Change Your Hair Color for Free in Nioh 2


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Koei Tecmo games is currently being destroyed & humiliated for their underdeveloped and costly Dead or Alive 6 hair rental service by not only the community, but now the mainstream press. Polygon is joining in an effort to protect DOA players from KT's harsh and corrupt business practices. Thankfully, Team NINJA's stunning Nioh 2 offers hair color customization for free, and you can experience their latest masterpiece for free on the PlayStation 4 with the Last Chance Trial live through until the 3rd of March.

If you want to essentially boycott Dead or Alive 6 until this issue is figured out, but you still want to support Team NINJA, playing Nioh 2 is the way for everyone to figuratively sound their voice. The trial on PS4 will give you free content upon completion this weekend for the full game next month, and there are several other high quality prospects for this game that are shockingly absent from DOA6.

Everything works as it should in Nioh, but the devil is in the details. Implement strategy into your gameplay at the hut where you can fully customize your character however you feel it. This character will even have a render in the summary screens and in other textual based parts of the story. The style evolution since the beta of this game has been nothing short of spectacular.

You can discuss Nioh 2 in our sub forum for the game and check out news. Please enjoy Nioh 2 this weekend and upload replays of your best gameplay action. Also feel free to show us your created character here at Free Step Dodge!


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I understand you guys are fans of TN but you can't advocate giving KT more money right now lol

I'm not going to shit on Team NINJA for the sins of father evil. They are a good team, and like us don't deserve the treatment from KT.

They likely already got their money for the timed exclusive rights and the last chance trial is absolutely free.


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I understand you guys are fans of TN but you can't advocate giving KT more money right now lol

Yeah no way i'm cancelling Nioh for DOA6's problems.

People have to use Nioh 2 as an example rather than a test dummy to get KT to change their ways, otherwise it's helping no one. Maybe people should expand their horizons to try new games if DOA6 took a L last year and this year.

Especially on Twitter, whenever someone says they are going to cancel Nioh 2 pre-order, 8x out of 10 he never even played the first one just so he can use it as leverage. Direct your complaints with DOA and use Nioh as an example for quality content. Exploit them, otherwise it goes back to square one on roasting DOA once more. This comment would make sense if Nioh 2 was abysmal or average and I would of been cancelled it, but since it's neither, we can't exactly throw Nioh 2 under the bus. I'm a big fan of DOA but I am also a big fan of other fighting games on evenly levels, I will most definitely play neutral if Nioh 2 is good until KT decides to fuck their games up, that includes other companies. DOA is no different.

Basically whenever I read anything DOA related with Nioh 2 involved, it's usually "DOA6 is no fun, and therefore the people playing Nioh are not allowed to have fun either".
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I understand you guys are fans of TN but you can't advocate giving KT more money right now lol
I can and I will. Nioh deserves my money. Hair recolors don't. I'll buy the former and not the latter.

Childishly skipping out on the hypest game of the decade because too many enabling dolts kept buying the overpriced DOA "season passes" for years on end wouldn't fix the problem, nor would it artificially pander to rational moral principles.


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The way I see it, this is what we got instead of Dead or Alive 6 being good. Maybe Nioh didn't need a sequel so soon and could have waited till after DOA6, or they could have waited on releasing DOA6 so quickly instead, maybe they could make sure all their products turn out good rather than treat one of them and its fans like crap? Some of my tweets towards KT has been asking why Nioh 2 can be so good and have free hair colour options while DOA6 can't, so I am using it as an example for the good I know TN is still capable of.

I don't know what the right thing to do is in this case, honestly. As long as you're making your own decision based on what you view as principled, I can respect that. Boycott all of KT's products or vote with your wallet for what you see as good rather than what you see as bad, either way is fine imo as long as you're at least boycotting the DoA6 DLC.

If Nioh does well and DoA6 stops being KT's cashcow, will KT just let DoA die and focus on Nioh and other projects with TN? We don't know. There's no way of knowing for sure. Just stick with whatever your principles are in the matter and hope fot the best.

Meanwhile, XBO gamers don't have a choice either way yet again, lol. The cost of true 4K HDR gaming...


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The way I see it, this is what we got instead of Dead or Alive 6 being good. Maybe Nioh didn't need a sequel so soon and could have waited till after DOA6, or they could have waited on releasing DOA6 so quickly instead

It could be a number of factors that we don't know about. Dissidia NT, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 etc. Heck there were some members from within TN that completely left to go work for Square Enix during Dissidia's NT completion for the arcades, one of Yutaka Saito's colleagues and another guy who helped worked with the fan made costumes back in DOA5U/LR and so on. Why? dunno. Higher pay I guess? maybe they wanted to work there and got their dream realized? maybe.

Who knows, it could also be a situation of just development hell and time constraints from higher ups. I also agree that they probably should of waited, though we also wouldn't know with the whole hair color situation since it could of been planned down the line either way. People have to hit up KT regarding DOA.
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@DestructionBomb - Very true. I knew that yet I didn't keep it in mind when I posted that part. I also didn't know some of those details about people leaving. I have considered KT as spreading TN quite thin over probably too many projects over the past while, though. Marvel Ultimate Aliance 3 (which I only learned about TN's involvement after its release and was pretty surprised to learn about it) had help from Nintendo afaik so that may have helped it become a success, meanwhile I guess Dissidia was considered unsuccessful for whatever reason. Nioh on the otherhand has been a huge success for TN and KT afaik, the liked of which they haven't seen since Ninja Gaiden's reboot hit the scene. Any level of boycott against the game we could muster within the DOA community would hardly dent that anyways.

I'd love to see a good interview with TN, any of teams within the Team, lol, where DOA6's development and any opinion of how KT has treated it is brought up. Even an interview with someone for KT. Even an anonymous source comment, lol.


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To preserve the front page from being clogged with the same news material types we've created a collection of 'Mainstream Press & Fan Feedback' for the hair included on the front page. Please post all of your links to outside sources there. This story will be implemented into that news post and still be made available here for discussion at the Nioh 2 board.