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  1. W

    Defending Against Aggressive Players

    Thanks a lot, I appreciate the response. I think one of my problems is I don't sidestep nearly enough. I guess that stems from being used to 2D fighters.
  2. W

    Defending Against Aggressive Players

    Hey so, I play Hayabusa and a lot of the time I find myself having trouble against more aggressive players. I get mixed up a lot by low attacks and throws while blocking, then once I've been knocked down, they hit me with another low forcing me to get back up... Putting me in the same situation...
  3. W

    New Eager DOA5 Player

    Thanks! I'll add you right now. It'd be great to get a lobby going from time to time with a few people.
  4. W

    New Eager DOA5 Player

    Oh, all right. I'll be sure to remember that. Do you get on PSN much? If you're ever in a lobby feel free to invite me. I know you're probably a busy guy so, it's all good if not. You most likely on Xbox more anyway. On a side note, I heard you and a few other vets might be hosting training...
  5. W

    New Eager DOA5 Player

    Thanks for the welcome, was feeling a bit lonely haha. Sorry if I'm not in the community scoop, but do people not like Master? Anyway, great to get a reply from you, your Bayman is awesome! Sick stuff at the launch party. I do play him, but I felt i was loosing my edge with him. So advice from...
  6. W

    New Eager DOA5 Player

    What's up FSD? Been browsing the forums a lot since I heard about DOA5 coming out and watching a lot of high-level competitive play so I finally decided to sign up to gain more insight about the game. I also hope to make a few friends, get better and maybe even attend a tourney although I am a...