doa 6

  1. B

    DOA6 How long till KOF crossover content is delisted from DOA6?

    As everybody knows, all of the crossover content for DOA5LR has been delisted including characters like Mai. I was just wondering if the same thing is gonna happen to DOA6. More than likely... I guess I better save up and buy the Mai and Kula DLC on Steam. At least we will get a notification and...
  2. Outcastkid

    DOAxTekken Crossover

    If Dead or Alive & Tekken had a crossover game with their series, Hitomi would be teaching Asuka Karate. OSU! Credit to the artist Hanny for this masterpiece.
  3. LordXav1er

    Hood Weekly Online Tournaments - Every Monday @ 7:30PM Central Time!

    Alright all you hoodlums! Welcome To The Hood For The BEST Online Dead Or Alive 6 Tournament Experience Whether you are a PC or PlayStation player we got you covered Monday nights! Brought to you by your favorite hosts @iReally & @LordXav1er! January Registration is Open NOW right here...
  4. cotrienla

    Bass Danger Zone Combos

    What you do think?
  5. cotrienla

    How To Deal With Break Blows

    I was confused about Break Blows for a long time and decided to do some research. Let me know if there is anything else related to Break Blows that we should know about.