DOA5(PS3®) HITOMI vs AYANE (Gill Hustle) 2013-02-26

I didn't mean to come across rude if I did, I had a headache and it seeped into my comment a little lol. I agree it's not the best string in the world, and I mostly just use it to bait a low counter. I wish Ayane could spin from the 6k though, that'd be awesome haha
6K2K is easily punishable offline, and it is fairly easy to interrupt as well if it's delayed. It is not a good string, which is why I'm always telling players to use it sparringly. Just because something works online due to latency doesn't mean it is fail proof in an environement where latency does not exist. Just because a certain player doesn't pick up on something, doesn't mean you should get into the habit of doing it over and over again. If you get into the habit of abusing online tactics, then it will surely be incorporated into one's playstyle.
I'm implying that it's a player related thing. If someone is letting you get away with something there's no reason to change unless you're forced to. 6k2k isn't that hard to react to online, and I've seen people use it enough in offline play.
@Dallas: Are you implying that abusing online tactics is a good thing? I hope that is not what you mean.
Abusing 6K2K is an online tactic. Don't get in the habit of overusing it so much. As for 3H+K, Your better options are; BT P, BT PP, BT 6P, BT 6K, BT 2P, BT 2K. If you don't use an attack, you'd simply do BT 8P to be at neutral and be relatively safe. 3H+K > BT 8P > 3H+K is an excellent bait and whiff punish technique.
Somehow I knew you'd end up critiquing me :p. I know 6k2k is bad but sometimes I feel I can get away with it ONLINE when I just FC 6K a few times. I saw they caught on to BT4P so in it's place what would suggest to condition for it?
Don't rely so heavily on 6K2K, it's easily punishable on block. Doing BT4P after a 3H+K is a bad idea as well because you're risking too much in hopes of a 15 frame high crush to hit from an already very safe move and setup. Other than that, good stuff.


Feb 26, 2013 at 2:57 PM
Posted by Gill Hustle
Me laming it out o n PSN again :)
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