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  1. Echo01

    Something I'd like people to start testing...

    I'm watching and the matches are flying by O_O
  2. Echo01

    Dead Or Alive 5 Patch Changes

    SS glitch hasn't been addressed?
  3. Echo01

    A combination of boredom and too much DoA5...

    I think you need to be bored and have a significant intake of DOA5 more all the time. *Demands moar*
  4. Echo01

    Mila Infinite Don't know if this has come already somewhere else, my apologies if so.
  5. Echo01

    DOA 5 Tina Thread

    She does seem quite sluggish, picking her up as a secondary and I'm having difficulty setting up an offence/defending against my opponent's offence. 1K seems good, but I get stuffed out of it more often than I stuff my opponent. Is 4K into BT shenanigans viable? Getting her throws off also seems...
  6. Echo01

    Teach Me How To Dance

    Thanks for the advice. I noticed pretty quickly that 2_8 alone won't allow the character to cover a lot of distance when they step. It's a little intimidating for me right now to try and pinpoint windows in my opponent's offense where I can step and hopefully swing the momentum in my favour...
  7. Echo01

    Teach Me How To Dance

    I'm coming into DOA5 from SCV, where the movement system is pretty fluid. In comparison, DOA is feeling a little stiff, and I'm not sure where to place sidesteps as the majority of attacks seem to automatically track. I really don't like being static in 3D fighters, but I don't know how to...
  8. Echo01

    No counter out of block?

    I've experienced this too, and with that same string. Had a Rig player going in on me with it and my holds just weren't coming out. Perhaps that string deals heavy blockstun which means the hold timing has to be more precise? I'm not sure...
  9. Echo01

    Dead or Alive 5 - Known Bugs/Glitches

    SideStep glitch is bloody infuriating, experienced it during my second online match and ending up furiously mashing 2H+P+K like an idiot at the start of a round to see what the hell was up. Also, experienced a glitch with Mila within about five minutes of booting up the game. Her 214T throw...
  10. Echo01

    Any early netcode impressions?

    DOA5 really, really does not need this to happen to it right now. VF5/SCV/TT2 have smooth as a baby's buttcheeks netcode and for DOA to come along with a reportedly bad netcode is quite worrying. Here's to hoping this is just a hiccough pre-release, or a day one patch is in order. KOFXIII...
  11. Echo01

    TGS Launch trailer !

    Nobody dies in Fightan gaems.
  12. Echo01

    Dead or Alive 5 - Opening Declaration Trailer!!!

    So, Kayane is voicing Helena now. Interesting....
  13. Echo01

    Team Ninja Twitter

    Sounds like they're refining the hands-on experience...
  14. Echo01

    Main Character

    Lisa, though I'm thinking I may try out Sarah as a possible secondary.
  15. Echo01

    Needz ma Lisa reveal <3

    Needz ma Lisa reveal <3
  16. Echo01

    Collector's Edition Mock-up

    Sweat. Everywhere.
  17. Echo01

    Kotaku: Hayashi and Shimbori comment about competitive play

    I am convinced that by this point, Blaze is trolling. Anyway, I first read this article on Eventhubs and the first thing that came to mind was the fact the level of discussion I see on FSD, as well as the documented communication between the DoA community and TN said otherwise about them not...
  18. Echo01

    DOA5 single player/casual thread

    A story mode that looks as though actual effort was put into it. MK9 puts everything on the market to shame right now, and Netherealm's Injustice is being promised to have an even bigger, richer story mode. As much as "who cares for story in FGs herpie derpie" there's no reason to be sinfully...
  19. Echo01

    Who else went O___O and spat out some kind of beverage when they heard about Sarah's five frame...

    Who else went O___O and spat out some kind of beverage when they heard about Sarah's five frame kick?
  20. Echo01

    "Professional" and "Casual" modes in Doa5

    It wouldn't be DoA without dat stage interactivity.