I'm looking to create a complete list of all Tag Team interactions, including intros and outros. I put this in system discussion because I will be listing all known special tag throws as well (a gameplay-significant feature). I have gone through every possible tag team and seen which have intros, but I still need you guys' help to log all special tag throws and/or special outros.
This list compiled may be a good starting point to explore, but obviously branch out and share anything you've noticed that's missing and I will update this post with everything confirmed. If I have made any errors, please notify me and I will correct it. This is far from complete and it's a lot of work, so I appreciate your help.
* - Unique Intro and Outro (IO)
* - Unique Intro only (I)
* - Unique Outro only (O)
* - Order-specific Intros and Outros (OS)
* - Unique Tag Throws (T)
* - Unique Tag Summon only (S)
Akira Yuki
This list compiled may be a good starting point to explore, but obviously branch out and share anything you've noticed that's missing and I will update this post with everything confirmed. If I have made any errors, please notify me and I will correct it. This is far from complete and it's a lot of work, so I appreciate your help.
* - Unique Intro and Outro (IO)
* - Unique Intro only (I)
* - Unique Outro only (O)
* - Order-specific Intros and Outros (OS)
* - Unique Tag Throws (T)
* - Unique Tag Summon only (S)
Akira Yuki
- Kokoro ** (IO, T)
- Jacky Bryant * (T)
- Pai Chan ** (IO, T)
- Sarah Bryant ** (IO, T)
- Ein ** (IO, T)
- Eliot * (IO)
- Hayate ** (IO, T)
- Hitomi * (IO)
- Jann Lee * (S)
- Kasumi ** (IO, T)
- Ryu Hayabusa * (T)
- Ayane * (S)
- Bayman ** (O, T)
- Gen Fu * (S)
- Jann Lee * (S)
- Kasumi * (T)
- La Mariposa * (T)
- Leon ** (IO, T)
- Mila ** (IO, T)
- Rig ** (IO, T)
- Tina Armstrong ** (IO, T)
- Zack * (T)
- Bass Armstrong * (T)
- Christie ** (IO, T)
- Ein * (S)
- Gen Fu * (T)
- Leon ** (IO, T)
- Ryu Hayabusa * (T)
- Tina Armstrong * (T)
- Zack ** (IO, T)
- Eliot ** (IO, T)
- Gen Fu * (T)
- Kokoro * (S)
- Zack * (S)
- Bayman ** (IO, T)
- Brad Wong * (S)
- Helena Douglas ** (IO, T)
- Hitomi * (S)
- Rig ** (I, S)
- Ayane ** (IO, T)
- Bass Armstrong * (S)
- Hayate ** (IO, T)
- Hitomi ** (IO, T)
- Jann Lee * (T)
- Kasumi ** (IO, T)
- La Mariposa * (IO)
- Ryu Hayabusa ** (IO, T)
- Zack * (S)
- Ayane * (IO)
- Brad Wong ** (IO, T)
- Gen Fu ** (IO, T)
- Lei Fang * (S)
- Ayane * (S)
- Bayman * (T)
- Brad Wong * (T)
- Eliot ** (IO, T)
- Helena Douglas * (T)
- Kasumi * (S)
- Lei Fang * (S)
- Leon * (T)
- Ryu Hayabusa * (T)
- Tina Armstrong * (S)
- Zack * (S)
- Ayane ** (IO, T)
- Brad Wong * (S)
- Christie * (S)
- Ein ** (IO, T)
- Hitomi ** (IO, T)
- Kasumi ** (IO, T)
- Ryu Hayabusa ** (O, T)
- Christie ** (IO, T)
- Gen Fu * (T)
- Kasumi * (T)
- Kokoro ** (IO, T)
- Lei Fang ** (IO, T)
- Ryu Hayabusa * (S)
- Ayane * (IO)
- Ein ** (IO, T)
- Hayate ** (IO, T)
- Kokoro * (T)
- Lei Fang ** (IO, T)
- Zack ** (IO, T)
- Akira Yuki * (T)
- Jann Lee ** (IO, T)
- Sarah Bryant ** (IO, T)
- Bayman * (S)
- Ein * (T)
- Gen Fu * (S)
- Lei Fang ** (IO, T)
- Leon * (S)
- Rig ** (IO, T)
- Ryu Hayabusa * (T)
- Jacky Bryant ** (IO, T)
- Ayane ** (IO, T)
- Bass Armstrong * (T)
- Brad Wong * (S)
- Ein ** (IO, T)
- Hayate ** (IO, T)
- Hitomi * (S)
- Helena Douglas * (T)
- Ryu Hayabusa ** (IO, T)
- Zack * (S)
- Akira Yuki ** (IO, T)
- Ayane * (S)
- Eliot * (S)
- Hayate * (S)
- Helena Douglas ** (IO, T)
- Hitomi * (T)
- La Mariposa * (S)
- Bass Armstrong * (T)
- Ein * (IO)
- Hitomi * (S)
- Tina Armstrong ** (IO, T)
- Ein * (S)
- Hitomi ** (IO, T)
- Helena Douglas ** (IO, T)
- Jann Lee ** (IO, T)
- Pai Chan ** (OS, T)
- Tina Armstrong ** (O, T)
- Bass Armstrong ** (IO, T)
- Bayman ** (IO, T)
- Gen Fu * (T)
- Tina Armstrong * (T)
- Zack ** (IO, T)
- Bass Armstrong ** (IO, T)
- Tina Armstrong ** (IO, T)
- Rachel ** (IO, T)
- Ryu Hayabusa ** (IO, T)
- Akira Yuki ** (IO, T)
- Lei Fang ** (OS, T)
- Sarah Bryant ** (IO, T)
- Momiji ** (IO, T)
- Ryu Hayabusa ** (IO, T)
- Bass Armstrong ** (IO, T)
- Christie * (I)
- Jann Lee ** (IO, T)
- Ayane * (T)
- Bass Armstrong * (S)
- Bayman * (T)
- Ein ** (IO, T)
- Gen Fu * (T)
- Hayate ** (O, T)
- Jann Lee * (T)
- Kasumi ** (IO, T)
- Leon * (S)
- Momiji ** (IO, T)
- Rachel ** (IO, T)
- Tina Armstrong * (T)
- Akira Yuki ** (IO, T)
- Jacky Bryant ** (IO, T)
- Pai Chan ** (IO, T)
- Tina Armstrong ** (IO, T)
- Bass Armstrong ** (IO, T)
- Bayman * (T)
- Kasumi * (S)
- Mila ** (IO, T)
- La Mariposa ** (IO, T)
- Lei Fang * (T)
- Leon * (T)
- Ryu Hayabusa * (T)
- Sarah Bryant ** (IO, T)
- Zack ** (IO, T)
- Bass * (T)
- Bayman ** (IO, T)
- Hitomi ** (IO, T)
- Lei Fang * (S)
- Leon ** (IO, T)
- Ryu Hayabusa * (S)
- Tina Armstrong ** (IO, T)
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