The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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In the popular quiz show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" (does that even run anymore? XD), you can use special jokers, to help you out. Like calling one of your friends or you can let the audience guess the right answer. That would be the audience joker then. As Cr!msonWarrior made reference to that show (to call a friend) I'm pretty sure, he got it. ;)


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In the popular quiz show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" (does that even run anymore? XD), you can use special jokers, to help you out. Like calling one of your friends or you can let the audience guess the right answer. That would be the audience joker then. As Cr!msonWarrior made reference to that show (to call a friend) I'm pretty sure, he got it. ;)
Oh. When I watched the show, you just had 3 "lifelines":
1) Call a friend
2) Ask the Audience
3) 50/50


Well-Known Member
In the popular quiz show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" (does that even run anymore? XD), you can use special jokers, to help you out. Like calling one of your friends or you can let the audience guess the right answer. That would be the audience joker then. As Cr!msonWarrior made reference to that show (to call a friend) I'm pretty sure, he got it. ;)
You've said before you're German, right? I'm guessing it's a translation error.


Active Member
Those chibies are soooo cute! ^^

Btw I just tried Rachel for the first time yesterday, well I mean first time against human character, before that I had only done her training command thing.
Isn't she a bit too... simple and overpowered? Without knowing her at all and just mimicking (in a bad way) the Rachels I've fought against I've been able to win against players with him I had to work a lot to win with my main.
Wow o_O

Despite being repetitive she's pretty fun to play, I'm surprised I liked her so much.


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Nah, she's fairly slow, has no way of getting in, and doesn't have the best mixups. She is simple, though, so it's not surprising that people can pick her up easily.


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has no way of getting in


Well-Known Member
They really need to make the blue ribbon ponytail the default on some of her costumes. There is not a single hint of yellow in that entire outfit, it's all blue, yet there the yellow ribbon is. :l


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Ja, I am! :) It's kinda embarrassing, to make such basic translation mistakes sometimes. Happened quite a few times recently... :(
Psh, if you had any idea how many translation errors I made during German class you wouldn't be saying that.


Well-Known Member
@Tyaren: Damn I would have won the game, I recognized immediately the characters XD
It was a really funny idea and this was able to make realize to me how much the characters are different in DoA5 ;)

@EMPEROR_COW : If the chibi DoA cast picture is accessible to everyone, please could you send us a link of the HQ version of it? Or at least a link to the author page?

They really need to make the blue ribbon ponytail the default on some of her costumes. There is not a single hint of yellow in that entire outfit, it's all blue, yet there the yellow ribbon is. :l

Well, until there is the possibility for something changing it with the inputs, I don't have problems about :)

That costume most likely gonna be a PSN exclusive thing right?

No it'll be coming to xbox, it better be available later on, even if it's not free. I hate limited time content.

It's alsmost certain that the outfit will be available also for the Xbox users: before the patch 1.03, downloading the catalogue 04 you could see it listed in Kasumi' selection screen, more the same description of the catalogue 04 reports about the need of it for being able to use the Halloween and Ragnarok Ace outfit. The only doubt is if it will be free or not.

The policy of Team Ninja seems to be the one to create temporary exclusive DLC contents: from what I know, until now there is only a case of a definitive exclusivity: the Razor's Edge Epigonos (Ryu's clone) outfit available only in the Xbox and Ps3 version owning a save of the original NG3 (so it's not possible to play with this outfit in the Wii U version). However, knowing the ways to get it, seems to be like a sort of apology toward the general discontent of who played NG3, so an extraordinary case and not the standard rule.


Active Member
Nah, she's fairly slow, has no way of getting in, and doesn't have the best mixups. She is simple, though, so it's not surprising that people can pick her up easily.
What do you mean with "no way of getting in"?
As for slow I don't know about that. For being a "strong, heavy and slow character" she looks pretty fast to me and has some fast mids and a fast low jab and a couple of other fast blows.
She's no Christie, but for being a "supposedly slow" character she looks fast.

I agree she doesn't have the best mixups around. She has a few which are very effective, they just aren't many I guess.
It's like minimum effort for max reward compared to many other characters I played with.


Well-Known Member
I'm the only one that like to use these outfits with the sunglasses on? They are so out of place but just for this reason seem to me so funny XD:




@EMPEROR_COW : Ok, no problem ;)


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That pic reminds me, that I think, the guy's models/textures could need a little more muscle definition in Doa5. Compared to Tekken or Soul Calibur (or every other fighter) they don't seem that fit and ripped.
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