Search results

  1. MasterReDWinD

    Best ways to practice movement

    Hey all, Does anyone have any good training drills that help develop better movement (towards and away from the opponent)? I'm finding it difficult to practice this in a match when there's already so much else to think about, plus I don't want to come across as messing about and wasting other...
  2. MasterReDWinD

    Looking for a training partner(s)

    Hey, I feel like I've hit a bit of a beginner's wall so I'm looking for a training partner who's willing to go over some fundamental concepts or character specifics. If I can help you with anything too I'd be happy to. I'm a UK XBL player.
  3. MasterReDWinD

    Arcade stick gate query

    I've read a lot on forums about not riding the gate on an arcade stick. Most people agree that when performing circular motions this is bad practice. However, resting on the gate is generally deemed ok for sustained blocking/crouching or charging. I've found I bump the gate a lot. It's...
  4. MasterReDWinD

    Critique my game

    Hello fellow Hayabusa players. As the thread title goes I'm wondering if someone on xbl is willing to play a few games with me and help provide some direction to my training. My experience in fighting games prior to DOA5U is casual and I'm presently suffering from information overload! I've...