Akira (SlyBass) vs Hayate - How to mash

I'm going to assume that the "mash" in question is at the 38 second mark. Allow me to explain my use of 33P+K. I'm in a sit down stun, 33P+K is a crouching while rising move. Now if I'm in a sit down or knock down state, 33P+K gives me an unfair advantage that crouches under mids. Some call it a bug, I call it a secret that very few if any know about. If you watch any of my other videos, you'll see the shenanigans in action where I crush mids. Since you don't have low catch grabs, the only thing you could do to counter me would be by using a low strike. Statistically, the odds are in my favor.
Lol why you complain when you wait to long to connect the 33kk for the juggle, that had nothing to do with button mashing. Sly sensed the throw you want to do instead. Well thats the triangle system, deal with it.
Thanks. Guys akira is nasty, won't deny that, just surprised that he'd take such a big risk.
Decent Hayate, EL; good job on the low-grab-baiting.
Oh, I never said mashing, I just said, "Akira's a douche." because he is. Sorry, guys, but I just can't stand him, lol. To each his/her own though, right? Haha.
Hmmm. Sitdown stun, Complete disadvantage, Still Mashing moves out... I don't know man. Maybe I was seeing stuff.
I saw it, but I still don't quite understand where the "mashing" aspect comes from.
Gotta be a little more humble in defeat, Explicit. :\
Interesting... cause I know that to be true as a Hayate player myself...I withdraw my previous statement but ggs on both ends regardless
The hayate in the video was me, so you can edit the name. The reason I said that you were mashing was because after I did 3pp, I could have done 33k and got pretty much guaranteed damage, considering you were mashing out moves from complete disadvantage. I gave you way too much credit. GG.
Yeah, if I got that close to winning and still lost, I'd call it a good match. I spent 4 years getting called a button masher playing Kasumi in DOA4. I know dem feels.
Its a shame too... the Hayate was really good. To ruin this good match by making up a lame reasons why they lost
Akira's a douche, lol
Just close your eyes and beat on the controller like a chimp to play like this. Scrub-tier Akira :p
Spam punching and kicking more, noob


Jan 6, 2014 at 10:55 AM
Posted by Sly Bass
Got called a button masher after this game finished. So take notes everyone, this is how you mash with Akira.
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