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Nameless Sama
Nameless Sama
\(^-^)/ Thank you \(^-^)/ After I watched the announcement of Final Fantasy 7 HD Reamke I was so in Hype. My childcold and my first PS One game. I cant wait to see her in action O.O. Ada Wong ;) I really like her too.
Lol, me too! :p I might've lost interest in the newer games, but I'll definitely get the VII HD Remake whenever I get a PS4. Cx I used to play VII a lot as a kid, lol. Cx Me neither, lol. Tifa is probably, like, my favorite FF female character ever. Cx

Ada is so awesome, like OMFG, I love her.. XD My favorite RE female character for sure, lol. Cx Maybe even one of my favorite females in all of gaming, tbh. :p
Nameless Sama
Nameless Sama
I like FF15 but I couldnt buy it , because I dont have a ps4 either. I have already found a job where I saving my money for the ps4. Yes Tifa is awesome and beautiful. She isnt so annoying and arrogant character. Besides her look she has ..... my dirty ind again >_<. What I REALLY WOULD LOVE if we could play as Zack after beating the story mode O.O. Zack is my favourite male character.
Nameless Sama
Nameless Sama
Ada I really like her look but her character got me more. She doesnt talk baout her own feelings and mind , even she is in the spotlight. She has a lot fo screts and that makes she so interesting in my opinion.
Nameless Sama
Nameless Sama
After Ada I like Clair , because she isnt so strong , when it comes to the millitary combat or tatics , like chirs or jill but she has still heart and beauty. I really respect her :p. Which look of Ada do you like more her RE4 or RE6 design :eek: ?

I am so currious what happend to Billy Coan and Steve Burnside. Damn you Capcom >_<
Lol, that's good, then! :p I might buy a PS4 very soon, lol. :p Tina is indeed SUPER beautiful, lol. Probably the most beautiful FF female, and yes, the least annoying one as well. XD OMFG, I love Zack too!! <3 I'd love to have him playable after the story!
Yeah, Ada is beautiful, but her character is really what gets me as well. She is so mysterious, and she hides pretty much everything about herself. "Ada Wong" is not even her real name, presumably. :p Her character is what makes her just SO interesting to me. Her looks do not hurt my opinion either, lol.
After Ada, my favorite is probably Jill, because she is just so strong and confident, and a great agent. I've always loved all of her appearances in the games. :p Claire is a close third, to be honest. I just LOVE Claire as well, but I find Jill slightly more interesting. :p

I actually prefer Ada's RE6 look over anything else.. XD Her outfit in 6 seems way more practical than her dresses.. XD