RANT Why Dragon Ball FighterZ is NOT a true "fighting" game *READ DESCRIPTION*

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Sep 13, 2022 at 4:52 PM
Posted by NyaMiyamaFighter
0:00 How should a fight feel?
1:31 The full ranked match replay
How many times did the Vegito/Gogeta player have to make a read? I counted 3 times.
How many times did I as Ein an my opponent as Tina have to make reads to get our perfects/greats? I counted at least 8.
Most 2D fighters are NOT fighting games. They are HITTING games. There's a difference.
Don't feel proud when you win in HITTING/Combo games. You didn't defeat your opponent. You disabled their ability to move so you can win solely with muscle memory. I'm not impressed.
I just felt like ranting because I'm frustrated that people like GARBAGE gameplay. No offense. If you don't like my opinion, don't watch my videos.
And this game has no block button. I don't care how effective cross-ups "need" to be. DnF Duel HAS a dedicated guard button, and people seem to like it just fine. Even so, that game is broken as well.

I'm not saying Dragon Ball FighterZ isn't a good game. From what I've seen, it's a fantastic Dragon Ball game... until you do multiplayer. That's when it all goes downhill.
I'm in no hurry to compete online, nor did I expect to like this game or plan to get good at it.
So WHY did I buy it you ask? The game was 80% off. lol
I like the DB English anime dubs. I'm a fan, but this game is still trash IF you call it a fighting game... Because it isn't. Looks like the anime, but DOESN'T FEEL like it.

What annoys me even more is that I believe Team Ninja made DOA6 essentially 1-stun max height launch, diverging from DOA5, a near flawless game that only failed because of the excessive amount of broken moves that could easily have been patched out. I guess this new direction they went with 6 was their attempt to appeal to people who play the more popular fighting games and enjoy doing NEVERENDING combos.
But what the team needs to remember is that we have ENOUGH of those kinds of games. DOA needs to stay one of a kind. I'm bored every single day because almost no game developer knows how to make a fighting game that's deep, fun, and also fair.

95% of what people cluelessly consider fighting games are utter cheap, broken, annoying garbage that only require half a brain to win. Again, no offense.
DOA is 30% mastering buttons and 70% mastering YOUR OPPONENT.
And that's how it should be.
When you watch a martial arts movies, which video game more accurately translates those quick-paced, back-and-forth, suspenseful action sequences into its gameplay?
It's not BlazBlue nor Marvel vs Capcom, I can tell you that.
Street Fighter 6 has a new parry mechanic. "Oooh, exciting!" No, not good enough.
That parry is just a perfect guard. It's not a mid-combo counter/combo breaker. It doesn't reverse the situation in a seamless, engaging, realistic manner like DOA or a well choreographed movie fight scene.
I'm the kind of person who is easily inspired by cool things and likes to imitate what I see on tv. Not many fighting games offer this experience.

I was bored and had fun making this video. DOA is ahead of its competition in almost every way. Koei Tecmo and Team Ninja need to make sure it doesn't deviate from what makes it awesome.
DOA5 and 6 are not balanced games. I don't even like playing them most of the time; but they had the potential to be incredible, because the idea behind the combat system is pure genius.

To clarify, I'm not trying to be mean or say you shouldn't enjoy the games you play. I just want my opinion to be heard. If I say nothing, improvements will not be made, and I'll never have anything to enjoy like the rest of you do.
One more thing: DOA is disgusting, so you shouldn't play it unless you want to be tempted to sin (lust) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
I miss making videos. But I'm not playing anymore until it's figured out how to make the Break Hold consume more than 2 gauges of the Break Meter. Trash, noob, idiot, dummy, scrub mechanic. I will not completely disable it unless there isn't any other option.
My Dragon Ball Team: Goku (Super Saiyan), Piccolo, and Android 21 (Vomi). I don't intend to try playing this online competitively. I bought it as I am a DBZ fan.
I like Piccolo because he's proven to be a very dependable person. Only chose him because of his personality. lol Green and purple are cool colors too.

*Newest DOA7 Ideas: https://youtu.be/FrBRwtNQL3U
*The Ugly Problems with DOA6: https://youtu.be/ERLaNX8sugg
*GMV Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ4KscFO109ym0r0BN8mmGtM-C3YlouLF
Featured Video of Mine: https://youtu.be/-T9bL8fxg5s (Hitomi GMV)
*Most recent rant: https://youtu.be/SEZIyL6o8X0
Please like the video. If it gets a lot of likes I'll remove my insulting comments and send it to Team Ninja.
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