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  • I hate when people try to excuse losing saying things like "Oh if we were playing such and such, I would've won...", get over it. There's no point making excuses, a loss is a loss no matter what game it is xD
    I wish someone from KT would interview various DOA players of different characters so they would get a good idea of what we want, I'd love to be interviewed xD
    I feel like Tekken Lili players are so far behind in regards to tech, like idk how it's news in 2021 that anything with jump properties beats the bears' floored ground attacks xD
    Ugh great, my sister picked up Kazuya so now I'm gonna have to start crouching his hellsweeps and stepping his unblockable on reaction way more >.>
    Random drunk food for thought, but have you noticed besides the normal high level players and NY based players that it's also interestingly the gays/bi players who be literally milking their FGs dry for tech on their characters to be the better players? I always found that interesting xD
    I wish it were possible to play DOA4 smoothly on PC, I played doa2, and dimensions on it but doa4 is still eluding me till this day xD
    Must be nice to be Tekken and KOF, getting new stages and bringing back old demanded characters and fresh new characters everyone likes while DOA still hasn't got anything xD
    T..J. Bernard
    T..J. Bernard
    Meh, it would've been nice if this was like season 2 or something. Now the games too bloated, too many bogus moves, and after the S3 DLC debacle (Literally every character that came out in DLC was broken or near it), I'd say the majority had enough of T7. We just now got the devs being "active" on the cheaters and that's still an issue as well. KOF though yeah it's kinda nice. We'll see as they progress.
    Bandal Namco is giving love and support to their fighting games unlike KT. Team Ninja will forever be their slave.
    Not necessarily. SCVI pretty much has stopped getting content after Season 2. Tekken 7 & DBFZ have gotten quite a bit of support because they sold a lot. If T7 or DBFZ sold like DOA6, Bamco would've dropped the game after like 5 months like with SCV.
    The new Tekken 7 Tekken 4 Beach and T5 Poolside remake remixes are <3! I don't like the new "I'll give you pleasure..." much but the reverbed vapor effect they added and the higher pitch make it a worthy successor to the OG Poolside! xD
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    Reactions: GreatDarkHero
    What is your thought process towards Lidia? A good portion of her moves actually *are* based on proper Shotokan concepts...
    I think she's more a technical stance based character compared to other karate users so it definitely adds more variety and makes her more unique xD
    I think this week I may go back to LR and try again as Kasumi for the next tourney. There's not really a difference between LR and 6 her besides the new strings and her stuns being longer so maybe I can just learn to revert between which game I play her in xD
    @Force_of_Nature I know how to SE but I just need to learn to use it properly instead of all the time when I don't want to hold xD I like in her both games but I feel she's more finished string wise in 6 but her stuns are somewhat better in LR tho xD
    Feel you there @Force_of_Nature . Personally I just hated doing it because there were times where it leaves me crouching getting hit on NH, but I definitely won't dismiss it that SE be saving lives in a good way lol.
    Real talk though, SE is not that scary. There are stuns in the game that SE does not work at all, such as crumple stuns etc. It was programmed that way to ensure SE doesn't become too powerful while retaining same stun advantage.

    You can kill a lot of people that relied on SE, and I know 100% that character Kasumi has killed a lot of people that relied on it lol, you got this KL I believe in you.
    When tekken releases the new polish girl, I hope she'll wow me since while I'm interested in a new nationality and mature girl, her being blonde like all the others and having a scar like Master Raven kinda seems redundant, although maybe the short trailer is to blame for the limited presentation xD
    she's like MILF type, old but agreed no scars cause she's a prime minister
    Yeah, no scars because god forbid someone with a high function has scars on her body.
    Tekken should be buried until Harada fires Murray. He ruined the game with literal pay 2 win, bad balancing and his stubborn nature. All new characters sucked and that polish chin looks like another lazy character design. Amish Nina with Jin hair lol
    DOA didn't get stuck with that image until Xtreme beach volleyball and when they began adding swimsuits in the main games, it was the staff still who made the choice to add it in(in reply to the I'll informed status below me)
    I finally reached S-!!! I never thought I'd live to see it but my efforts were finally rewarded!<3 Now I can finally take a break...
    If Honoka had the range she lacks in DOA6, I really feel like she would be called OP and the best in the game since she has everything but that xD
    Eh..well. Range was one of her main issues but she also had other small detrimental issues. Most of her kits forces her to go into a stance which is easy prey for interruptions, her neutral approach is average, and there are quite a bit of options that an opponent doesn't have to respect, some mids and lows in particular. A character can be up-close all day and still win technically, despite her being an i9/i11.
    Fun bit lol. Gen Fu also has piss-poor range, but this was mitigated by having everything else amped up for him (vortex, parry etc.), even his up-close offense was that much greater which Honoka doesn't have that luxury, no easy setup parry bait shenanigans, a lightweight, and she has to rely on some opponent's mistakes just to perform etc.
    If they did adjust all that, I'd imagine she would be, but that's too weird for TN lol.

    Jokes aside, if there was no CH backdash (because her backdash is good actually) and some throw break system, she'd actually be relatively powerful that might get picked up by even more people because she'd have no fear to be up close against other speed types or run-up throw classics.
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