The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Sigma and Black are the fairest In the series I wouldn't suggest the others because you have to start dealing with a lot BS and split second reactions which you won't be prepared for unless you're experienced with NG.

Pretty much this.

NG2 is definitely the hardest out of all of them, but that's due to how batshit insane the game is with it's cheapness factor at times(Some enemies just plain up have superarmor out the ass when they attack, plenty of rocket users offscreen, etc.)

NG3:RE is nowhere near as bad as NG2 is, but it's still pretty bad due to the fact that even with them fine-tuning the engine, you still run into hiccups here and there(sometimes being locked onto an enemy and that causes you to swing at him or dodge away from a group situation.)


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I would be happy to discuss Ninja Gaiden any time, but we actually have an entire sub-forum dedicated to the games (thanks to yours truly, in fact).

Feel free to talk about Ninja Gaiden to your heart's content here where the NG players are actually far more active and helpful than can be found in this thread.

Alright, back to discussing DOA-ish related things.


Well-Known Member

I would be happy to discuss Ninja Gaiden any time, but we actually have an entire sub-forum dedicated to the games (thanks to yours truly, in fact).

Feel free to talk about Ninja Gaiden to your heart's content here where the NG players are actually far more active and helpful than can be found in this thread.

Alright, back to discussing DOA-ish related things.

Thanks i was actually looking to see if their was a ninja gaiden discussion but couldn't find one so this is good.


Well-Known Member
When I say brutal or aggresive I mean she isn't the type of character to bash your face in from simply looking at her the wrong way she's too nice and happy go lucky to even be seen in anything a Yanki would wear.
Half the characters who dress like that in anime are nice people like her. Outweighs the ones who are actually vicious I think, actually...

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Alright, I gotta say this because while I did get it off my chest, it was in the Lady Tengu thread(Yes, I'm calling Nyou Tengu Lady because as you guys stated, that's what Nyou means...might as well get ready for that English Translation) and I deleted it because it came off as rambling, so I'll say it here but better:

Hayate is easily the most fucked over character roster in DOA. I know there will be some that argues it's Zack or Leon, but I call BS on that because both of them haven't had the hype Hayate has or the protagonist level spot he has, yet fail to actually deliver on any level based on his cred.

Let's look at his history, shall we:

DOA1/DOA2U Opening/DOAD: Hayate ends up getting his back broken and into a coma because he was too stupid to listen to Ayane's advice to not use the Sky Torn Blast against someone who specifically could copy Ninjutsu and his whole reason of being there was to copy said technique.
Raidou ends up being killed by Kasumi, his little sister.

DOA2: Somehow gets abducted and captured by DOATEC(I can say the same for Kasumi as well) and gets signed up for Project Epsilon and while he does regain the use of his legs, he fails the test and they find his little sister, again, to be the superior specimen compared to him(remember, what we've seen of Phase 4, Kasumi Alpha and her evolved form, Alpha-152, is supposed to be the result of the successful Project Epsilon). He ends up with Amnesia and does nothing important for the rest of the tournament.

DOA3: Loses his Amnesia and takes the helm of the leadership that he lost...which then Genra goes missing and gets Brainwashed(or in DOAD, goes with free will) into serving DOATEC and ends up a huge problem. Ayane wants to defeat him personally, Hayate refuses, she kicks his ass and goes and kicks Genra's ass(Ignoring DOAD because that's a load of BS there and Hayate is still useless for what he's supposed to be equal to)

DOA4: Organizes the attack on DOATEC...and not much else. Ayane completely destroys the building, Ryu goes ham on everyone else, Kasumi almost defeats Alpha-152 but she escapes and Hayate...just disappears(Not counting his outro movie because the True Ending doesn't show him anywhere at all)

DOA5: HE GETS CAPTURED BY RIG AND PLACED BACK INTO PROJECT EPSILON!!! Now I'm not saying that Rig is some chicken shit weakling or anything like that...but Hayate is supposed to be on the same level as RYU FUCKING HAYABUSA! How in the blue fuck did Hayate lose to someone like Rig when Ryu's WHOLE PERSONALITY in DOA5 was that he could have easily squashed DOATEC by now, but it's really not much of his problem until the tail end of the story mode. Hayate loses to a single freaking human who doesn't show anything even on the same level as Murai, The Red Alchemist(I cannot believe I forgot his name) or any other badass humans in the NG series, this is freaking absurd.

So lets see this again:
Hayate is a dumbass who got emasculated and decided to hand Raidou the Jutsu he wanted.
For all of his equalization to Ryu Hayabusa, he's a worse specimen then Kasumi is
He gets his ass wrecked by Ayane, who really WAS touted as a Prodigy in both series(DOA and NG)
Does nothing in DOA4 no one else couldn't do
And loses to a simple human with no tricks(Whereas Ayane and Kasumi pretty much curbstomped everyone in their way and the Improved Alpha-152 was the only real challenge they had)

Jesus man, DOA6 or even NG4 HAS to do something with Hayate because his entire presence is just embarrassing at this point.


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but Hayate is supposed to be on the same level as RYU FUCKING HAYABUSA!
No he isn't, lol.

Hayate is easily the most fucked over character roster in DOA. I know there will be some that argues it's Zack or Leon, but I call BS on that because both of them haven't had the hype Hayate has
I dunno, man. It feels like the Leon/Zack fanbases are a lot more passionate than the Hayate fanbase is.

I will agree that Hayate is basically the lamest, recurring, playable character in the series, though.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
No he isn't, lol.
I'm not sure what DOA it was stated in(either the manuals or in some level of archive somewhere), he was stated to be on his level(I should say tier to make it obvious he isn't exactly at his abilities, but he is close)

I dunno, man. It feels like the Leon/Zack fanbases are a lot more passionate than the Hayate fanbase is.

I will agree that Hayate is basically the lamest, recurring, playable character in the series, though.

And all they suffered was Leon missing out on DOA5(which Hayashi did admit he fucked up on) and Zack only being made a joke in DOA5(which was probably him just lollygagging now since he's pretty much Helena's right hand man is has all the money he needs)


Well-Known Member
Well first of all Hayate is not at the same level of Ryu (like Brute immediately will correct you XD), but definetely all the ninja are supposed to be on another league compared to the ordinary humans.

Btw consider that:
1) After to have discovered his connection with Donovan there are high chances that Rig couldn't be a simple human but a clone, a man with increased powers or other...
2) A ninja definitely has to be a master in the taijutsu but his strenght is not only there. All the ninja are able to use weapons and overnatural powers. For obvious reasons you don't see them in DoA, but in an actual important fight every ninja would make use of them for defeating an enemy. You can be sure that against that use would be almost impossible to survive for an opponent not knowing them.

EDIT: Said this I'm pretty sure that DoA6 will revolve more on Hayate, especially after the ending of DoA5 with Rig starting again the project Epsilon.

PS: While we don't see how Kasumi is captured (in addition with Ryu and Ayane close to her), DoA Dimensions shows that Hayate was captured by Kasumi Alpha infiltrated in the village (in the process making fall Ayane in an illusion through Bankotsubo's powers).
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I'm not sure what DOA it was stated in(either the manuals or in some level of archive somewhere), he was stated to be on his level(I should say tier to make it obvious he isn't exactly at his abilities, but he is close)
That depends if you're talking gameplay or canon.

DOA1 I have no idea.
DOA2 Hayate was Ein.
DOA3 Hayate was invincible in the literal sense with his cartwheel of doom. So I guess, yeah.
DOA4 Hayabusa was the top tier, though Hayate was just below him. Both were amazing.
DOA5 Hayate is stronger in most MUs outside of the Home stage, where he becomes Ryu's bitch.

DOA1 Hayate was in a coma, so Hayabusa was a lot stronger, lol.
DOA2 Hayabusa beat Hayate, though he was Ein at the time.
DOA3 Hayabusa toys with Hayate, taunting him as a log. Pretty clear Hayabusa was in control.
DOA4 No specific examples to look at, but it's pretty obvious that Hayabusa is top dog, again.
DOA5 Hayabusa beats Hayate, again. Seemingly without much effort at all.


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There is really no point in being passionate about Hayate all y'all ever do is insult him so we don't bring him up.

You can look at his NG4 requests for passionate Hayate players

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Well first of all Hayate is not at the same level of Ryu (like Brute immediately will correct you XD), but definetely all the ninja are supposed to be on another league compared to the ordinary humans.

Btw consider that:
1) After to have discovered his connection with Donovan, there are high chances that Rig couldn't be a simple human but a clone, a man with increased powers or other...
2) A ninja definitely has to be a master if the taijutsu but his strenght is not only there. All the ninja are able to use weapons and overnatural powers. For obvious reasons you don't see them in DoA, but in an actual important fight every ninja would make use of them for defeating an enemy. You can be sure that against that use would be almost impossible to survive for an opponent not knowing them.

EDIT: Said this I'm pretty sure that DoA6 will revolve more on Hayate, especially after the ending of DoA5 with Rig starting again the project Epsilon.

That's why I meant to say thus far. Rig seems nothing more than someone at Jann Lee's level, which while is nothing to scoff at, it doesn't make him superior to any of the ninjas at all. So until we get SOMETHING, Rig is still a badass fighter, but that's it.

PS: While we don't see how Kasumi is captured (in addition with Ryu and Ayane close to her), DoA Dimensions shows that Hayate was captured by Kasumi Alpha infiltrated in the village (in the process making fall Ayane in an illusion through Bankotsubo's powers).

Did he work at DOATEC or Donovan found his ass and he employed him or what?

That depends if you're talking gameplay or canon.

DOA1 I have no idea.
DOA2 Hayate was Ein.
DOA3 Hayate was invincible in the literal sense with his cartwheel of doom. So I guess, yeah.
DOA4 Hayabusa was the top tier, though Hayate was just below him. Both were amazing.
DOA5 Hayate is stronger in most MUs outside of the Home stage, where he becomes Ryu's bitch.

DOA1 Hayate was in a coma, so Hayabusa was a lot stronger, lol.
DOA2 Hayabusa beat Hayate, though he was Ein at the time.
DOA3 Hayabusa toys with Hayate, taunting him as a log. Pretty clear Hayabusa was in control.
DOA4 No specific examples to look at, but it's pretty obvious that Hayabusa is top dog, again.
DOA5 Hayabusa beats Hayate, again. Seemingly without much effort at all.

That's why I said the manual or something similar. Nothing showed he was on Ryu's level and that was my point, so it just comes off as informed abilities.


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DOA5: Hayate is supposed to be on the same level as RYU FUCKING HAYABUSA!


You forgot to mention in DOA2 Tengu mind fucks Ein, while Ryu ends up killing the great Bankotsubo. Though it is forgiven. Sometimes it can be challenging to keep up with all of Hayate's fuck ups.


Well-Known Member
That's why I meant to say thus far. Rig seems nothing more than someone at Jann Lee's level, which while is nothing to scoff at, it doesn't make him superior to any of the ninjas at all. So until we get SOMETHING, Rig is still a badass fighter, but that's it.

Actually Rig is stronger than Jann Lee having beaten him, and I realized just now that this superiority to the (future at the time) winner of the DoA5 tournament had to be seen as an hint foreshadowing Rig's mysterious nature.

In parallel it's pretty possible that also him beating a ninja as Hayate could mean something similar...

Did he work at DOATEC or Donovan found his ass and he employed him or what?

In the DoAD canon exist s a barrier in Myiama that allow to the Tengu world to remain separated from the dimension of the mankind. Bankotsubo, a criminal for having killed the leader of his race, enter in the human world just thanks to the break of the barrier.

Ayane fight Tengu during the capture of Hayate, but actually everything was just part of an illusion spell casted on her by Kasumi Alpha: apparently a such illusion seemed possible only through the actual presence of a Tengu in the human world (from the reaction of Genra to Ayane's defeat), so I supposed that Alpha did it through Bankotsubo's power.

Initially believing that Kasumi Alpha is the responsible for the escape of Tengu, is later revealed how Genra (secretely working for Donovan's agenda) destroyed the barrier's seal, summoned Bankotsubo and how apparently Tengu was under his control (we see in a first moment Tengu approach Ayane and later she falling in his possession even if Ryu and Hayate conclude thar this is a trick of Genra).

In the end Tengu is a tool in the hands of DOATEC in DoAD, but this just for giving to him a role in the main plotline (differently by the original DoA2).
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