News Team NINJA Costume Contest


Well-Known Member
how are they gonna reach people who don't have a Twitter account?

I find it funny they had the contest on facebook and are contacting people through twitter.

They are contacting people through their addressed used for sending them the picture of the design; originally TN didn't plan to use Twitter, exactly because this was a contest that had to find a resolution through FB: they decided for allowing the use of Twitter just becuase various fans without a FB account and not eager to create one asked them for it, and TN accepted their request.

I messaged TN just right now at their FB page. I just hope they'll respond.

Like I said you I think that only your or QJ should be the ones to contact directly TN for fixing the question (and I agree with the solution of @Tyaren to allow you to get the prize if just she doesn't wish more for it), but if you have already done it, no problem from me to saying them to check for your FB message ;)
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Well-Known Member
So far, I didn't received any replies from TN when I PM'ed them earlier ago about QJ's situation.

same deal with Fork and the Leon design, while I submitted the Mila.

At least Fork didn't bail out on you and the entry was pre-made before QJ asked rights to claim it.


Well-Known Member
In all honesty, I just made him represent the entry. Drawing and design was originally mine to begin with but I told QJ to state that he was the designer and that I was the artist in order to not break any rules.
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Well-Known Member
NEWS FLASH! TN replied to me on my PM regarding about QJ's refusal and asked for my e-mail instead.

Dumb question... Am I supposed to post my e-mail on the PM or send it to them via e-mail? :kokoro:
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
^QJ made an entry for Christie and refused it?

That's unfortunate. If it was the trenchcoat design, you could've told me something so that I could at least persuade him. He still keeps tabs with me.


Well-Known Member
^QJ made an entry for Christie and refused it?

That's unfortunate. If it was the trenchcoat design, you could've told me something so that I could at least persuade him. He still keeps tabs with me.

What Brute said. I just made QJ represent the entry in order to not break the rules and he was eagerly asking for me to make one for her.


Well-Known Member
grats to prize winners. now for us to keep doing what we've been doing since submissions started: wait to find out which actually become dlc outfits.


Well-Known Member
I think just top 10 most liked will get prizes, but the one's TN commented on may potentially be DLC?


Well-Known Member
I see. I was not sure about it. Thank you
DLC? Well, I would love such thing but I don't think about it. Let's see if that happens someday. It will take quite long if that happens, so I prefer to wait and do not especulate. Meanwhile it was an honor to be mentioned by TN ^^


Well-Known Member


hahahahaha funny :3