DOA5's lobby system = inefficient


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Coming off 12 years of shooters, perhaps I am spoiled and expect to play the bulk of my time online. DOA5 is now pretty much the only game I play now but often i find myself doing anything but "playing". Instead I find myself joining lobbies with 6 people and only 2 are playing. God forbid you don't win, you are stuck waiting all the while 4 perfectly good opponents are just sitting there twiddling their thumbs.

My question is if there is an even amount of players (say 6) why doesn't the lobby system do 3 1v1 matches and then when your match is done you wait for the other 2 matches to be done and then opponents switch out and you play a person you have not played yet?

I get that the current system hearkens back to arcade days but its terribly inefficient. When I jump on I want to play some matches with real people, not watch others play.

Am I the only one thinking this? I'd love to always play a person on my friends list but that is not always an option. imo this is really something that needs to be fixed as it severely effects the fun I have with the game. If there were an odd number of players in a lobby I wouldn't mind sitting out and watching a match and getting my turn next but watching 4 matches and then finally getting to play for just 3-4 min is just lame and makes learning the game that much harder.


Well-Known Member
That's how every fighter is. You can chat while you wait (or just go away from TV). I'd say play ranked for instant gratification but TN made it so you can get refused, and it's probably still same for 5U.

One thing I'd like them to do is make it so you can practice while you're waiting for opponent like in TR.


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That's how every fighter is. You can chat while you wait (or just go away from TV). I'd say play ranked for instant gratification but TN made it so you can get refused, and it's probably still same for 5U.

One thing I'd like them to do is make it so you can practice while you're waiting for opponent like in TR.
It may be like that in every fighter, but that doesnt make it right.

Unless there is some technical reason why it doesnt work that way then its just ineficcient. Well even smash bros brawl lets you hang out in a training mode while you wait for your match to start, allowing the option to hang out in the dojo while we wait would be much better than the just sitting there. I get the chatting and leaving aspect but when I want to play doa i want to play doa lol plus finding mics in doa5 is pretty rare. I am thinking about hooking up another xbox to another tv so I can play in the dojo offline while I wait. Ridiculous but the only solution i can think of.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
How about the option while you're waiting to request another person (who obviously isn't in the middle of a match and who is waiting their turn like you) to go into training mode with you. If they accept your request you 2 can go into training mode for as long as you'd like or until it's one of your turns to play the winner (which would automatically exit you out of the training). If they deny your request no feelings hurt you just continue watching the normal fight or request another person to train with you.


Active Member
ur totally right , when you lose your turn you should fight the last person who lost their fight , this way you always get 2 fights for waiting in lobbies , who knows maybe u can even challenge ppl in line for their spots how fun would that be , or maybe access reply mode , watch ur last fight while waiting so u can figure out why u lost so u stand a better chance next time , a 2D ping pong table that u can play with other spectators in line , im just saying i shouldn't be able to get through a full episode of Naruto on my laptop before i fight again and this has happened plenty of times


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of lobbies basically being little rooms where you can challenge other people or just talk and watch fights. It's time for online lobbies to stop emulating arcades and start emulating living rooms.


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Not a bad idea actually. It's kind of like how in MK9 and Injustice you enter a huge lobby and can send individual match requests.


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being able to train while waiting sure made Tekken Revolution a lot more bearable. it was also also the ONLY way to train in that game -_-

id take that idea and apply it to all modes and all games not just fighters


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
being able to train while waiting sure made Tekken Revolution a lot more bearable. it was also also the ONLY way to train in that game -_-

id take that idea and apply it to all modes and all games not just fighters

There is a dedicated training mode in Tekken Revolution now.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps the concept of being able to go into training while you wait would work. But, say if there are 8 people in the room. They all split up into 2s. 1 match finishes before everybody else. They're either stuck waiting now, or have to re-fight each other. They choose to re-fight each other. Someone else gets done, it looks like the exact same scenario. Etc., etc. At that point, everyone might as well just be searching for individual matches.

I think it's supposed to feel like you're a part of that group, hanging out with each other. Chatting, commenting on each other's matches, etc. Like you're in your living room with friends. If you're doing 8-player lobbies, that can get kind of cumbersome/boring (just like perhaps in real life). But, I usually try to stick to around 4 people.


Active Member
Standard Donor
Perhaps the concept of being able to go into training while you wait would work. But, say if there are 8 people in the room. They all split up into 2s. 1 match finishes before everybody else. They're either stuck waiting now, or have to re-fight each other. They choose to re-fight each other. Someone else gets done, it looks like the exact same scenario. Etc., etc. At that point, everyone might as well just be searching for individual matches.

I think it's supposed to feel like you're a part of that group, hanging out with each other. Chatting, commenting on each other's matches, etc. Like you're in your living room with friends. If you're doing 8-player lobbies, that can get kind of cumbersome/boring (just like perhaps in real life). But, I usually try to stick to around 4 people.
your scenario its fixed simply by the system letting all 1 v 1s start at the same time and if one finishes a bit early then you just wait while the other fights finish. Then the system just picks out a person you have not played in a while.

Either way everyone gets to fight more and wait less. And imitating the arcade is pointless since most people are either in party chat or dont have a mic.


Well-Known Member
But part of the lobby experience involves watching the others fight. If you aren't really that concerned with anybody else besides the person you're actually fighting, then I would think some kind of quick match option in Player as well as Ranked would be sufficient. Especially if the name of the game is not fighting the same person over and over. What you're talking about kind of negates the lobby atmosphere.

But, I guess the problem would be then a way to make sure you only get to fight the same 3+ people over and over again.