The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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yeah, let's not talk about the capcom community
I'm constantly screaming at them cause i'm a viper player for coming up with the dumbest nerfs
- costumes, yes they suck, are a copy pasta.. bla bla bla.. well guess what? They sell! And when they do sell, TN can gamble with things that may not sell much, like normal costumes , or *cough* Tengu.

I'm a little confused on that point though. It seems like that's always the counterargument to copy paste DLC, but it seems like good DLC packs come very far and between. I don't know, I kinda think that if fans stop buying swimsuit/copy paste costumes, that would encourage Team Ninja to make innovative costumes. I mean, you're in contact with Team Ninja more than me or almost anyone else at this website, so you know how well these DLC packs actually sell. But it just seems weird how when the costume contest started, there were so many fans that made some amazing costumes, and so many people expressed their willingness to buy these costumes. Then TN released two copy/paste DLC in a row despite that fact. There were A LOT of DOA fans interested in buying unique costumes like military Hitomi, trench-coat Christie, and swan Helena; yet not only are these DLC repetitive, but the prices even went up. I'm probably rambling, but that's what I feel about all these DLC costumes.


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Ok... So, I havent been reading the thread.. but its usually the same drama so I'm just gonna speak my mind...

- we all like tits... Even gay people like tits (I've asked).. so if u dont like tits, you're asexual ... Go play with the other amoebas out there n leave us evolved folk alone.

- costumes, yes they suck, are a copy pasta.. bla bla bla.. well guess what? They sell! And when they do sell, TN can gamble with things that may not sell much, like normal costumes , or *cough* Tengu.

- online sucks... You fucking hermits should get out of your shelters and get out there... Not for tournment.. at least for freeplay (yes that option does exsist as well).. you'll realise that you arent the only tit loving fan out there and that even pros like tits.

- retards claiming that tits hurt the scene... Lets see the facts: since release of DOA5U, the scene has only grown bigger. JP VF players are converting, large pot prizes announced in the US with healthy stream feed. Recently in ROF3 in France, we got more showings than KOF, TTT2, Injustice, and MVC3.... For the record, france is known frr being a strong KOF territory, so beating that gme defitiely put it on the map. On a side note, my good friend Dieminion (yes, sonic boom dieminion) came up to me after the finals saying this game is way too hype n I think I'm gonna try it out.. we talked about it and its mechanics for a good 30 minutes... Despite the tits..

- I get it... Some of u wanna dress the dudes like fairies... Sure, if thats what you're into just voice it to TN.. twitter is there for a reason.. and they DO read it.

- the game is balanced... Yes, even after playing SRs genfu.. so fuck you all.. from playing SR, Ive come to the conclusion that he as a player is strong.. and its not just genfu tearing things up... If u wanna challenge this theory then shut the fuck up n pick genfu in tournament n lets see how well you do.

- Alpha really needs brains to be used efficiently now.. she isnt as broken as before...

- french players are awesome.. one of the coolest FGCs out there.. :)

- I need to play more tournaments

- in my 2 days at the tournament I learned more things about the game, matchups, and my own characters than I could ever have on my own.
I'm saying this and I'm better and more experienced than all you puny little koowappaa insects out there. So, get ur asses out there n start playing offline. Not only will u start making friends (apart from your left hands) but you will learn to appreciate the game so much more.

You guys really take what u got for granted... I have no fucking scene but myself.. my online is utter shit.. and i have to travel to another fucking country to play and support the game i love n i can only afford to do so once or twice a year. And then i see some of you fucktards with a tournament just across the street n u dont go either out of laziness or fear of fucking losing!?! REALLY? Pathetic..

gonna go eat dinner. Have a nice day.
Costumes: give me throwbacks and neat fresh costumes/casual stuff and I'm happy oh and costumes to use for Ein, I'm sick of using his C1 all the time (I dislike all but C1 and C5 casual)

Tournament: I actually REALLY want to go to LondonAnimeCon so I can meet Rev, Tulkas and anyone else that's going as well as Rep Ein in the offline scene but I'm usually broke when these are on and I'm moving next month so I'll be extremely lucky if I can go. I also don't have anyone that plays this game in my town the game shops don't even sell it here I had to buy both vanilla 5 and 5U Online.


Well-Known Member
you should try Guilty Gear or Jojo, they're taylored specifically for the gay crowd.

Sorry but I really don't like the whole "if you're gay, try playing other fighting games like Street Fighter, Soul Calibur, Tekken, Guilty Gear, JoJo, etc. since they cater to them better" all because gaymers looks like they're supporting the wrong game. I play majority of those other games myself but I don't find them as enjoyable as DOA. I'd honestly trade off all my other manwaifus from other games just for Bayman and Leon.

While we may be a minority, we're no less different from normal fans/players who enjoy the game like everybody else.


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The Juggernaut said:
I'm a little confused on that point though. It seems like that's always the counterargument to copy paste DLC, but it seems like good DLC packs come very far and between. I don't know, I kinda think that if fans stop buying swimsuit/copy paste costumes, that would encourage Team Ninja to make innovative costumes. I mean, you're in contact with Team Ninja more than me or almost anyone else at this website, so you know how well these DLC packs actually sell. But it just seems weird how when the costume contest started, there were so many fans that made some amazing costumes, and so many people expressed their willingness to buy these costumes. Then TN released two copy/paste DLC in a row despite that fact. There were A LOT of DOA fans interested in buying unique costumes like military Hitomi, trench-coat Christie, and swan Helena; yet not only are these DLC repetitive, but the prices even went up. I'm probably rambling, but that's what I feel about all these DLC costumes.

Ur comment simply supports my point..

They need the funding to make the better stuff.. sometimes this means u gotta eat some copy-pasta

As for being gay n playing ... The arguments make no sense to me... Just play the damn game... Saying jojo is more gay so go play it is also the dumbest counter argument. Just cuz someone has a bizzare fashion sense, that doesnt reflect their sexual preference.

U want more fabulous costumes? Sure, ask for it... U dont like the idea? Dont buy them! No1s pulling your hand n forcing u to buy what u find disturbing or offensive.. this includes bikinis on the girls.

On a side note...
I'm really starting to like Momiji's playstyle... :)


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Chapstick said:
Fairy is right below 'faggot' in gay slur severity

A fag is also a cigarette in england.
Smoking a fag does not mean performing oral sex. Or it could... Depends on the context I suppose.. lol

Dont derail the thread..

Point is, anyone can request anything n u can choose to buy (or not) buy it.
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