Takeda Chronicles: Ayane, Ayane, Ayane... -sigh-

Too many people use Ayane and play her in an online heavy fashion thus giving her a bad name. XDest's Ayane was a thing of beauty.
He's not, last we spoke he said he was done with DOA and sticking with Blazblue because he enjoys it more.
Yea there we go. Xdest.

I hope he comes back... Eventually.
Honestly I can't remember. It wasn't exactly a memorable name. That's not me being an asshole or cocky its just, there's so many unmemorable Ayane's. Only ones that ever stood out to me were you and GreaterTurtle (forgot his other name).

You like that advanced mid hold combo tho?
Ayane gives a lot of people trouble. Fighting in close doesn't exactly hinder her. She can fight fine at any range: Close, mid or far.


Oct 2, 2014 at 12:51 PM
Posted by TakedaZX
Ayane troubles me. Yes ain know she's very good but the strange thing just people seem to enjoy going in as her rather than staying strict to that spacing game. The sad part is it works... sometimes.

In this match I wanted to expose a set up for just her but I had a hard time catching that situation. Needless to say it was an alright match.
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