Good game, Bad game Online/Offline thread

My Babenapes

Active Member
GGs with @My Babenapes. I hope you weren't bored playing with me. I was trying my best but I still haven't learnt how to play decently with other characters than Rachel. And your Eliot is great!

Lol I'm never bored playing against you. You beat me pretty bad with a few characters and your Rachel is really good. GG's to you as well :D.


Active Member
Out of curiosity: do you all fight in a specific lobby or run into each other in ranked throwdowns?
This is the first game I've actually tried online with, and it's been less than a month. Thanks-


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Out of curiosity: do you all fight in a specific lobby or run into each other in ranked throwdowns?
This is the first game I've actually tried online with, and it's been less than a month. Thanks-
Well, there's usually no specific lobby we join. So we either run into each other by joining random lobbies or by inviting each other to private lobbies.

At least for me personally, I almost never play ranked matches or use the throwdown system.


Well-Known Member
Good games to @Yurlungur, @Brute, @Mailifang, @PacManila, Max635Rocky, and several others in the public lobby that surprisingly didn't give me any shit.

Bad games to Darksydephil, aka DSP. Notorious scrub, that he is. Finally had the honor - or should I say dishonor - of playing that sack of shit... and in Killer Instinct, no less.

I can offically say your christie is terrifying because she beat out a move that literally beats everything


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
GGs to @Yurlungur, @panicitstylor and @Awesmic yesterday.

Bad games to YoungBrezzy2000 and the plethora of scrubs in the shittiest of Tag lobbies, utilizing the stupidest of lag tactics and forcing me to overkill their weak asses with Ayane's 4K.

Very Bad games to 5U's shitty replay feature that corrupted my epic trolling replays. Yurlungur hit 10 of ALPHA's 236236T's and 2141236T's against YoungBrezzy2000 in one tag match. 9 of them were Hi-counter... Naturally he got accused of "spamming" and got kicked.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
GGs to @Yurlungur, @panicitstylor and @Awesmic yesterday.

Bad games to YoungBrezzy2000 and the plethora of scrubs in the shittiest of Tag lobbies, utilizing the stupidest of lag tactics and forcing me to overkill their weak asses with Ayane's 4K.

Very Bad games to 5U's shitty replay feature that corrupted my epic trolling replays. Yurlungur hit 10 of ALPHA's 236236T's and 2141236T's against YoungBrezzy2000 in one tag match. 9 of them were Hi-counter... Naturally he got accused of "spamming" and got kicked.
It's starting to get to me now.

On one hand there's this guy teaching folks how to effectively play tag in DOA. Keep in mind no one in the lobby knows how to juggle or CHOOSE to not juggle knowing they can. So there I was, minding my own business and playing like normal, playing very effectively. Three people kept saying I spam juggles or don't know how to fight with my character, so I entertained them in singles. After backing themselves to a corner, the opinions were split between people who acknowledged said high-ranked scrubs got outplayed, and the folks who still insisted on making excuses for them. Either way, the host, who was part of the latter, kicked EVERYONE out. But hey, at least the entire lobby wasn't against me this time.

Good games to you too @Force_of_Nature.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
lol Tag

If you join a Tag lobby, you're willingly subjecting yourself to that nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
It's starting to get to me now.

On one hand there's this guy teaching folks how to effectively play tag in DOA. Keep in mind no one in the lobby knows how to juggle or CHOOSE to not juggle knowing they can. So there I was, minding my own business and playing like normal, playing very effectively. Three people kept saying I spam juggles or don't know how to fight with my character, so I entertained them in singles. After backing themselves to a corner, the opinions were split between people who acknowledged said high-ranked scrubs got outplayed, and the folks who still insisted on making excuses for them. Either way, the host, who was part of the latter, kicked EVERYONE out. But hey, at least the entire lobby wasn't against me this time.

Good games to you too @Force_of_Nature.

Thank you. Always a pleasure to get beasted by your Christie.

This is exactly why I rag on online players and can't take tag seriously: They have no interest in trying to learn the game properly and throw a childish tantrum when they don't get their way. These pussies also think we give a shit when they kick us from their whack-as-fuck lobbies with their LARGEST health? Aside from the room with Yurlungur, panicitstylor and your self, no one I fought in the tag lobbies had any fucking idea how to play the game properly and were either mashing in lag or spam stupid shit. I cannot describe how much the average online player on PSN would be utterly obliterated if they tried that shit offline. Just ask Yurlungur lol.

Hell, when there was minimal lag, I beat some people in Tag using just Ayane.