Thanx Sweetrevenge i enjoyed playing with you you are mad good i feel like i can get so much better just by playing you.
This is between yall so I'm gonna stay out lol. Anyways gg Muslim today. U have potential
I'm not trying to prove anything here you are just upset that i uploaded a video of you losing so i proposed a first to five in order for you to show that your better.
Let me clarify this once more i thought all our matches where good fights i only uploaded this one because i won im not trying to lie about this. But hey like i said everybody only upload video's of them winning.
SweetRevenge, it's not about people's perception of me. It is his mindset that bothers me. The choice to upload the only replay of him winning because he considered it a good match, despite having lost after that. I can only assume he did not think those were good matches, because he did not upload them. That's what bothers me.

And TheMuslim, what will doing a first to five prove? What are you aiming to settle? I wouldn't mind doing it, but what is your point in wanting this?
Tnx for the offer mate but its up to HaJin, im more than willing.
Can't really remember your GT but yeah i picked her up just to learn to fight against her :). Although i must say im starting to like her more and more by the day :) thanks for the compliment btw

Awesome matches man(Winter brawl) congrats on first place :) keep it up.
@Lasmir If you guys wanna throw down and play a FT5 I'll be happy to record and upload it ;)

Btw you have an awesome Helena, I played you a few matches last night and you destroyed me.

Here's some of them.
Dang man you got first nice bro you even beat that baldez guy i was with him in a room one time he was whooping ass like no tomorrow respect man good job. I totally agree with you man everybody loses a match since not everybody is always playing at their best. I guess i need to be more careful with what im uploading from now on since it seems to be a delicate matte,r anyways you got any links where i can watch those winter brawl fights? Let me know cheers.
Themuslim I'd consider myself a good player. Check out the home page on the recent tourney results :) even if someone uploads a match of me losing I get annoyed, but my resume of my DOA career speaks for itself and no online loss will change that. People will always doubt u and troll u anyways. Besides I get my sweet revenge and would upload the truth lol
@ Awesmic
You should really start caring less about stuff like that because those are the kind of stuff that gonna make you hate a game and lose sight on what is actually important which is having a blast playing the game
I diden't even know you where in this forum until you commented on this video, i diden't know and still don't know who you are to me you where just a random S+ player. I uploaded this game because it was the one i won against an S+ and of course that is the one im gonna upload just like anybody else.
Im not gonna start a discussion here about who is better if you want to show the world that you can beat me very easily i would gladly fight you to a first to 5 so you can whoop my ass and show the world that you are much better. I dont care about being better than you or anybody else for that matter i play the game to have good fights and i actually enjoy very much fighting people who whoop my ass because that makes me get better at the game.
Now i don't know why you are reacting like this if apparently people know you here and they know how good you are so why be so insecure about yourself and act like this on a random fight you happen to lose after i clearly explained to you having no bad intentions and making no claims based on the outcome of the match other than it being a good fight.
I joind this site and uploaded video because i just finished my paper and could finally use my two day trial to play DOA online. It was my first day playing DOA online after i dropped DOA4 a couple of years ago i usually play DOA offline and believe me that is where it truly counts to win or lose. This game has this replay upload feature so you will probably get other video's of you losing so i suggest you start caring less about this because otherwise its just gonna be very stressful for you if you keep defending your self in every video in which you lose and that is no fun which beats the entire purpose of the game which is having fun. Sweetrevenge is a good example on how to act in situations like this, he thought i was trolling but after i clarified i wasn't he gave the whole matter a rest and even asked me to add him to have some fights now thats what makes a good player and is something i have respect for although i haven't played with him before i can tell he must be very good so im looking forward on playing him.

Im sorry you got upset by me uploading this video here, please try to understand that unlike you im not trying to make any claims based on the outcome of a fight and im not trying to be popular here. If you are interested in a first to 5 i gladly welcome you since i could use some hard fights right now other than that have a nice time playing the game.
SweetRevenge, as much as I wanna agree, you'd be surprised just how shallow some people really are over random online matches and how quickly their word of mouth travels... it's like wildfire, and the less knowledgeable people just eat it up. Then when you want to muster up the courage to teach people how to play DOA based on what you know, they look back at said footage where you lost and write you off as garbage. I should know. It's happened to me. It doesn't matter how humble you are or how kind. This is the main reason I'm still having difficulty overcoming my fear of the stream.
Dang hajin its not THAT serious.....people know you're good. Dont let it bother you. One random online match won't change peoples perception of you
the fact that you joined FSD just yesterday to upload this crappy video is not the best way in starting to get to know the DOA community. You are really starting off on the wrong foot.
that's not the point. the point is that this replay is a completely artificial portrayal of my playing ability AND yours. We must have fought like 5 matches after this. Two of them were close, but I do remember 3-0 you for at least one of them. I took the crown from an S, and then lost to you, and then I proceeded to own the room. So yes, it is disrespectful. You are showing me in a light that is not true, and making yourself seem as though you are better than you really are. This is not me at my best and you know it. Because when I actually put in effort, I beat you.

And no, I do not fight the same whether I am fighting an S or an F. You are not me, and you have to basis in saying that. With an F, I don't mix up, I go with more lows, more bokuho throws, and do more mid kicks, in order to avoid being spam countered. I do things that an F would normally fall for without having to put in much effort. With someone who is skilled, I play by outsmarting my opponent, and that takes effort. This match, I did not put effort into. The other matches, I did. That is why I won against you every time after that. I lost this round because your grade is misleading. You should really be an S or an S-.

It's ok to only put up videos in which you win. Many people do that. If I am playing a friend where our matches go back and forth, or I play someone I don't know who I continually destroy, then I will upload the video. I will not in any case, EVER upload a video against someone where I beat them once despite knowing that I usually lose to them. (It doesn't matter that some of them were close, I still beat you.) You uploaded this video despite having lost all the matches after that. You only consider this a good match because you 3-0 me. Another match where I beat you 3-2 in the NYC stage is probably not considered a good match to you, because even though it was close, you lost. You have no decency. The fact that you won this match, saved the replay, lost to me a bunch of times, and then had the nerve to upload the only time where you won afterward is immature. The long process you had to go through to upload it to freestepdodge shows that you had the willful intention to deceive. By uploading it to facebook, then downloading it to your computer, and then uploading it to youtube and then posting it on FSD proves that. This match is not my best, and you know it.
There is nothing disrespectful about uploading a replay of one's fight. Also you fought every match the same whether it was against an S+ or F and all of our fights where close(5 round fights) so don't try to make it seem like you owned me that is also not right. Like i said im not trying to make any kind of point with this video everybody in here who uploads a video upload only the one in which they win so if what you are saying is correct then everybody is being disrespectful and people should only upload replays if they win almost every time against the person.
and on a side note, I will never understand why people use the English voices for this game.
if i normally lose to someone, (like when you lose to me for example) I am not going to turn around and upload a replay of me beating them in the rare chance that I win. That is disrespectful. You had an F+ grade, so I took you for a noob. It shocked me when you guarded my low kicks that round, but it really set in by the end of the match when you won. So for EVERY SINGLE MATCH after that, I fought you as someone who is familiar with the game, and knows how to play, and I won. every. single. time.


Mar 10, 2013 at 6:09 AM
Posted by Lasmir
My first Upload enjoy im pretty good with Jann Lee i hope you enjoy the fight and any feedback is welcome
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