Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate General Discussion

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Week's half way over... just keep it together... well, I'm gonna get jumped on for doing this but I'm bored and have some time to kill before I crash so. I would like Akira.... buffed. Don't bother screaming "VF CHARS DON'T NEED BUFFS HE'S TOP TIER" The only top tier VF character is Sarah, (Soon to be Jacky probably too.) come off it.


- :4::3::P: (or) :3::H+K::P: , :8:/:2::P+K: is +15 on block in VF5FS. That's a guaranteed attack after he breaks your guard with that string mixup. In DOA5 however it's a +6 guard break that guarantees nothing and you're better off just going for a jab/mixup into CB instead of using this followup. It should be buffed up to FS standards and guarantee something.
- :4::6::P: is -10 here. It felt like it should be a frame trap. So I looked at the VF5FS Frame data and wouldn't you know it? It's +1 on block there. Why is it unsafe here? Change it.
- :2::1::4::P: is +3 in FS and has special properties in DOA5. It's +1 up close and the further away you are when it blocks the higher the advantage from +1 to +5, however it's very difficult to get the extra advantage and 90% of the time you'll just get the +1. You should either get +3 or +5 at any distance.
-:2::P: is +1 on NH here. it's +5 in FS and +2 on block. That's a little overboard here but I do think it should be buffed up to +2 on NH. It can stay +0 on block.
- :2::K: is -7 on NH here and -6 in FS. Getting punished for landing a hit as we all know is ludicrous. Take liberties here and give us +1 or at least neutral.

Before people start crying broken, none of these things help Akira's biggest weakness which is sidestepping.
Despite sucking balls with Akira I do consider myself one of those who doesn't underestimate him and recognize him for the beast he is. I also realize that he is not Sarah because no one is as stupid as Sarah save Sarah. Nevertheless, unlike some characters, Akira has never felt lacking and actually feels right about where I want him to be, and would be more or less fine staying the way he is.
That said, I'm fine with all of those proposed changes.

PS: No attack should be negative on NH. NO ATTACK.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
Can anyone explain me the difference between what Helena does in DOA5 and what Bass did in DOA3¿ As far as I understand, both styles focus entirely on forced techs that make them spend the entire round on + frames right¿ then why is Helena "a dumb bitch" and Bass "a competitive serious character"¿


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Can anyone explain me the difference between what Helena does in DOA5 and what Bass did in DOA3¿ As far as I understand, both styles focus entirely on forced techs that make them spend the entire round on + frames right¿ then why is Helena "a dumb bitch" and Bass "a competitive serious character"¿
Bass requires a hard knockdown to do his floor grab. Bass' frame advantage off of it is also not stupendously high for his clunky speed.


Well-Known Member
Bass requires a hard knockdown to do his floor grab. Bass' frame advantage off of it is also not stupendously high for his clunky speed.

So same thing, but just "OP if you know how to do it", rather than helena's "Braindead broken"?

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
Hm... as far as I know (I might be wrong), Bass pick-ups (which he could do from a LOT of stuff) gave him +9 or something. Helena's in DOA5 only gives her +4 and she's the slowest Helena in the series... if you let the 6P off BKO hit you she gets more advantage... but that'd be your fault, not hers.

Deleted member 473

That's just what a fellow Pai player said... Anyway you get nothing guaranteed from 16T in 5U (followups can be blocked). There's some other surprises too but I'll save those for later hohoho



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Helena is dumb in 5 with her pft. However I've never had a problem dealing with her since all my characters have 11 frame mids and I read her well lol


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When all you've got is a lackluster 13 frame mid Helena quickly becomes synonymous with "migraine."


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else find the CE a little.. Disappointing? ._. I really don't mind we're not getting it.

I mean.. 3d mousepads in a video game CE.

Edit- an artbook or something would have been cool. Drafts or concepts of the new stages and stuff.

Naw, it's a Kasumi and Momiji CE so I think boobie pads fit fine in it


Well-Known Member
Naw, it's a Kasumi and Momiji CE so I think boobie pads fit fine in it
Maybe if this were a visual novel or hentai game centered solely around sex and all that, but it's a fighting game. A well known fighting game. This seems like stuff someone would special order from a japanese site in an adult section, not official game merch you'd get bundled with a game.


Well-Known Member
That's just what a fellow Pai player said... Anyway you get nothing guaranteed from 16T in 5U (followups can be blocked). There's some other surprises too but I'll save those for later hohoho

If they nerfed that and kept Jahn's guaranteed shit after dragon gunner, then TN truly are fucking assholes


Well-Known Member
Hm... as far as I know (I might be wrong), Bass pick-ups (which he could do from a LOT of stuff) gave him +9 or something. Helena's in DOA5 only gives her +4 and she's the slowest Helena in the series... if you let the 6P off BKO hit you she gets more advantage... but that'd be your fault, not hers.

From any hand slap or bt 4pk she gets a guaranteed wake up, yes. The problem is the guessing game on KD, she can get a force tech if her opponent tries to wake up kick instead of tech, or she can let her opponent tech, not do 6p and gain even more advantage.

It gets even goofier because she has other moves that'll cause a force tech if the opponent decides to use a wake up kick, which only works if she chooses to do nothing and bait for more advantage.


Well-Known Member
That's just what a fellow Pai player said... Anyway you get nothing guaranteed from 16T in 5U (followups can be blocked). There's some other surprises too but I'll save those for later hohoho

Holy crap, what?... That better not be true or I'll be pissed off. Nerfing Akira's best grab is just stupid. It's not broken in the least. And holy crap nerfing 2P? All VF chars better have a nerfed 2P then. If Akira's best tools are getting nerfed I better see some freaking Sarah nerfs. I was regretting planning to demote Akira in 5U when we get Ein. Not so much now...

Also I was really tired. I meant :4::6::P+K: was -10 on block. Typed in the wrong thing. It's his only tracking mid. Making it a frame trap like in FS would be great. :4::6::P: on the other hand is already +1.

Omegan Eckhart

Well-Known Member
Helena is dumb in 5 with her pft. However I've never had a problem dealing with her since all my characters have 11 frame mids and I read her well lol
I WILL work around that :cool:

When all you've got is a lackluster 13 frame mid Helena quickly becomes synonymous with "migraine."
Having an i13 mid isn't really worse than having an i11 when dealing with Helena at +4. Unless the Helena player hesitates 2 frames won't make a difference.

Although Busa can set up PFT with his PP4PK and 4PK as well plus he has a launching throw too so the match can really come down to who gets the momentum first. Helena's fastest mid punch is only 1 frame faster than Busa's and he has a faster jab by 1 frame so even if Helena gets him into PFT he can do it right back if he wants.
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