked about as a main feature. Yes, in TTT2, VF4-5 and SC3-5 you can dress up pretty much everyone in a skimpy manner if you so choose (*cough* everyone) but that's pretty much only through customize mode. I'm sure the SC devs never wanted half of the nonsense that actually ended up coming out of SC5's customization mode.

However, DOA goes beyond this. It was certainly no accident that the costume selector focuses on the chest area (also see Aerospark's post on the Phase 4 costume bundle icon). Other games certainly don't release marketing videos of their "movie mode" where your (female) character is crawling on the ground, sweating, and breathing heavily while you take pictures. Did I mention "Private Paradise"? They didn't have to make that a thing for this game. They don't have to release next to no merchandise/goods that don't involve bikini wall scrolls and boob pads for their know, because people might be fans of characters for other reasons...or fans of male characters.

And then take a look at their main site. While other games would have normal screens and vids know...people beating each other up, one would be hard-pressed to look at the DOA5/U screenshot or vid pages and get the impression that this is a fighting game. They didn't have to make sure that when there's a female character involved on their site, you get a nice cheesecake shot of them lying on the ground defeated. That was calculated. Soulcalibur doesn't do that. Tekken doesn't do that. VF doesn't do that. Street Fighter doesn't do that. Not even MK(9) with its completely questionable female attire choices did that. Other games certainly don't have OMG/Legend settings for boob movement. Or where every other costume bundle is "hot" or "sexy" or "naughty" or "dokidoki (heartbeat)".

It's not by accident that DOA happens to be thought of in a certain way even though other games have some manner of fanservice. DOA wants to make sure it's at the forefront. Maybe they originally thought about it not being that way, but they caved. And these are the consequences. Can people be faulted for being superficial and not looking behind all of that stuff (even though TN reeeeeally wants you to know about it) to see the cool fighting system? Perhaps a little. But, let's be for real here. TN is not some innocent party haplessly criticized by the masses. This is what they wanted. They have to take the good (perhaps DLC revenue) with the bad (that kind of reputation among the gaming scene).

Perhaps true FGC-ers only do care about the gameplay and its perceived flaws. That's certainly not 100% though, and that really doesn't help with people passing by not affiliated in depth with the hardcore community.
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Can someone who's not DestructionBomb let me know when Phase 4 is available for DL in North America on PSN? That way I can be lazy and not check for it all the time myself (and can update the main page).

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