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  1. GovTD

    Questions regarding Tourneys and Commute

    I really want to start going to more tourneys, but Gat Damn these things just aren't cheap. Even if you can find a cheap shared-room hostel or something of the like for a day or so, the prices of travel and gas, food, venue fees, it adds up really fast. I just have a couple questions if anyone's...
  2. GovTD

    Gameplans for Tina

    Hey guys, I'm kind of curious. Basically, my question for you all is: When you're going into a match of any kind with Tina, what's the major game-plan you have in mind in how you'd like the match to go? As an example, my mind-set is mainly to get the other guy either really afraid to throw...
  3. GovTD

    Tips on dealing with Jann Lee

    Yeah, the titles says enough. For the life of me, I just can't seem to beat this spastic bastard. I can't seem to guess any of his mix-ups and I can't really see where his weaknesses lay. Anyone got any tips? Like what's his weakest distance to be fighting at? Or maybe what type of playstyles...