Free Step Dodge

Ah Pyrrha same XD! I mained her at the start and subbed Leixia and Xiba later. Hmm I got bored of the game (I miss Cassandra) and the scene online, and I just felt like a radical change lol.
Saying that, when I play DOA online the lobbies have too many people - I hate waiting around so I just go to lobbies with 1/2 people lol. And ranked is way too hard for me - I'm trying to boost my rank by playing against A+ to Ruby players but they own me all the time its disheartening XD
Good! You saw greatness in Pyrrha too then lol.
You got bored of it? It fun tho lol unless you miss certain old characters.
Yep I've started with SC2 so Cassandra was my main for 2,3 and 4. But when 5 came out my heart broke when she wasn't there lol.

Pyrrha is very safe and funny with her constant apologies while she's stabbing her opponent XD. But she doesn't have Cassandra's attitude which I miss lol. I might get back to it if but I wonder if the scene online is still strong?
lol I hate waiting too, so I just sometimes make my own lobbies. I prefer eith 4 or 5 people max. There are some good ruby ranks but some are not. I dont play rank much so im only an A. They will fear my 4 of Jann Lee, Momiji, Hayabusa. And Helena lol.
Pyrrha is very cute and funny lol well with her saying please forgive me after she stabs you with her sword lol. She is safe which good. She my favorite in SC. Also like Natsu. I like arrogant/cocky characters lol.
I just can't react to Ruby rank players, and every time they beat me they have to overkill -_-. Haha I think I'll fear your quad team too, having watched your YT clips >_<!
Ah yes I played Natsu often too - her teleports are cool lol. Pyrrha is kind of a troll you know, saying sorry and stabbing the opponent like there's no tomorrow lol. Man its been ages since I've touched SCV O_O. I bet I'm not as good at it anymore XD
Im guessing you get nervous? Which is perfectly understandable. Haha well all 4 are pretty aggressive. Momiji is a perfect secondary for me cause she got that awesome spacing. And Hayabusa too because he's Hayabusa lol. And Helena cause she great especially at evading highs and mids lol.

There will be more videos to come though lol. Trying to get well with Hayabusa at the moment.
Yeah in a way I guess Pyrrha is but she truly is sorry lol. It like she would say "im sorry but I have to kill you" xD

you should get back into the game plenty of people still play it.
I realised that I hold after getting hit every time lol. Someone told me I should stagger espace but Its just something I always forget to do. I somehow have to put it in my muscle memory or something lol.
Jann Lee seems like a perfect secondary for me but I still feel a bit off when playing him lol. Must play him more in arcade mode lol. Ryu I've never played his command training XD. That Izuna drop seems really hard to do :\. And Helena seems fun but all her moves to learn is just too much XD
I know where she's coming from and tbh her story is really sad :(. Hope if another game comes out she's healed!

I may do some time soon :)
stagger escaping is good to do if the stun they put you in not huge other wise it can't really be stagger escaped but good against sit down stuns.
That good to hear but takes time to get used to but im sure you will get used to him. I got used to Momiji easily lol. Hayabusa's izuna drop easy to do. I use d pad to do first part than the 2nd and 3rd part I use analog stick since it easier. Also Helena's moves not to hard to learn. It not too bad once you get use to her style.
Yeah it indeed is and she was malfested :(

Good to hear because the game fun and Pyrrha is fun lol.
Ahh OK so it was completely bad that I didn't stagger escape haha.

I liked Helena when I first played her but when I went through her novelist I thought omg this is too much haha. But I'll give her another try maybe after Jann Lee. As for Ryu I think I'm just being lazy lol.

So when did you start scv? I started since launch which is probably why I had to take a break hehe
Yeah some situations it good to stagger escape

If you need help remembering easier I usually just group certain moves that I would know. like moves off 3p, or 44p and remember that easily after wards cause I know the follow ups after a 3p or 44p.

SCV I didn't get until very late like this year lol. Easily found a main though.
I usually run through the command training several times but I didn't think of grouping it together. Nice idea hehe

Ahhh OK lol I thought you'd like maxi because of his martial art lol
Yeah so like 3p, 6p, and know the follow ups after wards and becomes easier to remember.

lol why would I like Maxi?