For Fun: Let's Design New Multi-Tier DOA Stages!


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Standard Donor
Let's have a fun topic for once instead of bitching about everything.

I'm aware of the irony of my saying that so there's no need to point it out.

Anyway, I've got a few basic rules:
  • original designs only (no old stage + weather or other minor edit)
  • visualize your design (use MS Paint, crayons, pencil and paper, Photoshop, Illustrator, whatever as long as you put it together yourself)
This is just a fun community project and I don't have a prize or end date in mind so... don't expect anything.


Active Member
Don't know if these count but first:
- Not used train area from story
- Helena's Office

My own: Simulation Chamber (Me bein' all cheap I used pixlr online.)

Infinite like tatami/dojo, but special in it's own way.
During a combo/juggle, the grid in the sky will flicker red and based on how high the launch is, and the character, a random stage obstacle will appear a few feet ahead- like that messed up red thingy in there. Maybe if used in sparring mode you could set certain things to appear at a certain part.

Home stage's walls
DOA4's jump over(able?) walls - like kyoto in bloom, casino stage
Flying or moving objects- like cars in casino, pterodactly thingy
Small barriers- like end of the earth, home stage


Well-Known Member
Great idea for a thread. Here're some more refined sketches of a DOA stage doodle I did some time back, but never got to post (linked, because they're big):

Based on DOA2's Koku An stage. I know the stage-shaped-like-a-square has been done to death in DOA5, so I tried making it so that you end up quickly transitioning away from those areas to the outside area.

One thing that just occurred to me (which is why it isn't on the sketch), would be to wall off the building interior entirely, but make the walls breakable like in Home.


Active Member
I made a quick draw of my idea but my scaner died,ill go to my friends house tomorow and scan it (I need to scan my vf and doa drawing too,Im gonna make a DoA x Vf xD )not gonna spoil u but its a mix of a storm and Alan wake =´P


Well-Known Member
Okay, well, I'm a horrible artists (plus terrible handwriting) but I gave my best shot. I decided to do a Greek Pantheon to go with Helena's Greek dress. When I scanned the pictures the sides were cut off but just a little so it's okay.
So let me explain this stage to you; there are 4 tiers. Tier 1 is inside the pantheon. You start on glass floor that's surrounded by water in an island shape. There are 3 bridges (you can enter the water). There are 5 dangerzones on the glass. The first is the glass itself. If the glass breaks then you fall down into Tier 3. The other 4 are in the form of vases that contain Greek fire. If you're knocked into a vase it'll fall into the water and the water will burst into flames, as well as the whole pantheon. Tier 2 is the outside of the pantheon. If you go out through the front, there are columns and steps. The steps part in the middle where there is a pit leading to Tier. Down the steps is a marble walkway that leads to the garden and a water thing. It's closed off by fences. If you go out through either sides, then it's just the pit to Tier 3 and the steps to the front. Down the pit is Tier 3; the catacombs. You fall down the pit/stairs and end up on a cave like place. The cave empties out to a promontory where the is a waterfall cascading opposite to it leading to Tier 4. If you fall off the cliff, you fall down and it's a circular like stage with water everywhere.

And that's it! I hope you guys liked it :D

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
A mall with attractions in it. This is a really hokey idea I know but oh well. You start the fight inside a circular arena (which is actually inside of a merry-go-round) that has a ceiling and with the round middle portion being a breakable floor. This level is the food court. Once you've fallen through you end up in a very open area with palm trees and a fountain as objects with a roller coaster in the background.


David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Here's an aerial view. The 2nd floor only covers a fraction of the amount of area the 1st floor takes up since the bottom level is more open and spacious and has the roller coaster.

aerial mall.png


Well-Known Member
I still have the idea of having a waterfall in a stage which you can pass through soaking your character. However I haven't thought of the concept of what the rest of the stage would hold. However I have come up with a 3 or 4 tier stage idea that changes depending on your fight. You start off in some sort of aquarium, or some kind of place filled with water. but the water doesn't come out unless you hit your opponent against the walls/glass ect. the first tier will have the destructible walls that will release the water into the arena you are fighting in. Basically on the verge of the whole area to collapsing and fill the whole room with it, but obviously that cant happen during the fight cuz the game wouldn't work. So the water will fill the whole floor to your feet or a little higher, not effecting movement or anything.

However now water properties are now in effect and people who have water grabs have an advantage. Now for the second tier. To get to the second tier there will be steps to be knocked down, or "Special thrown down" like past DOA. The fun part is soon as the opponent is knocked into the second tier phase the room you was previously in collapse and the whole damn place caves in and water is chasing you down stairs while you are going down the stairs there is a broken pipe above that both you pass through soaking the shit out of you. at the bottom there is an emergency door that you both pass through and closes soon as you get past so the wave behind you cant fuck up the game (obviously) but the pressure will be breaking down the door eventually.

So no you are onto the second tier. A sort of pie shaped roomcreatingsemicirclesinppt2007_02.gif the part missing is where you came from. This room will have a few breakable objects that give you guaranteed damage, the area will be sort of semi large so don't have to worry about your ass always getting knocked into a breakable objects. Has no small ceilings so no advantage for characters with throws that knock into the ceiling. That will be it for that room, you have the choice of going through the window to the outside or to a lower lvl through the breakable floor.

You are still within a building at this point so you are way above street level there will be a window that you can hit your opponent into knocking them to the next tier and there will be a breakable floor, however it will take like maybe 3 or 4 throws to get through maybe more hit to get through. I don't want it to be too easy to get through, but don't want it to be too hard either so you will never get down there.

The floor you are on and the one below will both have a way to knock them to the last tier of the stage. the one you are currently on will have a window, the one below will be a wall that's breakable. Since I explained how the above portion works now lets have a look at the part below. If you are successful in getting the opponent through the floor, the next room will be sort of tight and closed a little bigger than home but will also have ceilings. So basically you don't wanna come down here if your character isn't good with these types of spaces, your objective is to now get them to the last tier of the stage. But for characters like Busa, Bass, Hayate, Kasumi gen fu, ect. they will love the place. No breakable objects in this room its basically just tight area to change the pace up.

Now onto the last tier, to get to this you knock them out the window from the area above or the wall on the area below. Once the stage transition is activated the water that was pressuring behind that emergency door is gonna give out. So when you knock them through (window or Wall) I want the camera facing the building you will see the first character knocked out flying the second character jumping, while they jump out the whole fucking building will explode with water blasting out and I want it to be epic, I want the water the spread while it explodes so it leaves a awesome ass cinematic making you feel cool coming out with water and glass/rubble particles behind you and coming past you. And then you hit the street floor.

This tier will have a flat and sloped area. basically the top will be flat with a few breakable objects spread out. The street area will kinda have a surface similar to seaside market obviously not the same context but sort of that kind of slope. and since the the building was filled with water, all the water has now run down the slope and is at the bottom and you will be able to fight down towards there and use the water to your advantage if you wish. That's pretty the stage. I don't have drawing skillz so I can't draw it out.

If someone with artistic skills wants to draw it out be my guest if not its cool, I will try messing around in photoshop and edit the post later somtime.

Lol damn I didn't read your post till now, dunno if I should alter mine abit kinda has some similarities with the water.
EDIT again actually nvm think the only same kinda thing we have is your tier 4 and my tier 1 with the area filled with water. Either way cool stage.

Deleted member 473

This can be a minigame where michael myers is chasing you down the street..

Just having fun here XD


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I still have the idea of having a waterfall in a stage which you can pass through soaking your character. However I haven't thought of the concept of what the rest of the stage would hold.
I had that same idea but the stages weren't original. It'd be the DOA3 beach but at one end would be a series of rocks and a waterfall, you knock your opponent through the waterfall and you're in the ice cavern stage also from DOA3, minus the ice obviously. I think something more original would be better but I'm definitely feeling the waterfall idea.


Well-Known Member
DOA3's ice stage definitely did feel like it was missing an upper level with a stage transition. Not sure if they scrapped something, or if there just never was any.

Anyway, here's another stage concept. Recently I've been playing with the idea of being on top of a moving vehicle as the "stage". My stage probably isn't the most exciting execution of that idea, but I think it gets the job done:

So basically you start on top of a traffic bridge (without any cars on it though, that awful Gambler's Paradise stage can go to hell). Getting knocked off the bridge lands the fighters atop some big truck driving around, where they will then keep fighting until they are knocked off again, leading to some alley or street corner (I was thinking something along the lines of the Downtown stage from DOA2U).


Active Member
ok sorry for taking so long,here my idea

View attachment 2053

I didnt have time to draw all the details, but Im sure u guys get it =´)

first level is the top of the light house, this is suppose to be a crime scene, so imagine a dead body in there and some blood, also theres a heavy storn outside, that means a lot of waves in the sea and thunders everywhere plus rain effect in the glass

danger zones- if u punch or kick ur opponent on the right glass, the opponent falls on the car outside dealing greater damage, theres also a "light machine" (I dont know the name in english) where u can electrocute ur opponent for extra damage.

outside u have the car, and u also have a tree, if u lunch ur opponent against the tree a lighting bolt will hit the tree and ur opponent for extra damage and the tree get on fire, so every time some1 hits the tree again gets extra damage.

note, the red lines are stuff I didnt draw and that I think are relevant, for exemple, this is a crime scene so its isolated, mostly because the place is to big and we dont want to have a stage way to big and with no interaction at all

theres a 3rd level and its the small "beach" area, there no danger zone there just stage effects for an amusing place to look at, as I said before theres a heavy storn going on


Active Member
That is so fuckin awesome!
ahah many thanks =´) ill try to give more detail in a possible next stage for better understanding, but right now Im working on a virtua fighter vs doa draw on my free time, some1 requested a goh and bayman draw in doaworld, Im taking the oportunity to add lion and hayate in the draw too

Good stuff.

Amazing how we can come up with better stages so easily lol
ahah so true.they did an amazing job in character style/design, but they "forgot" about the level design, something that is almost as important as characters in my perspective


Well-Known Member
ok sorry for taking so long,here my idea

View attachment 2053

I didnt have time to draw all the details, but Im sure u guys get it =´)

first level is the top of the light house, this is suppose to be a crime scene, so imagine a dead body in there and some blood, also theres a heavy storn outside, that means a lot of waves in the sea and thunders everywhere plus rain effect in the glass

danger zones- if u punch or kick ur opponent on the right glass, the opponent falls on the car outside dealing greater damage, theres also a "light machine" (I dont know the name in english) where u can electrocute ur opponent for extra damage.

outside u have the car, and u also have a tree, if u lunch ur opponent against the tree a lighting bolt will hit the tree and ur opponent for extra damage and the tree get on fire, so every time some1 hits the tree again gets extra damage.

note, the red lines are stuff I didnt draw and that I think are relevant, for exemple, this is a crime scene so its isolated, mostly because the place is to big and we dont want to have a stage way to big and with no interaction at all

theres a 3rd level and its the small "beach" area, there no danger zone there just stage effects for an amusing place to look at, as I said before theres a heavy storn going on

Good stuff.

Amazing how we can come up with better stages so easily lol


Well-Known Member
Here's mine. (long post beware)

You know that cutscene Leifang has in the train?
1:46 in the video
Why not make that a stage?

The stage would be seperated into three sections: Train Station, Tracks, and Train Car.

This is what it should look like. Trains on both sides. But, there's a twist. The trains can stop and open their doors every now and then (it is a train station). When the doors open, you can go into the train, in which the "Train Car" section begins.

Since the train car was made already, it should look the same. The pole that Leifang leans on (refer to the first video) would be like the trees in the Forest stage. They're just walls.
Another thing, the view out the window means something too! (this ties in with a danger zone so listen up). When the view out the windows looks like this: (not exact)

A new danger zone is available: the seat! You can knock an opponent into the seats when the train is outside! When you knock the opponent into the seats:

They flip off them and they break through the window leading to the Tracks stage!

ill put up part 2 later


Well-Known Member
ok sorry for taking so long,here my idea

View attachment 2053
I really like this! It has sooooooo many potential danger zones. I think it'd be cool to be able to hit someone out the window on the tree side and fall through the tree smashing through branches as they fall, or hitting them through the other side and them rolling downthat hill (which also looks like it could be a stair with slope danger zone, if really like to see those back) leading to a different side of the beach. Or even being able to hit them through the door at the top of the lighthouse and hitting them pver the tail to the bottom floor or knocking them down the stairs, watching them hit their head Everytime there's a turn. Ahhhhhh this IS a fun thread lol