DOA5UA More Marirose For You

im not going 2 like im most likely am going to use her in DOA6 because Pai wont be there so she will be my replacement for Pai and Eliot will replace Akira...maybe idk lol.
After looking @ da vid again (other than her whining, lol), her style reminds somewhat of a cross between Pai and Harley Quinn from Injustice (seeing as how she's sorta comical). Then again, maybe it's just me.
I think she'll be good button-masher for noobs, lol.
We are going to be seeing a lot of crying Marie Roses once that patch is out. Ha
I'm not a fan of marirose either. I just liked the gameover screen over her.
Well, if she's not, then that's great. If they say her age is 18, then that's fine. However, if they were to give her an age younger than 18, what then? Do ya see my point? If the DOA series wants to get more attention, by saying Marirose is younger than 18 (if that be the case) and they bring here to the states, they'll get that attention, just not in a good way.
I swear to God, everytime I see Marie Rose footage I keep thinking Konami and TN collaborated to make a better Castlevania game with DOA characters...
Who says she's a child? I've got chicks I know my age, 4'10 without big tits. They're 23.
Anyone else besides me have a problem with Marie Rose? I mean, it's one thing to dress up grown women in next-to-nothing clothing, but it's another to put the same kinda clothes on a child! Even her lose pose shows her crying like a baby. Does this not bother anyone?
@Cylith - Be careful Cylith lol. The Marirose fans might write on your wall and say "EYYY YUUU LEAVE MAH MARIROZE ALONE YA!"
Still don't like her that much. Her overall look and voice are annoying to me(that losing screen is terrible). I'm just not fond "loli" characters in anything though. I just don't see the allure. I do like her taunts though lol.


Jan 1, 2014 at 9:19 PM
Posted by DestructionBomb

What made this video special is that it brought tears of joy of a game over screen. Jesssssss More Tearz.
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