Also saw this on GFs
The top 3 most wanted future characters for DOA5U was
1.New Female
3.New Male
Kinda nice to see so many people want Irene, it would be cool to have a law enforcement figure in DOA
we wanted a boxer we got mila,
we wanted a Taekwando user we got Rig,
we wanted Rachel/Nichol we got Rachel with Nichols move set
so im not sure what you mean by that
Phase 4 was planned from the get go and Marie was to get japanese players in the arcades
why does everyone all of a sudden seem to think TN is completley done with the male gender just because they ain't giving them as many costumes
please tell me what the financial gain of giving away 8000 dollars is
*gasp* you mean to tell me TN plans on treating this like an actual fighter and and not a tit simulator?! you know what would really help with that? a varied cast of characters maybe even a few guys.