How's DoA5U right now?


Active Member
Is it a big and large improvement forward?
Despite the shitty netcode, has the update made it much more playable?
Is the game much more balanced?
Is the game much more fair and exciting in the competitive aspect?
Has the counter system changed at all?
Was it worth the $40?

I'm just throwing random questions, but it'd be nice to know your overall feedback on the new update.

Drake Aldan

Well-Known Member
It's pretty good.

If you're on PS3 you can download Core Fighters and jump in right away to see for yourself.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
I'd say it's less exciting and less balanced, honestly. It is easier to punish holds, though, which is a thing. Netplay is better too. As to whether it's worth it, it really depends on how much you like mind games. 'Cause 5U is hella mind games, even more than 5 was.


Well-Known Member
I'll just say this... I split the cost of the game with my roommate and made a pretty penny selling the DLC... so given what I paid it's okay. But if I had spent $40 on 5U I'd be pissed. TN still has no idea how to do online.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Is it a big and large improvement forward?
That is subjective, but in my personal opinion, I'm enjoying it a lot more than I expected. For the first time in 7 years, I let my flash drive full of custom music collect dust for over a week. For me, that's a pretty big deal.

Despite the shitty netcode, has the update made it much more playable?
I'll get back to you on that once the 1.02 patch is out for Xbox. But from what I heard about the PS3 version, it's really PSN's fault.

Is the game much more balanced?
Not so much as it is unfamiliarity issues with most players regarding the new players. But there's something to be said about Rachel's recovery from a whiffed 2k down attack that seems to be commonly agreed upon. It's too fast, and should be toned down a little.

Is the game much more fair and exciting in the competitive aspect?
The first major - TFC - sure did bring the hype to the table. So yeah, it's hella exciting.

Has the counter system changed at all?
Low hold recovery has increased, and are just as dangerous to use recklessly as the other two holds now.

Was it worth the $40?
While part of me wishes Christie's trenchcoat was among the on-disc costumes and certain character fanbases got their justice with the likes of Tengu, Raidou, and Miyako, I'd say $40 was fair enough. I am content, but something inside tells me I don't know the meaning of being fully satisfied just yet, with the arcade edition on the horizon this winter.


Well-Known Member
Love almost everything about it, definitely worth the $40 in my opinion. Considering its unpopularity in the stores, you can probably wait another month or so for a price drop and it'll probably be half off or more black friday, DOA5 was.

Then again Razor's Edge wasn't that popular and it's been 5 months without a price drop... Ah well expect a good discount black friday if you're really reluctant to get it or if you've got a PS3 try CF like Drake said.


Well-Known Member
Well, Rachel has essentially ruined the entire game lol. To online, rqchel users all have 45+ win streaks because of how braindead broken she is.

That, and you still can't low counter while on the ground so the main strategy is still "kick em while they are down", killing most strategy in the game.

Beyond that though, I'm having fun, and online is decent, even though im stuck playing ps3 right now. Loving Leon, but bout to break out Mila again.


Active Member
Rachel isn't any worse than Helena was, and I definately haven't seen one with a 45 win streak online. She's not that OP. Low counter while on the ground......? Take it easy with the ideas, now.

In response to the OP, I like the game. Netcode is pretty much unchanged for me, you're better off avoiding 1 and 2 bar connections. I don't like it that they nerfed half the cast and buffed barely anybody. But regarding game mechanics, I prefer DOA's easy inputs and focus on actual fighting, so DOA5U, just like vanilla, is a deep fighter in the sense that I prefer. There should be more guaranteed damage, but the majority (casual players) don't seem to like it, so TN obliges. I like the stages, the sheer number of costumes, and the various different training modes. (Last and least, I don't like how slowly I progress in skill in this game).


Well-Known Member
That would be a horrible idea. Getting knocked down should always put the person who was knocked down at a disadvantage.

But the way it is now isn't any good either. The attacker shouldn't get to just mindlessly mash out strings on downed opponents with no risk of retaliation. That should never be happening. Should just be down attacks or kick em once or something, not the "just continue the string that knocked em down, it'll keep hitting them regardless and even force the character to get back up into the ongoing combo.". That's just idiotic, they need something different. The offense shouldn't be that mindless. Supposed to be about mindgames. Either get rid of force tech, or bring back ground counters, or something. Needs to be more balanced, not just "downed opponent just has to eat it". They were already downed, putting them at disadvantage, no reason to screw them over even more by removing all their options. Can't bait idiots into trying rushdown anymore and punishing, because in DOA5, mindless rushdown actually works a lot of time due to stun, force tech, and not being able to counter in so many situations now.

Fps syndrome, things are getting kinda mindlessly easy to cater to those who aren't good at thinking things through.

Anyways I'm just against any situations where one side has too much advantage, so I don't like ground game in 5. It's just the polar opposite of the high counter damage in 4, now its the offense that has too much advantage, they need to balance it better. Offense and defense should be even, with advantage to the better player, not just because one player can't do anything.

As is, we get total bs nonsense like Rachel and Helena because its so easy to exploit downed opponents for an easy win. That shit has got to go.

I'm just speaking from online experience.


Well-Known Member
All FTs do is limit options on wakeup, something competitive players have been doing since SFII. The important part is that the initiative is with the attacking player, not the one on the ground. Giving knocked down players the ability to low hold does the opposite and steals the initiative from the player that knocked them down.


Active Member
I dont like the new slamming hit properties that they added, why did they do that? I enjoyed juggling my opponents in the air, it was the only way to get combos for my favorite Kasumi combo


Active Member
Game is great, I love it. It's regrettable on some decisions made, but it makes the dojo much more fun trying to figure out new things and push your character's new limits/potential.


Active Member
Why did they nerf the damage output for most characters, but actually give the new characters like Rachel hella damage?


Active Member
Why did they nerf the damage output for most characters, but actually give the new characters like Rachel hella damage?

I think they wanted to emphasis her actual strength in the DoA/NG universe. It makes sense if you've played her in NG I guess but I think its just certain moves she has that are the problem. I think some of her gimmicks supplement her strength too well, but at least she has predictability to capitolize on.


Well-Known Member
It's fun but has some obvious problems. It's a nice step in the direction, but there are odd design and balance choices.


Well-Known Member
Ultimate is great! Y'know me, I use a shitload of characters so we got Lisa and Tina over here, Christie and Helena over there, Sarah and Kokoro somewhere and Leifang is right next to me.
lol There are some problems in it though. I can't exactly point it out but I know its there, I can feel it. It has something to do when fighting, I can't make it out but I know its there.