DOA5(PS3®) HITOMI (Sett) vs HELENA (ninjaguy446)

Yeah, it works wonders and takes like half there health with all the looping. Thats why i love fighting higher level players, since they block a lot. Or low level players that counter a lot, but the worst ones are the button mashers who dont stop hitting.
Yeah, my main strategy is to loop 214F+P if I can. I don't depend on it all the time, though. And I'll usually loop it twice; sometimes more if they me. Once they start striking (or when I think they will) instead of holding I'll do 6PP 1K into either BKO or BT and they usually hold. So, once they hold if I do the BT F+P 3PP and agaian they'll usually hold so I'll do 214F+P and continue to loop them.
33P4P will always connect. That said, in the new patch they put you at a disadvantage against a smart opponent; you, and the rest of us, may need to learn how to deal with it appropriately. There are other enders, but 4P2P is just objectively not that great. And, yes, you can tech them off the ground even if you have not used handslaps to get them there. The 6P, along with other moves, operates entirely on its own. You can practice it on a downed opponent in the training room who you knock down with, say, 9K.
As to stylistic changes; they're little things that every player does that are distinct to them and are not necessarily right or wrong. For instance; your default strategy seems to be to loop 214F+P more than once. This is acceptable as a first line strategy. Do I prefer it? My sense of most opponents tends to be that they will attack after the first loop (second throw), and will instinctively go for a strike. You're not wrong bias going for the throw again (because the only thing that will make it right or wrong is your opponent), but I don't think you're right, either.
When in doubt 33P4P. It connects out of ever launcher almost.
Sorry, I had this open in another tab awhile ago so I didn't have the new comments. Okay, I'll try to fix my mistakes and add your suggestions. Thanks so much guys! :D
Okay. I didn't think 33P4P would connect so I did 4P2P instead. I wasn't sure if doing Block 6P techs them even if you didn't just do handslaps. So if they don't tech whether or not you've used a handslaps enter then you can still force tech them? Didn't know that which would've been helpful to know lol.

Stylistic? Which parts are you talking about? Lol I don't try to be stylistic. Haha, I guess it comes off that way. Thanks for the feed back.
Yeah, that's what I meant. And I'm not sure about the 360 specs... wasn't really paying attention, as I just record whatever I need on capture card.
If you mean 214F+P then yeah, ill do that if i accidentally forget to hit the 6PP. But after the patch can the 360 even upload videos outside of facebook?
Another trick (this is a touch gimmicky, but it works) is simply to use the BKO throw after 214H+P. They're gonna expect the two guaranteed hits and will try and block a follow up from those. In doing so, you can often get a free throw. Just... don't overuse it.
What now is 214+P 6PP then 214F+P 6P4P 66K, then begin the pressure game. You have so many options after BT 66K. These the moves you should be using a lot, ones that give you more options.
Also, I mistyped 4P2P as 4P6P, and noted "BKO throw combo" as "BKO combo" on your other video. Excuse the rushed typing.
Doug is dead on about the 214F+P 6PPK (though do you always loop it again afterwards?). I happen to be on PS3 myself if you wanna see that/work on it.
Just a tip when you do 214F+P and the enemy ends up near a wall, you can do 6PPK-6PPk. Its guaranteed and does good damage. I just saw a few opportunities you could of done that. Hopefully the 360 gets the patch soon, so i can show you how i play. Its kinda hard to explain since i keep the pressure on my opponent but it depends on how they are playing.
One thing you might want to try is being able to quickly transition into BKO from neutral and tech them up if they don't tech. You're in good form doing it when already in BKO.

Not exactly sure what happened at 0:35. Someone wanna explain that one to me really quick? It didn't look like a threshold issue, but perhaps that's what happened.

Off of small launchers, you're doing 4P6P. It's not really working, but because most of us are adjusting to the post 33P4P world, I don't have a definitive better answer. 1KK might be a superior pressure option.

I think that's sufficient for now. There's some other minor stuff that almost falls into stylistic questions. I'd consider those two the primary takes-aways specific to Helena. It's looking good right now, actually.


Feb 7, 2013 at 5:04 PM
Posted by ninjaguy446
Criticism welcome, specifically Doug.
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