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  1. heyayane

    Character likenesses taken from real people?

    Pretty sure that's Song Ji-eun. She's a member of the K-Pop band "Secret".
  2. heyayane


    Thanks for this great, in depth post of yours! That's exactly what I feel about this topic. Well said. =)
  3. heyayane


    Of course, apart from the fact that DOA is a good fighting game, the way they handle their DLC is sad too, no question for me. This was just an example. And I don't care how much the new frame data option in Tekken might be. 3-4 bugs don't really hurt anyone, but that's not the point for me...
  4. heyayane


    I think that's a shame tbh and should be available to any player for free, as in DOA. These are fundamental things and not some stupid costume. U always hear it's so hard to find and keep new players for a niche franchise like fighting games are. Well then, you should give such fundamental...
  5. heyayane

    Early steps of the ladder

    Pretty nice post! =) Maybe I can get you some insights about Christie in our ranks (currently in C ranks with her). With Christie I find out if you play against people who don't fight often against her or even know the matchup at all, it's somewhat easy to win. But if someone knows the...
  6. heyayane

    Online Lobbies

    Thanks everyone! That's totally true. Usually, I play local with friends or step into some ranked matches, so I have no worries about that. But since I'm new to the DoA franchise I'm only in C ranks currently and my thinking was, I can get some practice matches through lobbies because ranked...
  7. heyayane

    Online Lobbies

    Alright, thank you guys! I'll stick to offline modes for now.
  8. heyayane

    Online Lobbies

    Hey there, I am wondering what's the deal with the online lobbies? I've tried several times in the evening to find some lobby matches. Most of the time there is no single open lobby at all or there is only one lobby with a relatively high rank and very bad connection. Am I doing something wrong...
  9. heyayane

    Dragon Shrine Maiden The Official Momiji Gameplay Thread

    Hehe to be honest, this Mai character sounds great to me! I will probably consider buying both and give them a try. I'm still in the process of finding a main character in DoA, maybe it will be one of the two ladies (or even both).
  10. heyayane

    Dragon Shrine Maiden The Official Momiji Gameplay Thread

    I am very interested in this character! So far I liked playing Ayane (obviously ;D), Kasumi, Christie and Phase 4. I am torn between Mai and Momiji, both seem kind of fun to me. So as for a new player, which of those two are consired "the better option" or should I buy both? =)
  11. heyayane

    Season Pass Mess

    As a new player to this franchise, I have to agree with literally all of this! I am a long time Tekken and Soul Calibur player and I have never experienced such negative energies as drastically as in the Dead or Alive community. The subreddit of DoA is almost 100% full of negative energy, you...
  12. heyayane

    Character Key Moves

    These links seem to be exactly what I was looking for. I'll take a closer look at some of them, thank you very much!
  13. heyayane

    New to FSD? Introduce yourself here.

    Oh, this is awesome. =) And thank you!
  14. heyayane

    Character Key Moves

    Hey everyone, I wonder if there are some Character Guides sort of introducing the Key Moves like this: I know that practicing a certain character is always the best method, but these guides helped me a lot to get used to certain characters in Tekken. Are there similar ones for Dead or Alive?
  15. heyayane

    New to FSD? Introduce yourself here.

    Hello, I am new here. I discovered this forum recently and I really like the tonality here. :) I enjoy fighting games like Tekken and Soul Calibur, playing local with some friends most of the time because I am pretty bad. :D Started playing Dead or Alive a few months ago and I find it to be a...