The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member

I think that Kokoro doesnt know what happens around her.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
I like where you're coming from, but the idea of Mila being Leon's child out of the absolute blue would be like Necron popping up at the end of Final Fantasy IX with no prior mentions.

It wouldn't be that crazy of a thought. Rig being Donovan's son came completely out of the blue for me. He went from being best buds with Bass, to becoming suspicious of the (supposed) bad guy who's looking for a real man, to the main antagonist's heir. If that's not a mindf*ck I don't know what is. XD


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Lol if were going down this route

:genfu: Has he figured it out yet?

:bradwong:No. He must never figure out that I am his father. Spend one night in a Britan homeless shelter and bam got laid by the lady in charge, I'm awesome.

:genfu:Take this seriously you fool he is the child of destiny why else would a train a random British boy in china, he will become the legendary Iron Drunken Fist and together we will rule the martial arts world! *evil laughter*

Tell me brad why did you assemble the troops? that isn't till phase 4

:bradwong:These aren't troops these are monkeys that stole my booze and now keep following me in a drunken daze, I can't afford troops.

:genfu:Good enough

:eliot:Hey guys how's it going?



Well-Known Member
So many offsprings... And here I don't want any of them getting pregnant or forming a family because children usually have a sucky moveset/personality/story than the father or mother (Example: Pattycakes and Pyrrha VS Sophitia)

What's next? Rig is actually Bayman's son from an alternate universe in the future but was abducted to Canada by Donovan during his 1st birthday.
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About the Leon-Mila thing. We can fanfic it all day, but it's will be just that, fan fiction. TN hasn't established Leon as a core character since DoA3. As much as I would enjoy the potential relationship, I don't feel TN is planning to do anything with him. Mila on the other hand has a bright future with her family history possibilities near endless as they develop her in the later games.

I feel like they are going to play her like "Rocky". She might have a family dog or something that means or meant a lot to her that she lost. Or perhaps she comes from a pretty decent life. I would like to see her have some type of relationship with Zack. Something like Zack invests in her future but starts uncovering a shaky past. Zack as a detective could be very amusing.

I don't think TN haplessly introduces characters without some relationship attached to them. We find out who Rig is, but Mila didn't have such a grandiose backdrop even though she was highlighted a bit during Story mode. Perhaps she will have a connection with Marie Rose.

Regarding the Tina/Lisa story.

As a disciple of Bayman, I can safely say his last line, he wouldn't say as was written. But, that was me being strict :3

"But if you were part of the Donovan faction, why did you leave?" Tina asked."I have a personal vendetta against Donovan. Don't ask any further." Bayman halted."
I believe he would go something like this.

Bayman pauses and turns his left hand. He looks down at it as if he held a meager amount of money. He clenches his fist "The fine print..."

Barring the grammatical errors it sounds alright. I'll have to watch the story again and read the rest of your story to understand where it all fits. Tina crying I feel is out of place, but, like I said, I'll need to do a little research.


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I think I know why rank is such a big deal to some players, it's not because the rank itself but because of how long it takes to get it. You spend all that time waiting and when you finally get a shot,you blow it. Then for however long till the next match get to just sit there and contemplate on your loss and how you failed to you that long wait didn't pay off. If you make wait an hour for 1 match I'm going to take it much more seriously than if I just have to wait for 5 seconds.

To alleviate this I started playing arcade arcade mode on legendary with throwdowns, this was I'm not waiting around doing nothing while I wait for about her player. It work pretty well considering I was perfectly happy despite the 10+ losing streak


Well-Known Member
I like where you're coming from, but the idea of Mila being Leon's child out of the absolute blue would be like Necron popping up at the end of Final Fantasy IX with no prior mentions. But going off from their moves isn't really convincing. I need to see personality traits that she inherited from Leon as well, but I don't think I'm seeing any. Mila's open, up-beat, friendly, & seems to be a total fangirl.. on the other hand, Leon is just pretty much the opposite. I'm pretty sure Leon doesn't know if Mila's his daughter either. He seems like the type of person that would know if someone was his child or not.

Not that big a stretch. She inherited his habits (Brutality, strive to be the strongest), not his personality, per se.

And since Lauren was apparently european, and Mila is supposed to be from Spain, wouldn't be that big a stretch, especially since she obviously wasn't outright RAISED by Leon.


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Well, for example, I was whooping ass. Got a silver winstreak ranking or whatever beating A to S ranks. Then this E rank guy comes in with a supposed "4 bar" connection (drops to 1 when the fight starts). Lags like hell. Nothing I can do. Taunts every two seconds. Beats me, and I lose almost every single point I had earned that day with my winstreak.

So yeah, it can be a pain in the ass. Wait 500 years to get a match, have it lag the fuck up and lose all your progress when it's not even something within your control.

But I rarely play Ranked anyway for various reasons. I much prefer lobbies.


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Lobbies take too long, their collective shitty internet makes super shitty lag, they attempt to speak, and you're stuck fighting the same people over and over


Well-Known Member
Not that big a stretch. She inherited his habits (Brutality, strive to be the strongest), not his personality, per se.

And since Lauren was apparently european, and Mila is supposed to be from Spain, wouldn't be that big a stretch, especially since she obviously wasn't outright RAISED by Leon.

This would work with the whole 'Bayman taking the hit on Leon' thing. When Mila's still young, Leon gets the hit on him. He sends her to an orphanage following Lauren's death, beats Bayman's ass, but Mila gets adopted before he could even consider getting her back. She gets raised into her MMA tackling self, he goes on his soul search, and they end up meeting again for some reason in DOA6, but Leon's the only one who actually knows.

Fanfiction tier: eh, solid B-


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Lobbies take too long, their collective shitty internet makes super shitty lag, they attempt to speak, and you're stuck fighting the same people over and over
Would rather play the same people over and over if they're legit players than play a bunch of different, random noobs.

Usually when I join lobbies I go on a winstreak until I leave, so I don't have to wait much.
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