Any chance we'll see some side tourneys?

Dr. Teeth

Active Member
Standard Donor
I gave DOA 5 a solid threeish months of play and came to the decision that I just really don't enjoy the game as much as I thought I would and that 3.1 is still the gold standard as far as competitive DOA games go. After talking to some of the other players near me, I found out that they feel the same way and that got me thinking. Obviously it would be ridiculous to push 3.1 totally over 5 as that would be destined for failure, but I was wondering if it would be at all possible to start running side tourneys for this game at majors, or at least NEC/WB/SJ/any other Philly event. I know running one tournament is a major pain in the ass let alone two, but I feel like it could be cool to try and get some more exposure for this game while there's still some interest in 5. I have a setup that I would be willing to bring around if that would help at all.

Of course, there is the possibility that this is a bad idea and I should stop living in the past, but I know I'm not the only one who's let down with DOA 5 and this seems like a nice alternative. Just trying to gauge community interest.

Dr. Teeth

Active Member
Standard Donor
Yeah probably not worth the trouble for what would basically be a 5 man tournament at best. Still, game's more solid than DOA 5, so I don't want to see it completely neglected.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
I say bring it just at the very least so casuals/MMs can be played in rooms.

My biggest issue with it at my events is just that it's taking up one spot that can easily be filled with a game that has people who want to play. Additionally, my capture card won't read the video signal presumably because it's NTSC-J so I can't personally stream it. Third, you have the issue of most competitive monitors having only support for VGA or HDMI, which the original Xbox does not have a default cable that outputs in those signals - requiring a custom wire or even a Component > VGA/HDMI converter which takes up more power slots from the available stations.

Dr. Teeth

Active Member
Standard Donor
Ah I see. I didn't know it was such a technical/logistical mess to run. I'm hoping to attend WB, so I'll bring my 3.1 setup just for fun.