Recent content by RikWeaN

  1. RikWeaN

    Famitsu: Ein and Jacky (VF) enter DOA5U with New (Returning) Stage

    Is it ? Usually, 6pk ends with a knee, here it looks like a regular kick... could be a new different string starting with 6p altogether.
  2. RikWeaN

    Famitsu: Ein and Jacky (VF) enter DOA5U with New (Returning) Stage

    Ponytail for Hitomi, and her jacket is back... nice, I guess. Now if they could buff her moveset so she's actually viable, that would be better.
  3. RikWeaN

    New DOA5 version announced (Momiji!!!)

    Now if they could use the chance to fix the damn netcode and make the game actually playable online, that would be awesome. Cause new chars is cool and all, but being able to actually play the game online, now that would be a real improvement.
  4. RikWeaN

    DOA5LR Ayane Combo Discussion

    Pretty violent Ayane combo using Scramble's Danger Zones, found by BonuStage from the French DOA Community :
  5. RikWeaN

    Did anyone notice this? (Mila's face? 24 total characters?)

    A French gaming website uploaded a vid from the Story Mode before removing it. People could snap a few screenshots. Here's Mila :
  6. RikWeaN

    IGN's 12 Days of DOA5

    Was expecting someone would say this ... no surprise it turned up to be you as you seem to go in full force lately. That's why I anticipated and suggested to go FULL JP next. But hey, I'm starting to get used to people using my choice of words against me around here. You know what ? You guys...
  7. RikWeaN

    IGN's 12 Days of DOA5

    Agreed. Told us he would go JP today, but he lied ;_; English voices are a pain ... please have mercy and go full JP from now on. I also wonder why he won't hide the display ? Just a quick push on Select should do the trick from what I can gather. Anyway, those are minor complaints, the vids...
  8. RikWeaN

    IGN's 12 Days of DOA5

    Simple fix to the low hold issue : Just make it so the hitbox of the character can still be hit by high attacks. Voila. Problem fixed. ... I'm serious, this single fix would put an end to the problem without even having to tweak the recovery or whatever, I'm surprised they didn't think about it...
  9. RikWeaN

    IGN's 12 Days of DOA5

    True that. DrDogg, think you could enable JP voices next time ? (Unless you were told to use the English ones of course) That would be awesome.
  10. RikWeaN

    Gamescom Updates

    If so, then I'll be as happy as you. I would just rather avoid jumping to conclusions too fast, until we get official statements... which should happen soon enough anyway. TN Twitter just stated info about online modes is going public this week.
  11. RikWeaN

    Gamescom Updates

    I want an online Sparring Mode as much as the next guy, but these screens scream online spectator mode to me. Move Details can be displayed in every mode, bottom options look like stuff you could be allowed to do as a spectator (reset stage could be related to the ability to control the camera...
  12. RikWeaN

    Gamescom Updates

    Same goes for Leon actually ... what about his relationship with Bayman and Zack ? Or even Jann Lee ? They had unique lines in Versus in previous games, and even shared a few cutscenes in Story. There would definitely more to tell about Leon, he's got as much unfinished business as any other...
  13. RikWeaN

    Gamescom Updates

    Well, Alpha152 was actually seen in official footage, and so far the same has yet to be said about Leon. Conclusion ?
  14. RikWeaN

    Gamescom Updates

    No offense, but what might make you think that ? For what I can tell from these screens, it looks like regular online matches, except it's spectator mode and they appear to have move details displayed.
  15. RikWeaN

    Gamescom Updates
