Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • despite being way more familiar with DOA I feel like learning characters in SC is much easier :/
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    the fact that game is not as string heavy and that there's a great disparity between the usefulness of moves helps, but it's cool to just be able to pick up new characters with ease, something i have a much harder time doing in doa for sum reason lol
    Probably because SC is easier to play than DOA.
    There's not many "extra" mechanics in SC so it feels that way. It's really straight forward. Only thing that might be difficult is the just frame stuff.
    Hold up! U can get booted from lobbies mid battle in SC6?! What kind of bullshit is that?
    Honestly, RE isn't even a big issue anymore. It's still abusable & can be dumb, but very easy to deal with. Characters have a way to stop it before it even happens if you don't opt to sidestep. I hate the idea of it just as much as the next guy, but it is useful & can be dealt with. Still think it should cost meter though.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I actually think connection wise the online is pretty good, i feel like i can react to most stuff as long the connection is a 3 or over, and alot of what i get hit with is unfamiliarity (like i didn't know nightmares 6A has auto GI that counters high mid and low until yesterday!), but yeah things like being able to use custom characters in rank and salty lobby masters who can kick you in the middle of a fight is dumb
    I'm talking about RE online. Offline it's steppable, loses to break attacks, unblockables along with 3-hit or more strings having a good chance of stuffing the RE. It's just that RE feels annoying to react to online, making dealing with it just prediction, adding yet another layer of guessing when on the offensive. SCVI honestly would probably be better if RE never existed, especially since GI's are free now.
    For a character who seems so popular, you rarely see Lisa being played, both online and offline, what's the deal with that?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    are most Lisa players arcade mode monsters who don't care to face off vs human opponents? Or is there sum secret lobby they play in that only Lisa players know about? Explain!
    As much as I hate to say it, Lisa isn't really popular compared to the other DOA ladies. Luckily someone at TN likes her, she will likely have story relevance, and possessing an interesting and unique enough moveset to justify her inclusion in DOA6.
    before coming here I thought lisa was that underrated doa character since I never came across many players or fans, here she's like beyonce status lol
    oh dam, never realized that being soul charged in sc6 actually freezes the timer, so if you're ever in danger of getting timed out just pop a soul charge and go nuts lol
    RE, SC, and CE all freeze the timer, that's why 60 seconds is more than enough time for a round.
    Sacrifice meter for time in the clock.
    Yeah, that's why YOLO SC is a thing. I honestly don't like majority of the new mechanics added to SCVI. Makes the game feel like more of a nuisance at times due to all the "counter" stuff you have to account for (RE, SC, meterless GI's covering all strike levels, etc.).
    I have a new appreciation for what tekken fans went through when lucky chloe was revealed :/
    You have to admit, I think Noctis was a paradox mistake within Tekken where he was meant to be in Soul Calibur this whole time but Okubo didn't know that Namco acquired FFXV's mothership title rights.

    As for Negan, yeah that is some weird shit. I like Negan too, but even I thought he was a weird entry idea where they could of gotten better guest choices there.
    Yeah, I thought that Noctis was intended for SCVI but the release was too far off or something, and due to Tekken 7's popularity, Namco & Squeenix went with that instead. Hell, Noctis even feels like a SC character in T7 with those ranged attacks he has.
    not gonna lie, NiCO getting the Bayman Backkhand to the face is my favorite part of the new trailer
    So with doa6 customization you can mix/match costumes, hairstyles and glasses, not to sound like an asshole but couldn't you already do that in doa5? I guess now it applies to all costumes instead of a select few, but still though...
    Huh, the creator of Dark Souls and Bloodborne just won a lifetime achievement award at the Golden Joystick Awards, Naisu.
    well miyazaki is one of the most creative minds of the gaming industry so no surprise . his sekiro will also blow ppl's brains like souls and BB did.
    Spyro has become my new unwindy game, no heavy plot, no character arcs, no overly long cinematics, just run around and collect shit
    Been playing the original trilogy on ps1(emulator of course) and I'm really surprised that Spyro 3 aged very well both graphically and gameplay-wise. All three games are great "I just want to run around and do stuff while keeping platforming in mind" games. Nothing is really that frustrating. Well, almost, Spyro 2 has exceptions. Have to pick up the trilogy on ps4 soon.
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