DOA5 Demo: Consolidated Feedback


Well-Known Member
Some attacks can only be stepped in one direction. Many times this is dependent on Open/Closed stance. I've always disliked having to pay attention to Open/Closed stance (mainly in VF), but in DOA5 it's even worse because Hayabusa changes stance with every combo.

I don't really want to see anything based on Open/Closed stance, but at the very least, not stepping. :(

That's been there since DOA2.

Still needs to be fixed.

FM BigBoss

I don't think being hit while Back Dashing should result in a Hi Counter Blow.
This hasn't been much on an issue for me in DoA5 on account of the massively improved hit boxes, but in DoA4 it gave me some hell. I still don't think it's a good idea to include it since it discourages using Back Dashing.

x Sypher x

Active Member
I don't think being hit while Back Dashing should result in a Hi Counter Blow.
This hasn't been much on an issue for me in DoA5 on account of the massively improved hit boxes, but in DoA4 it gave me some hell. I still don't think it's a good idea to include it since it discourages using Back Dashing.

Yeah I'd much rather prefer a Counter Blow.


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
Tn should just make another punish modifier. Say 15% increase in damage if you get caught back dashing, Stepping, or hit in recovery frames. It can be called small/light counter or something.


Well-Known Member
I don't think being hit while Back Dashing should result in a Hi Counter Blow.
This hasn't been much on an issue for me in DoA5 on account of the massively improved hit boxes, but in DoA4 it gave me some hell. I still don't think it's a good idea to include it since it discourages using Back Dashing.

Good feedback. Added to main post as:

- Being hit while Back Dashing should not result in a Hi Counter Blow, just increase damage.

FM BigBoss

Yeah I'd much rather prefer a Counter Blow.

That's better, but not a supreme solution. I don't see why there should be such a major downside to trying to space.
I can understand wanting punish someone for having bad spacing, but I think being hit is enough (maybe with a slight damage modifier, though I don't think that is necessary). DoA4 had a big problem in this area. The hit boxes combined with the HCB on back dash made quick spacing inconsistent at best. Including (rather, overlooking) these two properties in the game says to me that they didn't want a game that emphasised spacing, which sounds hilarious in a fighting game.
Counter Blows should come from Counter Blow situations, that is when your attacks are beaten out or crushed.

Also, on a semi related note, almost all stuns should be a result of being Counter Hit, not being hit on normal.
They've seriously toned this down in DoA5 from 4, which is brilliant. Even low seeps don't really give that deep a stun on normal anymore.

And I agree with Gill, I like the audio cues from VF(not sure what the visual cues are in VF). The SS in this game is pretty weak. Being able to perform only two different moves that are both unsafe combined with SS being a Hi Counter Throw, and with Throws doing a fair bit of damage in general makes SS maybe a little too underpowered.


Well-Known Member
has anyone seen the roof glitch yet?
hasn't happened o me as of yet, fig better get it out there so more people can report it

FM BigBoss

Ducking while blocking can sometimes result in being hit by highs as if I weren't blocking. I'm pretty sure this also happened in DoA4.
I noticed this mid match and tested it by holding block and pressing down repeatedly with different timings (fast, slow, etc.) and had my friend jab over and over again. And to our annoyance I was actually hit some times.
Obviously, the problem being that if I'm blocking low high attacks shouldn't connect at all, let alone actually hit me as if I weren't even blocking.

I'd like to know if anyone else has had this problem. Also, I don't think this is a controller malfunction issue.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Ducking while blocking can sometimes result in being hit by highs as if I weren't blocking. I'm pretty sure this also happened in DoA4.
I noticed this mid match and tested it by holding block and pressing down repeatedly with different timings (fast, slow, etc.) and had my friend jab over and over again. And to our annoyance I was actually hit some times.
Obviously, the problem being that if I'm blocking low high attacks shouldn't connect at all, let alone actually hit me as if I weren't even blocking.

I'd like to know if anyone else has had this problem. Also, I don't think this is a controller malfunction issue.

You're bringing up something that has been going on since DOA2. It's the reason why low holds were less recovery as going from crouching to standing had you vulnerable, and vice versa. I can only suggest putting it in your feedback survey as a complaint.

FM BigBoss

I didn't realise it'd been there all along. It's a pretty hilariously big flaw. I let them know and I hope they address it.

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member
Alright, now I'm thinking 4 point hold may be the way to go.

:ayane: and :hitomi: are the two characters I know best so my change has to do with how I personally use them.

Both have :236::K: moves for one and since :4: :F: IS going to most used counter this nullifies those moves by a lot.

:ayane: does not have access :9::H+P: (Hooligan Throw) unless she runs a few steps towards the opponent.

I used this move along with her :F+K: to throw people off.

:hitomi: only has one wall attack :7::P+K: which is her mid strike from DOA4.

Basically what I'm saying is if either two leave the ground :4: :F: will nullify them.

BUT . . .

If they get more moves and adjustments I could still deal with the 3 point way.

:hitomi: could get a running throw bulldog like Sarah's from Virtua Fighter to help cover up :236::K: or a variation of the kick that counts as a high attack. (BTW, I'm sure some have noticed that you can duck this attack now). Variations on her Wall Attacks would good even a throw.

:ayane: could get her normal Hooligan back.

Generally this also goes for the other characters as well. Cuz if barriers are back in DOA5 why would attack after jumping over a wall?



Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I disagree. What does having more hold options mean? It means that the focus of your gameplay is on mix-ups, i.e. out-guessing your opponent. DOA needs to move away from the constant forced guessing and adding more hold options is not the way to go. Actually fixing the system so you're not constantly dependent on the hold is.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I disagree. What does having more hold options mean? It means that the focus of your gameplay is on mix-ups, i.e. out-guessing your opponent. DOA needs to move away from the constant forced guessing and adding more hold options is not the way to go. Actually fixing the system so you're not constantly dependent on the hold is.
So let's say the holds on stun are removed... that would still leave the simplicity of the hold system, which is why the 4-point hold system to complement the expert holds is being suggested. The mid kick expert hold's is the opposite of the mid punch version anyway; may as well make the standard mid kick hold direction 6.

If this doesn't make any sense, then I apologize. But at least I tried.

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member
I disagree. What does having more hold options mean? It means that the focus of your gameplay is on mix-ups, i.e. out-guessing your opponent. DOA needs to move away from the constant forced guessing and adding more hold options is not the way to go. Actually fixing the system so you're not constantly dependent on the hold is.

Well if they give characters more options like I posted earlier, the 3 point system could work me.

Expert mid kick hold and plain back hold can counter jumping mid kicks as well, but I don't know if there's any difference in damage.